Part Three: LIVING THINGS -- Memories

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[November 9, 2012]

The album was finished, the tour had begun, and Mike's daughter had been born. Time was passing in a way that Mike couldn't slow it down. Couldn't stop to savor the moments. Couldn't escape into blissful moments of denial when it came to Chester. They were busy, so busy, with music and interviews, shows and lives, wives and babies.

So when Mike opened his eyes that beautiful summer morning in Cape Town, he was immediately consumed by the way Chester was looking at him. The way time slowed and blurred and all he could see was Chester's soft, sleepy brown eyes and the slow, sweet smile that crossed his lips. His little bit of curling hair and the way his hand reached for Mike's in the space that had opened between them over night. He felt peace sink over him in that moment, the first time he'd felt content and relaxed in months.

"Morning, 'Noda," he whispered, and Mike smiled back.

"Morning, Ches. You look... happy," Mike said softly, squeezing their fingers together.

"And you look rested," Chester answered. "You must have slept well last night, you didn't even move."

Mike considered for a moment, then said, "nothing like knowing you have the day off and you don't have to wake up for babies or Brad's breakfast to leave you feeling rested." He'd somehow managed to talk their guitarist out of the traditional 8:30 am breakfast they always took as a band on tour. The promise of spending the day together while Chester and Dave went hiking seemed to do the trick.

Chester rolled his eyes. "Brad. It has been nice to sleep in, on this blissful off day in South Africa. You sure you won't come with us up to Lion's Head? It promises to be spectacular, Mikey, I can't believe you don't want to go."

"Chester, we've been through this. Hiking way up there is not my thing." Mike shuddered as he thought of the cliffs. Sure, the scenery would be breathtaking, and he'd love to see it- if someone could just helicopter him to the top.

"Not even to protect me from going over the side? What then, Mikey? You gonna sing my parts?" Chester pulled his face into mock concern, complete with a pout in the emcee's direction.

Mike giggled under his breath. "You're so dramatic. I more than trust Dave to keep you safe." He nudged his face into the pillow and closed his eyes against the tempting visual of Chester's pouty lips. "And nobody is singing anything but you, no worries there."

They lay in silence for a few moments, their fingers laced together, before Chester whispered, "it's been the best few night's sleep, you know? And to know we're back home soon-"

"Shhh," Mike said, his eyes cracking open. He moved his arm from under the pillow and placed a fingertip to Chester's lips. "Stop that. Let's worry about going home later."

Chester looked at him for a few moments before the sadness lifted from his eyes and he said, "it's been fun, this first part of the tour. I love this album."

"Me too, it's been fun to do this one live." Mike contemplated his bandmate for a moment before he asked, "what's your favorite one to perform off this record so far?"

Chester's response was immediate. "Lies, Greed, Misery."

Mike chuckled. "Of course it is." He shook his head and smiled as Chester shrugged at him. "I love watching you take over Lost in the Echo."

"Ooh, yeah, that's a good one for you, too. You're so..." Chester paused. The word 'sexy' came to mind, but he skipped over it in favor of saying, "intense in that one."

"I could say the same for you, Ches. Intense." Their eyes held for a few moments, and Mike felt the stirring of desire in his stomach the way he always did when thoughts of Chester singing, screaming, consumed him. He took a deep breath, watching Chester watching him, thinking about things he wanted but couldn't have.

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