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Addison quickly went home, showered and changed.

She had on blue skinnies, a black vest and she put Seth's varsity jacket over it. She put on her black converse and tied her hair into a ponytail and deemed herself ready, and left for the school

The boys would be in the locker room by the time she got there so she'd go wish Seth good luck before the game started

She got to the locker rooms and knocked on the door. She got the 'okay' and she went in, quickly finding Seth in his pants but without a shirt and she could see the samurai code tattoo that went down his back and she bit her lip and walked over and wrapped her arms around him

He flinched and then relaxed as he recognized the soft hands and vanilla flowery smell. He closed his eyes in rapture and leaned his head back against hers and smiled

"Came to wish you good luck," she admitted and he turned to her and smiled, taking his jersey out of his locker

"I love your jacket," he said with a smirk, she laughed and laced her fingers through his hair and pulled him in for a kiss and he moaned in surprise, no doubt everyone in the locker room's eyes were on them

"But I loved that kiss even more," Seth panted out when they pulled back

"I'm gonna go find a seat," she said after she chuckled

"Sit where I can see you," he told her and she nodded, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead before she left

She sat down next to AJ Lee who was a friend of hers, her boyfriend, Phil was also playing tonight

"Rollins huh?" AJ asked playfully elbowing her and Addison laughed

"Brooks huh?" Addison replied back

"Touché," AJ said and they laughed

When they introduced the team, Addison cheered loudly when she spotted Seth

She saw when Seth began looking around as the coach talked about plays, she could also see the grin he had when he saw her and he waved, AJ teased her as she waved back. She knew she was falling for Seth. She one hundred percent, liked Seth

She was having so much fun, the score was 17-15 with their school in the lead. Oh never mind, someone just scored, so it was now 17-16. They could catch up now, John started running towards end and threw the ball to Seth, who began running and was tackled down by this dude named 'Harper' from the other team and he albeit kicked Seth down

"That's a foul!" Addison yelled and AJ nodded in agreement, the ref threw up his hands and went to talk to the other ref

Seth stood up and rubbed his shoulder and rolled it, he went and stood by Roman and John as they waited for the verdict

"What happened?" Roman asked as Seth came over

"He kicked me," Seth replied, rubbing his shoulder and the three of them put their hands on their hips as they waited

The ref put up his hands to signal the foul and that Seth would be awarded a free kick

John smirked, he knew all of his players strong suits and Seth was one of the hardest kickers he had

"You got this Rollins," John said and Roman nodded and the three fist bumped and Seth got into position

Finn came over and held the ball for him, he was nervous. The whole school was depending on him to make it into the finals.

He felt like throwing up. What if he missed? Everyone would hate him. Everyone except-

His eyes went to where Addison was sitting and he smiled at her, she was actually so freaking beautiful and she was looking at him with her eyes glassy and so full of love, she had her hands clasped in anticipation, teeth bared in a smile and her hair was slightly blowing in the breeze

He could do this. He had to, if not for anyone, he'd do it for Addison

He put his hands on his hips and backed up to a good distance that he thought was his pace, the ref blew his whistle to signal the game was back in session

Seth felt the breeze on his sweaty skin and he felt everyone's gaze on him. He looked back towards the stands and looked at Addison, no matter if he made it or not, she'd be proud of him.

'For Addison,' he thought to himself and reared his foot back and kicked the ball off the ground, the anticipation as it soared was enough to kill him

"It's going! It's going!" The announcers were calling

"It's gone through! Rollins did it! The Eagles are going to the finals!"

Everyone got up and screamed as the ball went through the goal. Seth braced himself as his team ran to him and dog piled on him, he couldn't believe it. He did it! He actually-

He didn't have time to even breathe as everyone came up to congratulate them, he pulled off his helmet

He walked up into the announcers booth where everyone could see him and he took a mic

"We're going to the finals babayyy!" He called happily first

"Thank you to everyone who came out to support, we really appreciate it, and that beautiful girl wearing my jacket, I love you Addison Foster!" He yelled out and Addison froze

Seth handed the mic over as they were set to interview John now and Seth ran over to where Addison was waiting for him

"Hi," he said smiling sheepishly

"You're crazy Two Tones," she told him and he put a hand behind her waist and pulled her close

"Crazy about you," he said and he kissed her, she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back while, he had one arm around her waist and the other holding his helmet

They pulled back and Seth smiled at her

"I love you," he said, leaning his forehead against hers, she smiled at him

"I love you to," she replied and Seth froze and then the biggest smile broke out on his face, he put the helmet on Addison and picked her up bridal style, running off the field with her in his arms while she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck

Dean had seen everything, from Addison's face when Seth made the winning kick, to when he told her he loved her, to when he kissed her. She was happy, she was in love. He needed to do something. He quickly faked a happy smile when Renee came up to him, ugh right, he was still with her.

Made the jacket edit🔥

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