Chapter 23

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"Yeah we all woke up really early that morning and we all just jumped out of our beds because we were so excited to finally be apart of a family or at least something bigger than ourselves and it was so cool! We all wore our best sunday clothes and we got ready to go and it was a crazy and awesome experience! We were finally getting a real mommy and daddy!"
~Scotty, Cole and Lilly

Lilly's POV-After the court session

"We.. we're not going home.. to the orphanage?" I asked as I held Katy's hand and we walked down the wooden hallway. Shawn walked with my brothers on each side of him. I heard them laughing and I saw them smiling and skipping with their feet.
   "No, because your new home is already set up perfectly just for you!" Katy exclaimed and tapped a finger on my nose. I grinned and she squeezed my small hand in hers. Behind us, Maya walked with Riley and her family. I didn't know they were Riley's mommy and daddy or her brother Auggie, but I guess they wanted Katy and Shawny to have us instead.
   What was it that mommy told me to do when I found my new mommy? Hug her and tell her thank you? "Wait.." I stopped in the hallway and Katy turned to look at me and I held her waist. She wrapped her arms around me and I whispered to her  "Momma told me that when I get a new mommy to tell her thank you and to hug her."
    She smiled and rubbed my back.
"Your momma was a very nice woman and I knew her really well when we were younger.. about your sisters age," She glanced back at Maya then to me again. "Could you tell her thank you for me?"
  I nodded and I grabbed her hand again and we hurried to catch up with the boys.

Maya's POV

"So how is it with the kids?" Riley laced her fingers together. I watched them as they jumped down the hall. I glanced to Riley, then back at my family, "It's the most amazing feeling I've ever felt. I actually have siblings.. I-I've always been the only child. I never had anyone to chat to at home on a rainy day. I had you, of course, but now... it's like I've been blessed in a whole new way."
    They all piled into the elevator and Shawn held the door open for us. Riley, the Matthews and I joined them in the small crammed room.

Riley checked her phone then turned to me and whispered, "Farkle and Lucas are at the apartment. They just finished setting everything up." I nodded and glanced to my unsuspecting parents.
  "And they for-sure don't know, right?" Riley quietly noted. I shook my head with a smirk. "Nope and neither do the kids. I hope this surprise works out. They're completely ready right?"
Riley nodded with a sly wink "Yep, cake and all."

  My parents introduced the kids to our apartment building and the managers and things like that. They showed them through the hallways and directed them towards the apartment. Little did the kids nor my parents know that Lucas and Farkle were about to jump out at them with a big surprise.

"Here we go, this is your new home!" Mom exclaimed as she unlocked the door and walked in with Dad and the kids trailing behind. She glanced around and everyone noticed the decorations. "This is strange.. I don't remember setting this all up," Dad looked around the living room.

"Surprise!" Lucas jumped out from behind the couch and Farkle swung out from the pantry. The kids faces lit up and Lilly went to hug Lucas as Scotty ran to Farkle and he bent down to give him and Cole a high five. Riley and I joined them and Lucas greeted me with a sweet peck on the cheek.

"Thank you so much for all of this, guys. You're too sweet!" I wrapped my arms around Lucas's neck and stood on my tippy toes. He spun me and placed me on the ground, then did the same with Lilly. Farkle picked up Cole and placed him on the counter. "Hey, its the least we could do. We're just so excited to see the kids! It's been weird not seeing them for months," He explained, then brought out a white frosted cake that said "welcome home, Hunters." Lucas held Lilly on his hip and asked everyone, "Who wants cake?"

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