Part Two: ATS -- The Morning After.

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This chapter based off this LPTV clip:

When Mike opened his eyes the next morning he was surprised that he'd fallen asleep in the studio. His phone was on his chest and a legal pad had dropped to his side, and a sinking feeling crept over him as he remembered the way he and Anna had left things the night before. They had always tried not to go to sleep angry at each other, but he'd gotten out of bed and showered instead of talking with her, and from the looks of things, she hadn't bothered to come check on him.

Fuck. Anna's probably so pissed at me. It's not going to help that I've got a full day planned with the guys, either. Mike scratched under his ear and sat up, his back stiff from sleeping on the studio sofa. Grabbing his phone before it hit the floor, he glanced at the time as he stretched out his back. He had just under an hour to be at the band's favorite breakfast place, and to somehow try to talk to Anna. Making things right with her was something he didn't want hanging over his head all day.

He picked up the legal pad and skimmed over what he'd written the night before, as he and Chester talked their way through more lyrics before he'd apparently fallen asleep. It looked as though they had actually filled in a lot of gaps and reworked several words, and Mike was feeling good about getting Chester home and in the studio that afternoon.

With a smile, he tossed the lyrics on the desk and made his way to the bedroom to get dressed. It was quiet, Anna having already risen for the day, the bed made, the curtains drawn back to let in the light. The room looked cold to Mike- clean and neat, but emotionless, and he paused, trying to put his finger on what was missing. Maybe it was just time for a new paint color, something warmer. Maybe they needed to go buy new sheets, or a new duvet cover. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and headed for the walk-in closet, quickly plucking out a long sleeved button down and a pair of dark wash jeans for the day and throwing them on. As he brushed his teeth he surveyed his hair in the mirror and decided to just wear his gray knit beanie instead of bothering with it, opting to use that time instead to see where things stood with Anna.

He could hear her sing-song voice talking with Otis as she made his breakfast, and with light footsteps he bounded into the kitchen, his smile wide.

"Morning, honey! Morning, Otis!"

Otis clapped happily and reached his arms up for his papa from his seat in the high chair, and Mike greeted his son with a kiss and the ruffle of a hand through his hair, the same way he did most mornings. By contrast, Anna merely mumbled "morning," in Mike's direction as she placed a plastic plate of small pancakes and sliced bananas on the high chair tray, careful to scoot around Mike as she did so. She was already out of arm's reach by the time he glanced in her direction, the happy mood fading.

Otis was distracted by his bananas and Mike watched Anna move around the kitchen in silence for a few moments before he said, "sorry I fell asleep in the studio last night."

"Mmm-hmm," was the response as Anna wiped down the granite with a cloth.

After a few seconds he tried again. "I intended to come back to bed, it just got late and-"

Anna cut him off, her eyes on the countertop she was cleaning. "It usually does."

The silence stretched thin between them as Anna avoided eye contact and Mike studied her closely. After a minute, he replied, "I wish you would have come to get me, like you usually do."

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