Chapter 19

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"I never knew the Hart-Hunters. They don't have very real value to me, but I do have faith in them and their kids. Well, soon to be kids I hope. I do think that Katy and Shawn adopting the Harts' will be very good for the kids. They will finally have the opportunity to be apart of a kind, loving family. And that is why I love my job so much. I'm in charge of giving poor, lonely kids the life of a happy childhood," Mrs. Sapphire Dew-Bridge

(Katy's POV-One Week Later)

I sat at the desk, holding my chin on my fist. Staring down at the adoption paper work, I thought.

What if I forget about their parent-teacher conferences? What if I send them to school without their lunches? What if I can't help them with their homework? What would I do if they all get sick on the same day?

"Don't worry, Katy. I'll be there," I heard Shawn say. I looked up at him with a guilty face. "Was I speaking my mind again?" He nodded and sat down next to me. "Love, you are going to be an amazing mother to these kids. I mean, look at Maya. She is so kind to everyone. She risked her life for the kids of the man that ruined everything and abused her." He looked me in the eyes when he spoke. I could feel the passion he put into his words. Then he continued, "I know it's gonna be hard. Raising kids is hard. But I know that it's what we need to do." He held my cheeks in his hands and kissed my fore head. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Of course he's right. He's always right and that is one of the many reasons why I trust him with my everything.

He took out the pen and started jotting down our information and legal things. I wanted to make sure that these kids could have the best mom they could ever have. I know it's not possible and that is gonna be hard, but I gotta be on the same page as Shawn. I shouldn't worry. Besides, they already know that they're coming with us soon. It won't be a problem.


(Lilly's POV)

"Cole, when are we going to mommy and daddy?" I asked while I swung my legs back and fourth while I sat on my top bunk bed. He shrugged and said, "I don't know. But I hope tomorrow!" I jumped down and we did a little dance of excitement. I can't wait to tell my new mommy that my real mommy is proud of her.

"Don't believe anything Cole says," Scotty scoffed. "They probably don't even want us. If they did, they would have called or emailed 'Mountain Dew'" That was our nick name for Miss Dew-Bridge, but I felt guilty for calling her that. It wasn't civilized. And I consider myself to be a nice, smart and clean kid. In other words, my teacher taught me a lot of cool interesting vocabulary words and very interesting things as such. He even said that I was like a kid prodigy. Very wise beyond my years. I take pride in that and never let anyone forget it.

"Why? The nice man and woman seemed like they really liked us.." I trailed off. I didn't know what else to say. What if they really didn't want us? "Lilly, you're smart. You know that if-"

Miss Dew-Bridge barged in through the door with some news that it seemed she couldn't keep in. "Good morning children!" I climbed back to the top of my bunk bed saying, "Actually it's noon." She swiped away at the correction and continued, "I have big news! Another family wants to meet you today at 3!" Cole's eyes became as big as base balls when he stared at her. "But-but I thought the other mom and dad wanted-" She stopped him and reassured: "Yes they still have the paper work to send in and once we receive the letter from them will it be official. Anyways, clean up and find your neatest cloths to prepare for the meeting." The boys immediately began to rifle through their cloths, but I just got down calmly and told her that the dress I had on would be just fine. She agreed and watched the boys with a strange look when she said, "Of course, it's beautiful, but could you help out your brothers? You're style is far more Prestigious." I nodded and she left the room.

I didn't want another family! I wanted Katy and Shawn! No one could be better than them! I had no choice but to go to the meeting. I mean, what was the worst to happen?


A few hours later, the boys and I stood in a line-oldest to youngest by Miss Dew-Bridge's office door. Just waiting and waiting for it to open. And in less than a few minutes, Cole started to poke Scotty and you know what happens next.. Anyways, I had to break it up before they made too much noise. The door creaked open and I jumped back into the line. A couple came out with their boy that was about Cole's age and Dew-Bridge came out behind them, holding papers behind her back.

"Hello, Children, this is the other family that are looking to adopt you!" She started. The woman's eyes widened. "There's another family that wants them?" Like we were objects. The lady seemed nice, but a little dramatic. The man put his hand on her shoulder and she started at Dew-Bridge with a seemingly upset expression.

"Uh, yes, but I can assure you that whatever happens will work out for the better," She added a big, teeth smile to brighten the mood. It sort of worked, but I wasn't buying it...


After the little interview with them, the boys were star struck! "Yeah I can't believe that it was our old teacher!" Scotty exclaimed while we ran up the stairs. So, yes, the man did turn out to be my old teacher from a few grades ago. He was nice, but I just didn't feel it with them like I did with the Hunters.

I liked the ring of Lilly Hunter. Not Lilly Matthews.


Anyways... spill the tea. What are you feeling right now in the story? Like the way it's going? Have notes? Dislikes or likes? Tell me in the comments and I'll reply! I love writing this story and hope to update more often! Sorry for the Waite! I hope you enjoyed this story so far and please please, (pretty please) vote on this chapter and story! It's very important to me and I'll make sure to votes for you too! On wattpad, writers support writers. So it should be a full circle of love and support! Love you guys and I can't wait for you to continue to the next chapter! See ya lil' fishies!

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