First Name Basis

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Addison walked over and sat down next to him

He didn't look at her but he watched her through the side of his eyes and turned his attention back to the board, fiddling with the loose strings that came from the cuts in his jeans

"Hi." She greeted with the same smile on her face

Dean didn't answer so she just continued on, talking about whatever she wanted to and Dean forced himself not to smile. When the teacher came in, he was in relief

He pursed his lips and that's when Addison noticed the dimple in his cheek

"So," she leant closer to him and whispered

"What's your name?" She asked and watched as he side-eyed her and narrowed his eyes at the teacher

Addison sighed

"Aw, c'mon, this isn't fair. I've known you for 20 minutes, I think we've reached a first name basis." She said in a teasing voice and he pinched his thigh as to not smile

"Ugh fine," she dragged after a few moments of silence and he glanced at her

"I'll just call you-" she paused and then grinned widely and honestly he was getting accustomed to seeing that sunshiney smile

"Sweetcheeks," she finished and Dean resisted the urge to sigh out loud

"Wanna know why?" She asked with a sly glint in her eyes and when he didn't say anything, she kept talking. Honestly, though he would never admit it to himself, he found it endearing

Then his eyes narrowed and he tensed as her finger pointed his cheek

"That sweet little dimple on your cheek," she said and he did quirk his lips

Rarely did people see his dimple, she must have really been studying him if she noticed it

He took out his phone when the teacher turned to the board when it vibrated in his pocket, seeing a text that his mom would be working late tonight, he sighed. This was a normal occurence so he wasn't upset

But he sure as hell was shocked when a hand snatched his phone away from him and then the sound of typing was heard and his phone was handed back to him

He didn't say anything as he wordlessly slid his phone back into his pocket as the teacher turned back around

He rubbed his temples as the bell rang. He packed his stuff and got up

"See you at lunch," she said with a smile and walked off, then did he roll his eyes. This girl was insufferable.

But he had 2 periods of peace and quiet without her trying to engage in conversation and he was thankful for it as he walked to his favourite class, art.

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