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"I was so scared when the subway left. I ran as if death it's self was chasing me. I was so scared that, that train was my last chance. Like if I missed that train, I would miss seeing her for the rest of my life. But when I caught up with the boys, my hope was raised again. I started to sob on that train. Sure a lot of people were staring at me, but I didn't care. I was just so overjoyed that I was gonna see Maya again. Katy spent nearly four days in bed. She only ate a few crackers. No matter how we tried to persuade her, we couldn't get her out. I felt so bad. I laid at the bay window for a few days. I would only sleep there. I didn't even feel safe in my bed. Sleeping on the purple cushions and looking out at the city scape reminded me of her. I felt more safe there than anywhere. I knew that somewhere out there, Maya could feel it too," ~Riley Matthews

(Maya's POV)

What is everyone doing here? What's going on? I turned to my right to partially see blonde hair, hazy eyes and a sort of red shirt. As my vision cleared, I saw who was sitting on the side of me. "Huckleberry?" I whispered through my throbbing throat. He took my hand and I noticed a tears shed from both of his eyes. "Blonde Beauty," He replied. He kissed my hand and I felt I tear shed from my own eye.

I felt a hand grasp my other fingers. I looked to it and saw Riley and Farkle sanding over her shoulder. "Riles...Farkle? Why are you all here? Where are we?" I croaked. Riley started to cry and she glanced at the boys as she said, "We found you in Pennsylvania. We saved you and the kids before it was too late..."

  There was a silence for a moment. Then I asked, "What do you mean..Before it was too late?" She wiped at her eyes with the hand she wasn't holding mine with. "Kermit...He, well-" She started.Then Farkle finished, "He had gotten to you when we came in. We're lucky we made it on time or he would have hurt you...maybe even take your life . I'm so sorry, Maya." I had to take a minute to take in what he said. Take my life? My own father?

  "Yeah. We almost missed the subway train here. If Lucas didn't notice the sign, we would have been too late," Riley admitted. I turned back to Lucas. His eyes looked so beautiful as they shone in the light. They were watered with tears, which made them look like ocean waves crashing on a sandy shore, which his cheek resembled. He looked different, away from his usual self. He was broken. He had left behind his confident mask. Lucas was no longer the cocky, flirtatious Ranger Rick. He was Lucas Friar: a melody only certain people could get wrapped up in their minds.

  "How? When? Please explain," I pleaded with the three sitting around the bed I was in. The glanced at each other, then told it as if it were a story written on paper.

(Third Person-Flash Back)
The Three skidded off the train and up the stairs of the station to the city. "Whoa, when Maya and I came to visit Philly the last time, it did not look like this," Riley beamed. For Philadelphia's usual cloudy days and cold nights, today's weather was something a lot more dramatic. The skies were dark, almost black. The rain fell hard with pieces of hail along with it. It was a surprise for the late spring. Lucas glanced around the buildings and cars, looking up at the stratus with wide eyes. Even though they were worried about transportation and even finding where Maya was, they kept on going; doing all they could for Maya.

  After about an hour, some wrong turns and 43 miles driven, they were nearing where Farkle's phone said Maya was. Lucas wasn't really supposed to drive with other teenagers in the car, with only having his permit, but he was willing to break a small law to find Maya.

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