You're Not Gonna Like It

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Dean had just got done with dinner at Seth's place and had helped Seth and his mom wash the dishes, Mrs. Rollins was the sweetest woman he'd ever met, very pleasant and polite

"We're gonna hang upstairs mom," Seth informed her, she smiled and nodded

"I'll bring up some brownies in a while," she told them and they went upstairs

Dean followed Seth into his room and sat in his desk chair while Seth sat on his bed

"So, what the hell happened?" Seth asked, adjusting his glasses and Dean blew out a breath

"So like I just came from gym class and I realized I didn't have any clean shirts in my gym locker, so I went to the locker room, I have like 3 shirts in there cuz like it's a scene after football practice," he explained and Seth rubbed his chin and nodded cuz he knew first hand how gruelling football practice could be

"So there I am, just pulled off my shirt and all of a sudden, the door opens and I think it's one of the guys, so I don't turn around, then someone wraps their arms around me and starts running their hands all over me and I turn around and push them, and it's Renee," Dean explained, Seth bit the inside of his cheek

"She starts saying shit like how Addison will never compare to her and how she's had dreams of us having sex and how she'd love me to make her scream and stuff," Dean explained and Seth cringed, what the fuck was that girl's deal?

"And I start yelling and saying how she's insane and she pushes me against the lockers and kisses me, I put my hands on her to push her off but she has her hands in my hair and she's pulling hard whenever I push her, so I can't move my face after and then-" Dean pauses, getting choked up

"Addison walks in, and-" Seth shakes his head and pats Dean's shoulder telling him he doesn't have to continue

"I fucked up so bad," Dean says, letting his head drop in his hands and Seth chewed on his bottom lip before he smirked

"I have an idea, you're not gonna like it, but it'll get Addison back," Seth said and Dean looked up and Seth smiled, and told Dean his plan

"Why are you helping me? I thought you'd think this was the perfect time for you to get close to Addison," Dean mentioned and Seth sighed and loosed his bun, ruffling his hands through it

"I love Addison Dean. I love her more than I've ever loved anyone before. She loves me Dean, she loves me and cares about me alot," Seth said and Dean bit his lip, yeah, he figured she did

"But even as much as I love her, or however as much she loves me, she loves you 10 times as much, I've never seen two people gravitate towards each other like you two do, it's crazy," he explained and Dean smiled

"But now I lost her forever," Dean said exasperated

"Not if we follow through with the plan," Seth told him and Dean sighed

"You think she'll take me back?" Dean then asked and Seth rested a hand on Dean's knee supportively

"One way to find out my friend," he said with a winning smile

"I'm really uh sorry, about not being your friend earlier on," Seth said, brown eyes glassy

"It's just that there were so many-"

"Rumours," Dean finished nodding his head

"It's fine dude, I get it, no one wants to be friends with the trash kid, who's own dad didn't even want him," Dean said, waving his hand dismissively and Seth sighed

"I shouldn't have believed them, and all this with Addison, I know that she's in good hands with you and uh-"

"It's cool, we're cool, we can try being friends now if you want," Dean mentioned, sluggishly shrugging his shoulders and Seth smirked

"Dude, you came over to my house, ate dinner with my little family, charmed the hell outta my mom, now we're in my room and said charmed mom's gonna bring us brownies soon, and then we're gonna play some play station, I think we're past being friends," Seth said with a laugh and Dean blushed

"Here you go boys," his mom said, putting down the brownie plate on Seth's desk and she smiled at Dean's 'thank you' and his charming dimpled smile, what a nice boy. Seth waited till she left to smile nice and wide at Dean

"You any good at Call of Duty?" He asked and Dean shook his head, he didn't really like video games

"Perfect," Seth said smirking, easy game

Addison sat alone in the front yard, she was on the egg chair with her guitar, the rain was drizzling, not full on storm but there was a light rain, which Addison always loved

"Everywhere is still, everything is restless in my heart, I hate the way this feels, suddenly I'm scared to be apart, the days are dark when you're not around, the air is getting hard to breathe, I wish that you would just put me down, I wish that I could go to sleep," she sang, strumming softly on the guitar, images of herself and Dean flashing through her mind

"Loving you is suicide, I don't know should I go or should I stay, I'm tryna to keep myself alive, knowing there's a chance it's all too late but I heard you say you loved me, that's the part I can't forget and I wish that you come save me cuz I'm standing over the edge," she sang, seeing Dean smiling at her, kissing her, holding her and she felt tears well up in her eyes

"I should let you go, tell myself the things I need to hear but my brain is wired wrong, that's why I'm loving you when you're not here, feels like I drown in your every word and every breath that's in between, somehow you get me where it really hurts, it's killing every part of me," she had to stop and go back inside because the tears came quicker and warmer

She curled up on her bed and cried, the image of Renee and Dean, HER Dean, her boyfriend, kissing made her clutch at her shirt where her heart should be and squeeze to try and somehow numb the pain

"How the fuck?" Seth exclaimed as Dean just made 3 times as much kills as he himself had

Dean looked up at him innocently, Seth was standing, staring at the TV in shock and then he blinked and looked at Dean

"How are you so good? I thought you said this was your first time playing?" Seth asked and Dean nodded

"It is. Maybe you just suck," he said and hid a smile as Seth's eyes narrowed and he took up his controller and sat back down

"Alright hot shot, let's see if you could do it again," he said, resuming the game

About 8 minutes later, he threw down the controller and leaned back, staring at Dean's smiling face in exasperation, he had ten kills and Dean had twenty six. 20 fucking six.

"I'm beginning to think you hussled me," Seth said smiling as Dean laughed and yeah, this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship

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