Gone Wrong

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Addison ran up the stairs with tears streaming down her cheeks, she hastily wiped them and went into the bathroom, closing and locking the door. She connected to her bluetooth speaker and played 'How To Save A Life'

She took up the razors and began to violently slash at her wrists, not caring how deep she cut, in fact, the deeper she cut, the better for her.

She watched the blood gush and felt herself get woozy, she stumbled over to the counter and picked up her bottle of painkillers and took a handful and a bottle of water and threw it back

She sat down by the tub and sighed as dots started dancing across her eyes and she felt herself losing consciousness. She smiled slowly as she fell forward and she watched her blood leak onto the floor until her eyes closed

The last thing she heard was the frantic footsteps running up her steps and a shoulder violently hitting the door

-Time Skip-

"Please wake up, oh god, this is my fault, I'm so sorry Addison, please,"

"Damn straight it's your fault."

"Why don't you shut the fuck up?"

"Why don't you fuck off?"

That's what she had been hearing when she felt a hand tighten in hers and she gently smacked her lips together, they felt dry

The first person she saw was Dean and he had his arms folded and he was biting his lip, she looked on the right of her and smiled, squeezing the hand inside hers

"Seth," she whispered and his eyes snapped up and over to her, his eyes were red and watery

"Addison, oh my god," he said, letting out a breath of relief and he cupped his hands around hers and brought it up to his lips to press a shaky kiss to it

"You're so selfish." He told her with a sad smile

"You tried to leave me," he continued and she smiled at him slowly

"I'm sorry," she said and squinted at him, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips, Dean felt like he got sucker-punched in the gut when it happened right in front of him

"Who saved me?" She asked watching as the smile left Seth's face and his eyes flit up to Dean who avoided their gaze

"Dean did." Seth replied and Addison turned to Dean who was rubbing the back of his neck but before anyone could say anything, her dad came into the room

"Oh my god, my baby!" He called out and Seth and Dean excused themselves to give the father and daughter some time

"Why the hell did you come here?" Dean asked once they were outside

"Me? I have as much right to be here as you do," Seth replied

"You're the one who put her in here." Dean hissed

"Yeah okay, cuz I was the one who abandoned her because he wanted to be popular right?"

"You lost something more precious than any popularity, you lost your relationship with Addison. And instead of doing something about it, you're here pointing your damn finger in my face," Seth argued and crossing his arms

"I love that girl Ambrose, and even if she'll never love me like how she loves you, I'm gonna stick by her cuz that's what a man does. You took her for granted and you still are. You'll never find a girl like Addison again and I'm glad to be the son of a bitch to give you a healthy dose of reality," Seth said, continuing his spiel

"Once you're popularity dies, so does everything else, your so called 'friends' disappear and that sanctamonious relationship you got with that blonde bimbo? That falls apart and what do you got next? Nothing. But Addison's gonna find your broken heart and mend it together again, cuz that's what she does." Seth said, squinting at him

"But how long Dean? How long is she gonna keep putting yours together while you shatter hers?" Seth asked

"She doesn't deserve that." Seth said, shaking his head, turning to walk away

"You don't love her," Dean bit and Seth froze and turned

"I don't?" He asked, walking back up to face Dean

"Do you know how many nights I've been with her making sure she was alright when her dad wasn't there? Do you know how much cookies and cakes and rolls I've had to eat because god bless her heart that she stress bakes? Do you know how many times I've sat and counted the colours in her eyes? Do you know how many nights I've dreamt of being with her? How many days I came to school feeling like shit because I knew as soon as I saw that beautiful smile I'd feel like I was worth something? Do you know all the songs she sang when you left? Did you know that when she's sad she always plays a really sad song mostly that Fray song? Did you know she still calls spaghetti biscetti? Did you know she's obsessed with vanilla tea? Did you know she cries when she makes snickerdoodle cookies because they were her mom's favourite?" Seth asked and Dean had nothing to say so Seth nodded

"That's what I thought." He said

"You don't know the impact that girl has on my heart, so don't you dare stand there and tell me that I don't love her, I love her more than you possible ever could." Seth told him

"I've seen the little things that make her who she is. You don't get to say I don't love her. I'm not the one who left." Seth continued

"Yeah well I didn't want to leave. I couldn't stay goddammit I fell in love with her too," Dean replied and Seth stared at him

"Don't you dare say that you son of a bitch, you don't hurt someone you love like how you hurt her," Seth warned

"Like how she's hurting you?" Dean spat and Seth stopped and stared at him

"Face it Seth, she'll never love you, it's me in her heart and in her head, she's never gonna love you like how you want. It's been me for awhile now. You can say you love her all you want but she doesn't love you back, and that's what kills you ain't it?" Dean said with a smirk

"You know what? I'm done arguing with you, you'll never care about anyone but yourself. You're a self centered egotistical son of a bitch and I'll be damned if I let anyone especially you, hurt her again." Seth said and Dean laughed

"Right, cuz you're her prince charming right Seth? Face it, she won't give you a second glance," Dean said, Seth was about to retaliate but Addison's dad came out with an angry look on his face

"You two need to leave," he said in his hard tone

Dean and Seth looked at him in confusion

"You're upsetting Addison," her dad explained

"That's impossible, how could-" Seth began as he looked through the window and saw Addison in tears, clutching her phone in her hand

Seth pulled out his phone and saw he had accidentally called her, meaning she heard everything that Seth and Dean spoke about

"Shit." He cursed as Dean rolled his eyes

"Just leave before I arrest you both for disorderly conduct," her father warned and Dean and Seth shared a look before they left they apologized and exited the hospital

"This is all your fault, you and those unearthly skinny jeans you wear," Dean said as they strode out of the hospital

"Fuck you man, just fuck you. I'll never understand why someone as loving and perfect as Addison fell in love with a jerk like you," Seth cursed, storming the rest of the way by himself

Dean looked after him in shock, everything came flooding back to him and he closed his eyes and clenched his fist, he used his free hand to feel around in the leather jacket's pocket and sighed when he felt the napkin

He looked at the gold ring on his finger, the one his dad had given to him before he died in prison and he sighed, he knew what he needed to do.

Addison was still crying when Dean left, she tried to end things and that went wrong, she tried to love Dean, that went devastatingly wrong, she tried to have Seth in her life and that to, went horribly wrong, was there anything in her life that hadn't gone wrong?

She quickly got her answer when her dad came in with a soft smile and a chocolate muffin and a glass of orange juice. Her dad was the only one she could truly count on.

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