If You Want Me There

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"So you know, we got a game next week," Seth began, smiling at Addison who was playing the guitar a few feet away from him

"Oh yeah?" She asked, turning a knob to adjust her tune and she strummed making sure it sounded good

"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing, just praying to a god that I don't believe in. Cuz I got time while she got freedom, cuz when a heart breaks, no it don't break even," Addison sang to make sure she was in good tune before turning back to Seth

"I was wondering if you'd be there, cuz I have something for you if you're gonna be there, you know unless you're not gonna be there or you don't want it then that's co-" his mindless rambling was cut off by a kiss

That's one thing Addison loved the most, when Seth rambled, how cute he'd look. His eyes would widen and his cheeks would get red, it was the cutest thing and as far as the kissing thing goes? It was as casual as possible, they would kiss, hug and hold hands and do coupley things but they weren't together and Addison was glad for it because she didn't need Seth being hurt by all her unnecessary drama

"What do you have for me?" she asked  when she pulled back and he rubbed the back of his neck before he walked over to where his backpack was and pulled out a varsity jacket and she froze for like 2 minutes before Seth's cautious bambi brown eyes were in front of her and she smiled

The big 'ROLLINS 24' on the back and 'Seth' inscribed over the school's logo and she vaguely remembered Dean giving his to her but she didn't wanna remember that. She still loved Dean more than anything in this world, but she didn't need to be hurt again 

She took it and put down her guitar, lacing her arms through the sleeves and smiling at the look of adoration and pure happiness in Seth's eyes.

She sat down in his lap and gave him a smile as his hands wrapped around her waist

"If you want me there, then I'm there." She said and Seth's eyes glittered and a wide smile appeared across his lips and Addison was swooning

Addison and Seth made out for awhile before Seth left to go to football practice

She took off the jacket and looked at it. She eventually realized it smelt like Seth, all woodsy and cologne and she ended up falling asleep to the scent of him

Dean sat in his room, staring at the piece of paper in his hands, Addison's song. It was the first time he was actually reading the words and honestly, he felt like dying. This song was obviously about him, he wasn't egotistical but the lyrics clearly told stories about him and he felt so heartbroken that this was how he was making Addison feel

Honestly, sometimes, Dean truly felt like Addison was better off with Seth, someone who obviously loved her very much and cared about her to no extent. He knew whoever Seth would end up with would be a lucky girl, but he damn well knew it would NOT be Addison

Call him selfish, but Addison was his. He loved Addison even if he didn't show it all the time, he did. He loved her so much it physically pained him sometimes. She would know this after he carried out his plan.

Anyhow, he'd think of the other steps of his plan later, he picked up his gym bag, and headed down to football practice after making sure to secure his lyric sheet.

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