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Dean was laughing at the football team's table, listening to a story Dolph  Ziggler was relaying to them

He saw Addison come into the class and take a seat to the front. He burrowed his teeth into his lip and kept staring at her, even when Seth sat next to her

"Okay and the pairs are Addison and Dean, Dolph and Renee, Randy and Becky, Seth and Bayley, Finn and Sasha," the teacher told them

"Babe you gonna be okay?" Renee asked him when the teacher said they should go over to their partners

Dean furrowed his eyebrows at her and nodded before getting up and walking over to Addison's table and sat down

He watched her try to avoid his gaze and she kept tugging at the hoodie sleeves

The teacher gave them their assignments and Addison sat quietly next to him, writing down the assignment

Dean chewed his lip as he stared at her, her eyes were sunken and she looked paler, the light in those brown eyes were dimmed, but not all the way.

"Sir, may I be excused?" Addison asked, raising her hand and the teacher, an old man named Mr. Flair, nodded to her with a polite smile and she took up her pencil case and walked out of the class

Dean furrowed his eyebrows. What the hell?

Addison couldn't take it anymore. It was like the universe hated her. Why was he staring at her? Almost like he could see through her soul, to see how broken it was.

She turned the corner and opened the door to the bathroom, she checked the stalls and then sat down on the sink when they were empty. She took out the razor blade she hid in a compartment of her pencil case and rolled up the sleeve of her hoodie, she took a deep breath and slashed the skin there, that was forming over an older cut. She hissed at the familiar burn, but she continued.

She stood up and after she patted the excess blood with toilet paper and flushed it, she washed her hands and opened the door, seeing Dean stood there with a pointed look on his face and his arms folded, her breath hitched

He looked like he was searching her eyes for something before he grabbed her wrist and she cried out, before trying to wring her hand away from him

"You cut." He not so much asked as stated and he had the nerve to sound offended

"So?" She asked, still trying to break his grasp before she started bleeding through the hoodie

"You broke your promise." He said and those four words, gave her the last bit of strength to pull away

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She asked, rubbing her wrists, she pulled up the hoodie sleeves and heard Dean gasp at the swollen cuts

"Addison why?" He asked, gently taking her hands as the bell rang, thanking god they were in a secluded hallway

"Why? Because I'm hurt." She responded

"And you're the last one to be lecturing me about broken promises. Who are you? Where the hell is my best friend? You've got him locked up somewhere in there and I want him back," she said, pointing to his chest 

"You've got Seth," Dean said matter of factedly

"He's been there for me since my best friend died," Addison replied folding her arms 

"Addison-" Dean began

"No. You don't get to do this. You broke the promise you made to me. You changed for the worse, you let Renee and this new popularity change you. Did you even care about me?" She asked

"Addison, of course I cared about you. I still care about you, you were the one who started saying shit about me." Dean defended

"What are you even talking about? I never said one ill word about you. Why would I? I was the one who wanted to be your friend when everyone else was walking all over you." Addison said

"You gave my varsity jacket to Renee," he commented

"And you told her about my mom," she rebutted

"Hey baby," a voice said and she watched as Renee came over with a smirk, sidling up against Dean

"Is she bothering you?" Renee asked, pointing to Addison who knocked her hand away

"No Renee, we're just talking," Dean said through gritted teeth

"Yeah well, I don't know why you're wasting your time with this bitch. You could be with me," Renee said, smirking at Addison's clenched jaw

"Don't worry, I'm just leaving," Addison said

"Yeah go spread your legs for Rollins, isn't that what you said she does best babe?" Renee asked looking up at Dean whose eyes widened

"Addison-" Dean began

"Fuck you." She said, cutting him off and Renee smirked

"Seth doesn't want sex from me Renee, if he wanted an easy fuck he would have called you," Addison said with a smirk

"Seth is the sweetest guy ever and he'd never do anything to hurt anyone. If my heart wasn't already taken-" she paused, briefly glancing at Dean who was staring at her

"Then I'd be with Seth. He's an incredible person and doesn't deserve to be talked badly about by a manipulative bitch like you." Addison spat, defending Seth with everything in her

Renee growled and grabbed at Addison's necklace, yanking it off her body and flinging it to the ground, she raised her heeled boot and stomped on it, breaking the rose

Addison stared at the debris on the ground, the rose was broken in half and laying on the floor

The last memory of her mother....

"Renee get outta here," Dean said and Renee looked like she was about to protest but one look from Dean had her walking away with a smirk on her face

"Adds," he began

"Get the fuck away from her," Addison heard and she closed her eyes, thankful for the two-toned angel that was walking over to them. She really didn't wanna deal with Dean right now.

"Mind your business Rollins," Dean hissed

"Why don't you make me?" Seth replied and Dean pushed him

Seth looked sideways at the ground and was about to make his way to Dean to retaliate before Addison stepped between them

"It's not worth it, c'mon," Addison told Seth, taking his hand and walking away from Dean

Dean watched them walk over to the lockers and Addison leant against it, Seth smiled at her and said something, Addison nodded and Dean clenched his fist when Seth took her chin in his hand and pressed a kiss to her lips

He closed his eyes as he felt his fingers tightening against his palm. He opened his eyes and looked at the broken necklace on the floor, making slow steps towards it, he gently picked it up and put it in his coat pocket, the most important thing to Addison was in his possession, and he realized that maybe she had a new most important possession, that had brown eyes and blonde and brown hair. He felt like he got sucker-punched in the gut when he came to terms with that

The Freak With The Pink Hairजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें