Chapter 10

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"She was the strongest person I knew. She was different from the rest of the group. She was street smart when I was book smart. We didn't relate, but I wanted to learn from her," -Isadora Smackle

(Maya's POV)
The next day, I awoke in a car that smelt of cigarettes and sweat. "Where am I?" I asked myself while yawning. A deep voice replied, "Your new home." I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. I saw an old suburban neighborhood with cookie cutter houses all the way down the block. Kermit got out of the car and opened the door for me. "Go inside and meet your new family," He suggested. I reluctantly stumbled out of the small car. I stood on the side walk for a second to look around the area. It was completely different. I couldn't tell whether we were just out of the city or out of the whole state. I walked to the door and knocked on it. It creaked open and my eyes trailed up to a short frog faced lady. "Hi, I'm Maya," I greeted with an unnoticeable smile. "This is your grandmother, but you can call her Gran. Come inside and we'll show you your brothers and sister," Kermit explained and opened the door wider for me.

I walked in to see a small closed off room with dated furniture. I heard yells and screams coming from a door at the end of the hall. "Kids, come meet Maya!" Kermit yelled out to the hall. I jumped a little from the sudden loudness. Three children came through one of the doors and stood by Kermit. "Uh hi," I greeted. The only girl who I guessed was the youngest stuck her tongue out at me. Kermit didn't notice and the other two boys about seven or nine just stared at me with food stains on their chins. "Go away!" One of them commanded. Truthfully, I wanted to do that more than anything. "Hey, Hey now. Manners!" Kermit instructed him. The little girl waddled toward me. "I'll help you carry your bag," She mumbled. Kermit gazed toward her, "Aw, she's such a sweetheart." She came back with one of my bags and she dragged it to one of the doors in the hall. Kermit told me to follow her to the room she was going to. When I came into the room, she was taking out my cloths one by one and ripping them to shreds. "Hey, stop that!" I scolded and took the shirt out of her small hands. She held onto it strongly. "Wow, your grip is like a hawk!" I told her in between grunts. I finally ripped the shirt out of her hands and I fell backwards against a pile of something. I turned around and saw a pile of cans. "Kermit is an alcoholic?" I whispered. I turned my attention back to the little girl when she screamed and ran out of the tiny room. I sat there questioning why I let them take me here.

Throughout the whole day, all three of the kids tormented me and ruined everything I brought with me. It was finally dinner and they would act responsibly in front of Kermit and Gran so that was something good, I guess. "So Maya, how was your first day here?" Kermit asked while cutting his food. I looked down and muttered, "Frankly, quite weird and creepy." He raised his eye brows. "Great. Truthfully, great," I lied and glanced to the kids. One of the boys smirked back and the girl low-key stuck her tongue out again. "Good," Kermit acknowledged. We all ate in silence for the rest of dinner.

I couldn't sleep all night. I could sense that things weren't good back home. My phone buzzed and I turned in my creaky old bed to see it.

Riley;) - Are you okay? How was it? Please tell me!

I logged on and replied as quickly as my thumbs could move.

[Maya<3 has logged on]
Maya<3 - Kermit is an alcoholic and his kids are like tiny devils!
Riley;) - Oh no! We have to get you back! We all miss you and I don't want you in a house like that!
Maya<3 - Riles, I'm fine. It's pretty hectic right now, but I'll adjust.
Riley;) - Yeah we are gonna get you back
Maya<3 - Ok thank you because I did not want to keep pretending to you that I'm fine. PLEASE HELP ME
Riley;) - ok I'm gonna text Farkle, Lucas, Isadora, and Zay. They can help too
Maya<3 - Okay, thank you! And hurry! We need to get proof that Kermit is not responsible enough to have custody over me!
Riley:) - K, we'll hurry! Now Commencing operation: SAVE MY PEACHES
Maya<3 - Oh my😂
Riley;) - I'll text you soon Maya!
Maya<3 - okay
[Riley;)has logged off]
[Maya<3 has logged off]

  Since I felt some sense of security, I actually calmed down and went to sleep.

  The next morning, I woke up to yelling in the room across the hall from me. I got up out of my creaky bed and cracked open the door. I peered through the slit and saw Kermit and his wife arguing in the other room. Lilly, the youngest girl ran into my room and started crying. "Maya!" She yelled through cries. She stumbled into the closet and called for me again. I reluctantly followed her. "What?" I asked. She sniffled and brought her tiny knees up to her chest. "Mommy and daddy are fighting again," She murmured. I slid open the closest. I crouched down, then slid next to her. "Don't they always fight? That's what your brother told me," I whispered to her. She wiped her cheeks, "Yeah, but they've been yelling so loud and being really mean. Maya, I want them to stop!" I shook my head and put my hands in my lap, "Lilly, I can't stop them. Sometimes parents don't want to be together anymore. That's why he left my mom. They didn't want to be together anymore." She turned to me and asked, "Daddy did that to your mommy too?" I nodded and she laid her head on my arm. I was confused by her sudden calm and kindness. "Lilly, why are you being nice to me now?" I asked her, hesitantly. I didn't want to ruin the sincere moment, but I had to ask. She kept her head relaxed and admitted, "I'm sorry I was mean. Scotty and Cole told me to. They didn't want you to take away all the attention from us. I always wanted an older sister to play with me or do my hair. I didn't want to be mean." I smiled and held out my hand. She brought up her head and looked at me skeptically. "If we can get out of here, I promise I can be your sister," I told her. She hesitated, then took my hand. We shook and she smiled.

"Kids!" Kermit yelled and Lilly gasped and grabbed my hand and we ran to the hall. . She stood in formation as if she was a soldier. The two brothers stood as well. Kermit came out of his room with a scar across his face and a scolding glare. "Why aren't you standing up straight?" He yelled into my face. Lilly squeezed my hand. I corrected my posture and muttered, "sorry." He squinted his eyes at me and slapped me across the face. I fell to the floor, shocked by his abuse. "Maya!" I heard a woman's voice yell forcefully. Kermit's wife, Carmen, came running over to me. "Maya, I'm going to pretend that I'm hurting you," she whispered. She slapped the air next to my face. She didn't want to hurt me? Kermit did, why didn't she? "Get up, Maya!" He forced. The kids stood side by side, with tears welling in their eyes.

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