Worried About Me?

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Addison stood at her locker, trying to figure out where the hell her Physics textbook was and then she remembered, it was sitting comfortably on her bed at home. She facepalmed and sighed

"Hey Adds," she heard and turned to see Dean walking up to her

"Hey D," she replied with a smile as she looked in her locker

It had been about two weeks and Addison and Seth weren't together but they had alot of fun with each other. Dean hadn't been hanging out with Addison as much, far too busy with Renee to even think about Addison

"So I was thinking since I've been so busy lately that-" Dean was cut off by muscular arms wrapping around Addison's waist

"Good morning beautiful," she heard right next to her ear and smiled, instantly knowing who it was

"Good morning Seth," she replied, leaning her head against his as she held onto his arms

"What were you saying D?" She asked him but he just looked at Seth with anger in his eyes

"Nothing, don't worry," he dismissed, forcing a smile that probably looked fake because Addison gave him a look, that said she didn't believe one word he said

"Okay?" She said with a squint

"I gotta get to class, I'll catch you later," she said to Dean, pulling out her books and looking to Seth who was smiling

"Let's go," she said, taking his free hand, watching the blush spread on his cheeks as they begun a walk for their shared physics class

After physics class, she headed to music class and then it was lunch. She didn't really care that Dean never ate lunch with her again, she learned early on that in his mind, Renee always came first and that's where he was, eating lunch on the bleachers, watching Renee lead cheer practice

She heard a whistle blow and she turned towards the field which was in plain view from where she was sitting and the players ran out, her eyes immediately trained on one person


She smiled as he briskly moved across the field, he was stood on the field, talking to Roman when his eyes scanned around and he saw her. She bit her lip as the moment he saw her, a wide smile spread across his face and his eyes shone, his hand raised and he excitedly waved

Addison chuckled and waved back, god that kid is cute.

It was around mid practice when some dude named Corbin, tackled Seth down and everything froze. Addison didn't think twice as she got up and bolted to where he was on the field, holding his mid section

"You okay?" She asked, helping him take off his helmet. He smiled and looked up at her

"You're worried about me," he said and she gave him a look

"Of course I'm worried about you idiot, you're my-" and then she paused, not knowing how to finish that sentence

Seth stood up with a little help and smiled at her, he looked into her eyes and leaned down, same time she leaned up and their lips pressed together, Addison smiled against his lips, they were nothing like Dean's but they weren't unpleasant. She actually liked his kiss

She heard the football team cat-calling the pair as chants of 'Rollins! Rollins! Rollins!' broke out

"I really like you Addison," Seth said when they pulled away

"I really like you to Seth," she replied because it was true. In the past few days, she'd been so happy with Seth

She smiled as Seth leaned his forehead against hers. Her eyes looked over to the bleachers in time to see Dean look over at them and walk off the bleachers, way before the cheerleaders were finished

"Wanna come over later?" She asked Seth, looking up into those warm brown eyes

"Sure," he agreed as he put on his helmet again and winked at her. She made her way off the field as they began practice again

Dean stood against the sink in the bathroom, what the fuck is wrong with him? He actually felt sick watching Addison and Seth kiss. He rinsed his face and walked back to the bleachers and sat down, waving when Renee waved at him

Renee saw when Addison and Seth kissed, but she also saw when her own boyfriend angrily walked away when they did. She'd need to have a little 'talk' with Addison

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