What Is Going On?

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-1 Month Later-

Seth and Addison were playing video games in her room and Seth just beat Addison and stood up, taking his foot in his hand, one hand behind his head and he crunched

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" He cheered and Addison pulled him down and smiled at him

"Alright, alright, you beat me," she dismissed

"Can I have a prize?" He asked, sly smile on his face

"Depends, what do you want?" She asked, same smile on his face

"A kiss," he said with a blush and she smiled at how cute he was

"I think I can arrange that," she said and put a hand on his cheek, slowly pressing her lips against his. It lasted about 2 minutes before she pulled back and smiled shyly

Atleast this time when she kissed a boy in her bedroom, he didn't freak out on her and say the kiss was a mistake.

The window unlatched and before Addison could comprehend it, Dean struggled through

"Hey Adds, I just wanted to- what the fuck is he doing here?" Dean asked, cutting himself off, blue eyes glazing

"I invited him D," Addison replied calmly

Dean stared at Seth for a few minutes who didn't back down from his gaze

"If you got a problem with me being here bro, I'm sure we could settle it," Seth said

"Gladly," Dean said, taking a few steps forward and they stood chest to chest

"Stop it." Addison said, pushing them apart, Dean being here was already fucking with her head so she really didn't need to break up a catfight

"Seth, just calm down, I'm gonna talk to Dean downstairs and get this sorted okay?" Addison promised and took Dean's hand and dragged him out of the room, Seth and Dean still sizing each other up, she stood in front of him and opened her mouth

"Why is he here? In your bedroom?" Dean asked before Addison could get a word out

Addison had to give him credit. Since he started dating Renee and got accepted on the football team, he had this sort of new confidence and he spoke more

"Again, I invited him over," she replied

"Why'd you invite him over?" He then asked

"Cuz I like him," Addison replied with a shrug and she watched Dean clench his jaw

"Why does it even matter?" She asked, squinting and Dean let out a breath and took on a calmer look

"Since you're the reason I decided to join the football team, we uh, we got varsity jackets today and I wanted you to have mine," Dean said and Addison hated the fact that her heart was thumping in her chest

She slowly reached out and took the red and white jacket from his hands and she smiled

"Thank you Dean," she said and he smiled

"Thank you Addison, you broke me outta my shell," he said with a shrug and she smiled

"I just wanted to come over to give that to you, gotta date," he said and all the energy Addison was feeling, immediately drained out of her

"Oh, well, have fun," she wished and when he left, she hid the jacket and headed back upstairs with Seth to continue playing their video games, ignoring the dull ache in her head and instead just focusing on how cute Seth was when he smiled

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