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Dean walked up the stoop in front of Addison's house and jiggled the knob, finding the door unlocked, he went in. Her dad wasn't home so it wasn't like he'd get shot

He walked into the kitchen where he heard clanking and Addison rushing around in the kitchen in an over sized sweatshirt that had the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, displaying her cuts

She froze and looked up at Dean when she heard the clanking of his combat boots and she sighed, she really had started to hate Dean after everything he said to Seth and after everything he put her through.

"You know, the way you leave that door unlocked, any idiot could walk in," he said and she gave him a bitter smile

"Any idiot did." She replied and went back to rolling the dough

Dean pretended that smark didn't sting a little and he sat down by the counter and he remembered something Seth told him

"What's wrong?" He asked and she looked up at him

"Nothing why?" She replied

"You're stress baking," he pointed out and she looked at him

"Seth's coming over soon, so I wanted to make his favourite blueberry cinnamon pie," she replied and Dean bit his lip

"I'm sick of this." Dean said and she stopped kneading the dough and stared at him waiting for him to continue

"Everything lately is Seth, why does it have to be like that? Why does it have to be this way Addison? Okay, yes, I made a huge fucking mistake and it probably was the worst mistake I'll ever make. I hurt you when I promised I wouldn't and I'm so sorry. I live with that every single day of my life but what's it gonna take for you to forgive me?" He asked, letting out everything at once

"I love you dammit. Why can't you see I love you?" He yelled

"Because you broke my heart!" She yelled and he backed down and looked at her

"People don't hurt the people they love Dean, that's not how it works." She said shaking her head

"You broke your promise. You hurt me. You abandoned me all because you wanted to be popular. Am I really that complacent?" She asked and smiled bitterly

"Don't answer that. Why the hell are you even here?" She asked giving him a look

"You can't just come here and say you love me Dean, I can go up to anyone and say I love them but that don't mean shit. You gotta prove that you love someone and if you say you love me, you've got a damn funny way of showing it." She said and sighed

"Just leave Dean," she said and looked at him. He stayed silent for a few minutes and then adhered to her wishes and left the house, ducking behind a tree when he saw Seth coming his way. He needed a plan to win Addison's heart back, and fast.

Later on, after Seth left, Addison ran up to her room and took up her guitar, tomorrow was the day she was dreading. Tomorrow would commemorate her mother's death and she didn't think she was strong enough to handle it

She smiled as she stared at the picture of her mother, beautiful and graceful was the words to describe what her mother was. She sighed and laid back on the bed, how was she gonna survive yet another year without her mom?

The Freak With The Pink HairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora