Chapter 16

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"The day I decided to miss school, it was the day before I actually did. I knew going to the city hall would be difficult to do; finding Maya's records, her address. It would be hard stuff without evidence I was right and that Kermit was guilty. So then the day I did go, I was right about to leave for school, doubting I could find her, but then the confidence, it all came back to me. But since I didn't find anything, I thought Farkle could help. He was smart and calculating. He could probably find the coordinates of the president. Why not track down Maya? I knew Farkle could get the job done. He would be able to find her....right?" ~Lucas Friar

(Riley's POV)

"Maya! You're awake!" I exclaimed, reaching for her hand. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stared at her bandaged forehead and bruised lips. "Maya, we were so worried!" Farkle admitted, sitting close to her hospital bed. I was surprised that Lucas didn't say anything. He did love her. Why didn't he speak up? I glanced to the other side of her bed to see him. He didn't speak, but it was because the appeared he couldn't get a word outside of his throat. He choked back tears and kissed her hand. Maya squinted her eyes at him and whispered, "Huckleberry?" Instead of trying to stop himself, multiple tears streamed down from both of his eyes. "Blonde Beauty," He murmured, then held her hand close to his cheeks. "Riles, Farkle, why are you all here? Where are we?" She said with a croaked throat. I glanced at the boys then told her, "We found you in Pennsylvania. We saved you and the kids before it was too late." Her eyes widened and she sucked in her breath.

"We saved you and the kids before it was too late,"

(Lucas's POV-The day prior)

"Thanks, Farkle. We got her location, now all we need is to get there!" I exclaimed. Riley ran forward to us holding a paper, "The subway is leaving for New Jersey in 15 minuets, from there, we get on the train headed to Philadelphia." Farkle took her hand, she didn't pull away. He whispered, "Fantastic; now lets go get our Maya back!" We all grabbed our bags and books as we ran out. Luckily, Farkle's apartment building was close by a subway station. This was it, I was going to see my Maya again. My Blonde Beauty. I almost shed a tear just thinking about her. Remembering her smile, her eyes, her sarcastic words as she flirted. I can't believe I lost her. She was out of my grasp, but Farkle and Riley are a great team and they are capable of finding her without me. I'm probably in the way. I'm not smart enough to help them. They'll be able to find her a lot easier without me.

"Hey, guys, I don't think I should come. I'll just be in the way," I told them as we exited out the revolving door. They both looked at me like I was insane beyond belief. "No! You must come with. What if we get into trouble? You are our strong man!" Farkle encouraged. My mood lightened. Maybe he was right. "Yeah, and this was all your idea. We wouldn't know where to find her records if you weren't here. You are coming with us," Riley added. I nodded to her. I guess they did need me, but Maya probably doesn't want to see me. She probably hates my guts for having her sent to live with Kermit. I'm the worst friend. But I guess I should go. I've never been to Pennsylvania, but I need to see Maya. I want to be by her side.

We had ridden one train for about a half hour, then we were supposed to switch trains. We're behind schedule and we can't find the right one at the station. "Riley are you sure that the train to Philadelphia is coming to the North bound station?" Farkle asked. She nodded and then shook her head with uncertainty. "Well we better hurry before it leaves! Guys we have to find that train!" He continued. We spread out, running around the station searching for subway names and maps. I saw the glowing words "Philadelphia Subway Station departing now." I ran back to them and yelled, "Guys! I found it! It's leaving, hurry!" I turned back to the train that started to screech away. "Hurry!" Riley screamed. She darted in front of me and slipped through the crowd. She ran along with the speeding train, trying to wave it down. "Wait! Stop, stop the train!" She desperately shouted out to the metal doors. Farkle caught up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "We missed it. The next one leaves in four hours," He muttered. I turned and glanced at the tracks on the other side of the station. My eyes widened at the title. "Farkle, Farkle, the train! It's the train to Philadelphia!" I shouted and pulled him to the train. "Riley!" He called as I dragged him along. She caught up with us and we slipped through the subway doors before they closed. "Lucas what are you doing? We missed the right train!" Riley shouted, which aroused the attention of everyone on the train. She glanced at them, "Sorry." I grabbed her shoulders and said, "No, I mis read that train. This one is the right one!" Farkle added in as I released, "He's right! That one must have said Palisades Park!" I nodded. Riley still didn't seem convinced. She just stared at me like I committed a crime. Farkle turned her head to look up at the train's screen. "To Philadelphia Subway Station now departing" It read. "You're right! We made it!" She exclaimed stretching out her arms. Again, everyone stared at her. "Sorry," She apologized to them again.

This was it. We were going to find Maya.

I was going to see my Blonde Beauty Again.

All of the Tears I Shed For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora