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Dean sat calmly in his art class, they weren't allowed to work on their projects. They were supposed to be working on something they loved

Dean didn't know what he was drawing, he just squinted as the pencil spoke to the paper, the teacher was at her desk, looking at something on her phone

Dean sighed as he picked up his colour pencils and started shading inside the lines. Dean loved art. It was his escape from everything. Just like music was Addison's

Addison. He smiled internally as he thought about her, he'd grown to like her, she was such a nice person and hadn't treated him different when she found out he had aspergers. She was the same caring person to him before she knew and was the same person after she found out.

Dean had never met someone like her before, she was beautiful inside and out and was so just and fair. He thought about that rose necklace that was clasped around her neck, every single day, the way Addison held onto it he knew it had some kinda meaning to it

He smiled calmly as he continued drawing as well as thinking, Addison surely was something else, best friends? That was a foreign term to Dean but the first day when she talked his ear off, he knew she had him hooked

She had this innocence about her that Dean loved, almost as if she had her child like state of being still. Dean also couldn't forget how when he'd look at her smile or when she touched him, he'd forget all his problems. That was it for him

The bell rang and Dean put his sketch pad in his locker as he passed it and picked up some money from his bag for lunch, though with Addison around, he doubt he needed it

He didn't go the cafeteria, instead going to his spot under the tree, he saw Addison already sitting, the warm breeze blowing her hair around and he could practically see her long eyelashes resting on her cheeks from where he stood, she looked so calm and peaceful

He slowed as he came into her orbit and he smiled at her, sitting down, taking a deep breath, letting that sweet vanilla scent take him away

He smirked and leaned close to her, being as quiet as possible

"Boo," he whispered and she jumped, making him laugh as she put a hand on her chest and used the other to push his shoulder playfully

"You're a jerk," she said smiling as she watched fondly at him when he threw his head back and laughed, his blue eyes squinted and his dimples popping, pink lips separated

She smiled at him and handed him the brown bag with his lunch, he thanked her and began eating

"Can I ask you something?" He spoke up and she nodded

"Your necklace," he began and her hand instinctively went up to clasp it

"Is there a story behind it?" He asked, biting into the homemade pizza slice

"It was my mom's, she died a long time ago," she briefly explained and Dean nodded

"And the cuts on your wrist?" He asked, squinting with his arms folded

She froze, pizza between her lips, when Dean asked her the worst thing he could have asked

She didn't think he saw them, they were old cuts, fading away but then again Dean always said he loved to observe. She instinctively tried to shield her wrists from his gaze but he was adament and caught her hand before she could

He looked at both wrists, a litter of scars decorated the tanned skin and Dean stared at them

"Why? You're the one of the strongest people I know," He said and she smiled sadly as he kept inspecting her skin

"The strongest people have their weak moments," she replied and he looked at her then back at her wrists and ran his fingers over the scars that were still kinda jagged

He gently pressed kisses to the deeper scars on each of her wrists

He finished and looked up at her to see her eyes closed and her bottom lip tugged between her teeth, when she felt his fingers on her jaw, she opened her eyes and looked at him

"Promise me that you'll never do this again," he beckoned and she gave him a small smile

"As long as you promise to never change who you are," she replied and he grinned, putting up his pinky finger, she chuckled and linked hers with his and smiled

She'd never tell him that she had cut a few weeks ago when she had found out she had to move in with her dad. She hated moving, but she loved her dad. The cuts Dean kissed were from that day. She knew she wouldn't cut again, nothing could ever hurt her more than when her mom died, nothing. So that promise to never cut again, she could keep because nothing could hurt her anymore

Dean was just happy to know more about her, she was an intriguing young lady. He nearly cried when he saw the scars littering her wrists, he just got her in his life, she was the best thing he had going for him right now, he wouldn't know what to do if something were to happen to her

He sat there, watching her as he ate, he smiled to himself when she fluttered her eyelashes when there was sun in them, she turned to him and began talking about what they'd do for their biology project and that was a moment he felt completely at peace, just listening to her talk

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