Chapter 13

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"Maya was like a real older sister to be for a while. At first, she was just some girl who came into the house and stole all the attention. She wasn't my friend. But then she found me in the tree and she cared for me. I realized that she really was my big sister," Lilly Hart

(Riley's POV)
For weeks I've been sitting on my bay window. Not saying anything, not doing anything. I'm the loneliest I've ever been without Maya. I cried for days. I stayed home "sick" for this whole week. I can't stand to live without her here.

I decided to call Lucas. I don't know why, but I felt something that told me I should.

"Lucas?" I asked

"Hi Riley,"

"Are you at school?"

"No, I'm looking for Maya. Are you?"

"What? You're looking for Maya? I'm coming with you where are you?"

"Riley, I'm glad you want to help, but you've missed so many days of school! You need to go!"

"No! I'm coming with you. I'm going to find my best friend."

"Riley, what is it's not safe where she is?"

"I'm coming with you wether you want me to or not. Maya means the world to me!"

"Fine. I'm on the subway, I'll come get you. But eat breakfast first!"

"Already did and I'm ready to go. I'm going to find Maya."

"We are going to find Maya,"

"Yeah, yeah,"

"Okay, I'm almost there,"

"Okay, good. I have to get some stuff. Bye!"


Lucas went to find Maya? Did he find her records? I didn't have time to wonder, I had to hurry before it was too late.

I filled my backpack with supplies just in case anything happened, and I may have stole my mom's lawyer things just in case. The bell rang, so I bolted to the door. I opened it, but It wasn't who I was expecting.


(Maya's POV)
I heard nonstop shouting and smashing. The kids whimpered at each noise that came. I couldn't do anything, except for huddle tighter. Over time, I had gotten a blanket and put it over us. For warmth, because Kermit forgot to pay the electric bill, and so we could be at least a little hidden. We moved into the closet and tried to barricade the closet door as well. Hopefully there would be no way Kermit could get in.

"Maya, did we bring any food?" Lilly asked with a scratchy voice. I shook my head, "No, I forgot to get some. It'll be okay. He'll leave soon and we'll be able to get food." She nodded and rested her head on my shoulder. I suddenly felt my phone go off in my pocket. I nervously snatched it and answered it.


"Maya? This this Maya?"

I heard a familiar girl voice, and a guy's in the back ground.

"Yes, this is Maya. R-Riley?"

"Yeah this is Riley, where are you? Lucas and I are coming to find you!"

What? Coming to find me? Finally, I could see them again. I haven't heard her voice for so long, it was hard to recognize it when she talked into the phone.


"Where are you?"

I heard Lucas ask, with a little quiver. I decided to whisper, just in case Kermit was listening through the thin walls,

"I'm in Pennsylvania,"

"What city?"

"I don't know. I don't know the address either. I-"

"Wait! I have an idea, what if we have Farkle track down the call?"

Lucas cut off. I was glad he did, I didn't want to keep complaining.

"Yes! That's what we'll do! We can just have Farkle track it!"

"Okay that's sounds good! But please hurry, Kermit is on a rampage. I'm locked inside a closet with the kids to stay safe."


"Kermit an Carmen's Kids. They also need help. They deserve so much better than the treatment they get!"

"Okay, we can help them too. Hold on, we're on the subway headed for Farkle's building,"

"Hopefully he can help. I have to go, I think Kermit's trying to get in!"

"Oh no! Just stay silent. You'll be okay,"

"I will, bye Riley, bye Lucas. I miss you. Bye,"

"We miss you too! Bye, Maya!"

I clicked the red button on my phone and tightened my grip on the kids. The banging on the door got louder and louder. "Who were you talking to?" Cole asked. I explained that Riley was coming for us and that we'd be safe. Another bang hit and Scotty jumped a little. "It's okay, just cover your ears," I optioned. They did, and I did as well. I didn't want to be scared either, though I knew I was the adult in this situation. I was the one who had to be mature, and I'm not very good at it. For the sake of the kids, I have to act like I'm not scared, but I am. I'm the most scared I've ever been in my life. Even more scared than when Lucas fell off the bull. This time, I'd be losing Lucas forever. Hopefully he will come, I don't doubt Farkle's ability to track me, but he better do it fast. I can't stand much more if this place. I know the kids can't either. Thy deserve so much better, and I promised them I'd get it for them, and I'm gonna.

They deserve so much more, and I deserve so much more. It took me a while to see that, but now I know that I do matter. I actually have people that love me. I didn't believe it till now. They showed their love for me, now I need to show my love for them. Not just the kids, but Riley and Lucas, and mom and Shawn. They mean so much to me. I need to get back to them.

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