Part Three: LIVING THINGS -- Forgotten

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A bit of trivia important for this chapter: Chester really did refer to Mike in LPTV 67 as "Lyricles", pronounced Lyric - lees, similar to "Hercules".

Other song lyrics included are from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something.


[February 14, 2012]

Mike was already behind the console, clicking away at the computer screen, when Chester waltzed into the studio, fifteen minutes late.

"I've got some lyrics, today," Mike greeted happily in Chester's direction, his mood light. He watched as the vocalist took off his jacket, and smirked. They were matching. Again. Gray tops and black pants. It was happening more often these days. "Got some lyrics up in this bitch!"

"Lyric-les," Chester returned, tossing his jacket onto a chair. "That would be your Greek name, Lyricles."

In a fit of Chester-induced giggles, Mike hunched over the keyboard, laughing, "Lyricles..." he tried to click on something but couldn't control his laughter. "Lyricles, dude that's amazing."

Chester plopped down, looking over the lyrics Mike had printed out for the days work. After Mike calmed down, they tossed a few phrases back and forth, and Chester googled a few things, before he went to the piano to play around for a bit while Mike worked. Chester knew he was being a distraction, and they were only going to work for a half day today. If anything were going to be recorded, he needed to just let Mike do his thing.

But a few minutes later, Mike called him back over. "Hey, come look at this. I'm not gonna sing it, just look and tell me what you think."

While Chester looked over the words, Mike stood up and stretched, looking around to catch sight of what everyone else was doing. Brad came and slid into Mike's seat as he was standing, leaning over and checking out the lyrics with Chester.

Taking the loss of his chair as an opportunity to walk around, Mike went to where Dave was messing around with the rhythm tracks for the song and looked over his shoulder. "Lookin' good, we're about ready to get Chester in there and finish this up. Just need to finalize with Brad."

"Looks good, man. I love this line, lost in the burning glow, I've always liked that line." As his eyes connected with Mike's, who was on his way back to his computer, Chester took his cue and got up, retreating to the couch and snagging a donut on the way over.

Mike had just sat back down with Brad, who was pointing at two words he didn't like, when Dave ruined his jovial mood.

"You know, after spending the morning here, I hope we all have something extra special planned for tonight. It being Valentine's Day and all."

Mike turned away from clicking the mouse at the computer and looked at Dave. "Valentine's Day? Shit."

Brad rolled his eyes from the seat next to Mike, leaning over and looking at the screen more closely. "Damn, Mike, I don't know how Anna hasn't left your ass by now. Yeah, it's Valentine's Day. I thought you knew that when we all said we could only be here a half day today."

Mike looked around at four of his bandmates, who were all staring at him curiously. I fuckin' forgot Valentine's Day. Shit. How did that happen? He knew exactly how it had happened. He'd been so wrapped up with these lyrics the past two days, he'd been so close to getting everything right for Buried at Sea that everything else had become secondary, even eating. It was always like that when he could feel a song getting close to crossing the finish line.

This album was coming together so much easier than the last one, and Mike knew he wasn't the only one who was relieved. They all agreed that A Thousand Suns was a great album, and their favorite so far, but the stresses that went into the making of it were some they could all do without this time around. He knew that was why this particular holiday had gotten away from him this time - he was fully immersed in the album and the creative juices were flowing easily. He didn't want to stop. He'd been in a fantastic mood, and now...

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