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Addison sat by the foot of her bed with her knees drawn to her chest and her chin rested on her knees. She looked at the varsity jacket that was draped over the back of her desk chair. She bit her lip and walked over to it, picking it up and running her fingers over the material and then she ran her fingers over the name at the back. There was 'AMBROSE' in block letters, she inhaled a shaky breath

Dean's scent was still embedded on this jacket. She walked over to her guitar and sat back down, leaving the jacket on her bed. She strummed a tune and took a shaky breath

"I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house, that don’t bother me, I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out, I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while, even though going on with you gone still upsets me, there are days every now and again I pretend I’m okay, but that’s not what gets me," she sang, closing her eyes

"What hurts the most, was being so close and having so much to say and watching you walk away and never knowing, what could have been and not seeing that loving you, is what I was trying to do," she felt her heart cracking as she looked directly at the varsity jacket

"It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go, but I’m doing it, it’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone, still harder getting up, getting dressed, living with this regret, but I know if I could do it over, I would trade give away all the words that I  saved in my heart, that I left unspoken," she didn't know how to cope anymore

"What hurts the most is being so close and having so much to say and watching you walk away and never knowing what could have been, and not seeing that loving you, is what I was trying to do, oh."

"Not seeing that loving you, that’s what I was trying to do," she finished the song and put the guitar to the side and took another shaky breath, her heart felt like it was aching

She looked at the smiling face of her mother on her dresser and tightly closed her eyes

"I'm sorry," she said and she turned the picture around. She didn't want her mom to see her like this. She took off her necklace and stared at it. The rose seemed faded now but how could it be? Maybe since Dean left, the way she saw the world had dulled.

She stared at the rose necklace in her hand and sighed, pressing a kiss to it before clasping it back around her neck

She looked at her guitar pick next, the picture of Dean kissing her cheek, was mocking her

She felt alone. She saw people everyday but now that she didn't have her best friend anymore, she just felt like she was by herself all the time. Knowing Dean resented her, she'd admit, depressed her.

She looked at the window that Dean would always find a way to come through to spend nights with her

"Addison?" Her dad called up to her and she walked down the steps

"Yeah dad?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen and saw her dad in his work uniform

"I made spaghetti and meatballs," he said and showed her the pots

"I'm heading to work now, you gonna be alright?" He asked and she forced a smile and nodded

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, I love you kiddo," he said as he pressed a kiss to his daughter's head

"Bye dad," she replied and he shot her a smile before he left

She picked up a plate and put some of the food on it and sighed as she put some in her mouth, she barely got another bit in when the doorbell rang. She went over to the door, pulling it open

"Hi." Seth said with his usual warm smile

"Hey," she replied in a breath

"I know you said you were busy but I was hoping you could take a break and we could go for a bite," Seth said

"Seth I-" she began, already planning to dismiss him

"Please?" He asked, shooting her his best kicked puppy look, sweet brown eyes widening and lips in a pout and she bit her lip

"Lemme get my coat," she said and allowed him to come in

She put her food in the microwave and ran upstairs, taking up her coat and making sure she was dressed for a night out

Seth smiled as he looked at the baby pictures of Addison on the mantle. She looked so happy in all of them, not like she looked as of late. She seriously needed some cheering up and Seth would be very happy to be the reason for her happiness

"Ready?" She asked as she came back down and he nodded with a big smile

She and Seth walked down to the diner and she froze, the entire football and cheerleading teams were there

Seth went to order and sent Addison to sit down and she was fidgeting. She could just feel the eyes on her

"Yo Rollins!" Randy called with a smile and beckoned him over as Seth came back over to the table

"Gimme a second," he said and walked over to where they were at the table

Addison pulled at her sleeves and stood up, she didn't wanna be here, with them so close, she was about to leave when Seth grabbed her wrist and she winced and quickly pulled her hand back and Seth tilted his head

"Why are you leaving?" He asked and she clenched her jaw, knowing everyone at the table's eyes were on them

"Go hang out with your friends Seth," she said, turning to leave again but this time he stepped in front of her

"I came here with you," he said and Addison felt like crying

"Seth, leave the girl alone, she's accustomed to people leaving her, her mom probably killed herself so she wouldn't have to deal with having such a bitch of a daughter," she heard Renee say and Addison turned to her in shock, how did Renee know that her mom was dead?

Then her eyes went to Dean who was staring at her and she felt her eyes water. He betrayed her.

She looked at Seth who had his mouth open in shock.

"Addison, I-" Seth began

"Don't." She said

"Please don't," she pleaded, watching as his mouth shut

She looked at Renee's satisfied look and rolled her eyes and walked out.

She walked all the way home by herself and as soon as she was home, she went up to her bathroom and spilt her blood onto the floor, The Fray's 'How To Save A Life' playing in the background.

She couldn't believe Dean would tell Renee about her late mom. Sure, it wasn't true but her mom was always her sore spot, she could be in a fist fight, beating the fuck outta someone, one word about her mom and she'd crumble

She looked at the cuts on her hand and the blood splatters on the ground and she smiled a bitter smile

One day, she'd meet her mom again. She wouldn't be hurt anymore. One day, she'd be happy. She'd be in her mom's arms again. She took up the picture and stared at her mom's smile

"Some day, I'm gonna leave this place behind and I'm gonna come to you, I can't wait for that day. I love you mom," she said, closing her eyes and pressing a kiss to her mom's forehead in the picture

She blinked back the tears and decided she'd cried enough, she turned to the varsity jacket and picked it up, deeply inhaling the scent and she felt her eyes water again

"How could you?" She whispered as she stared at the small word over the school's logo 'Dean' was there in caligraphy

She bit her lip and made up her mind of what she was gonna do as she went to bed.

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