Chapter 20

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"With eyes like the sky on a sunny day and a heart full of passion, burning like a fire, she was destined for something real. No smoke and mirrors. No more lies, no more cries. A real beauty beyond her years, and wiser at that. For as clever as she was, she didn't realize the biggest sub-plot of all: Her life was about to change completely." ~ Author

(there's a little poem for ya. And it's original so.. NO TOUCHY!)

(Maya's POV)

For the day, Riley and I planned on meeting up at her place to study, but since plans changed, we went to the park with Farkle and Lucas.

It was a nice feeling to be back with the group. Being our selves and not how it used to be. No smoke no mirrors. I was Maya Hunter. The real Maya Hunter. And I wasn't afraid to show it now. Realizing now, I can't comprehend why I kept away from Lucas when Farkle makes Riley so happy. We were all happy and it was an amazing change for us.

Soon, Zay showed up and Isadora tagged along. They were like two peas in a pod. Not very many of us expected this sudden relationship, but it all worked out. And for once I can finally say that I'm happy with my relationship status. I never thought I'd be with Lucas. Like I was a funny little sunflower and Riley was a rose. Lucas, like many others could pick a rose over a sunflower. But Lucas is different. He felt the real light too. And he said that he'd never go back.

They boys threw the foot ball around while we watched and laughed. Farkle completely biffed it when he tried to catch the ball! He tripped and Riley ran to him. He tried to act tough, but you could tell that it hurt him. Soon Riley's phone buzzed, so I answered.

Hey Topanga!

Hey Maya, where's Riley? We need her to come with us somewhere.

Uh, she's just helping Farkle. Where are you going?

Oh nowhere, not any place that you should be concerned about.

Why can't you tell me? I'm basically apart of the family!

Because, Maya! Just tell Riley to come home quick.

Okay, fine...

I hung up confused. Topanga's never spoke to me that way. I didn't want Riley to leave with something weird going on. So, I didn't tell her that Topanga called... But it was all for a good reason. Something fishy is happening and I don't want Riley to be apart of it.

"Maya! Hurry up!" Zay called to me. I Nodded and signed a thumbs up. I didn't want to be nosy, but I checked through a few of Riley's messages. I scrolled, searching for something. What on earth was so important that everyone from their family had to go to? It was probably nothing; just a misunderstanding. "Coming!" I yelled to the stumbling and clumsy kids. I laughed as I jogged over to them.

A little after our hang out in the park, we were trying to decide whose house to go to. It seemed as if Riley had her guard up. What was on her mind? "Um, Riley what's going on at your house?" I asked nonchalantly. She glanced at the ground and didn't look me in the eye, "Uhh.. I don't know. All my mom said is that friends couldn't come over today." I just said a simple 'oh' and the conversation was pulled a different direction. I don't know what's happening.. but I've go to crack this code.


We sat on my couch and watched Farkle's favorite documentary, because he and Riley insisted. "Okay but after this we're watching regional rodeo!" Huckleberry argued. Zay raised his hand to agree, then laid his arm over Isadora's shoulder. Smooth, Isaiah.. smooth.

My mom came home with grocery bags in hand and my dad following behind her. "Hey sweetie! Hey guys!" They greeted us. I softly took Lucas's arm off my shoulder as I got up to help them put stuff away. "How are you guys?" She asked and they chirped back with happy responses. "So Riley, where's your mom? I went by to see if she wanted to go to the craft store with me but she didn't answer the door or my calls." Mom asked as she opened the fridge. Riley's cheeks grew red and she tried to play it off casually. "Oh, I dunno... I think they all went to Coney Island or something. Of course they didn't invite me along!" She added a guilty laugh. She knows where they are.. And she's trying to hide it.

I tried to bring it back up into the conversation later in the day: "Riles, aren't you worried where your parents are?" I laughed a little to make it seem normal. Her eyes darted and she glanced around. "No.. I-I'm sure they're fine." I nodded and we continued talking with the group.

Once the boys left, along with Isadora, Riley and I just sat in my room looking at my old stuff from when I was a kid. "Aww look at this cute dress! It looks like a princess would have worn it!" Riley gushed. I nodded and trailed the white lace on the pastel-pink skirt with my finger. "It looks like it could fit Lily, doesn't it? When we adopt her I want to give it to her as a present," I said and hooked the hanger onto the closet knob. Riley's smile slightly faded. "Well, what if you don't adopt her?" She asked with a quiet voice. "What do you mean? My parents had the papers, of course we're adopting her; and her brothers." I smiled and picked out some of my old denim shorts. "I-I'm just saying.. like what if another family wanted to adopt them?" I glanced at her half-sided frown. "I'm their half-sister, I think we have a closer chance of adopting them. Plus we knew the parents." She nodded and just admitted a feeling less "Oh."

Why was she asking these weird questions? Something strange is going on. "Hey Riles, can I use your phone real quick? I left mine down stairs." I asked and she handed me her glittery purple case with her bubblegum pink phone inside. It was childish, but cute. She went to the other side of the room to get some of my old papers and I opened her texts. 37 unread texts from her mom and dad. What was going on?


- 11:46 am

Riley we need you to come home to go to the orphanage.

Riley answer your phone

Riley hurry up! We need to go!

There were endless repeats of that from her mom and from Corey..


12:06 pm

Riley get your phone and hurry and reply!!

We need to go meet the kids!

Riley this is more important than a hangout with your friends! We could be adding to our family and you're out with your boyfriend ignoring our texts!!

Adding to their family? Orphanage? Is this what Riley meant by "What if someone else wants to adopt them?" They're going to take our family..

"Umm, hey Riley.." I eased into the confrontation. She turned with the smile plastered once more on her cheeks. "You got a few texts from your parents. It looks like they need you home."

She turned stone faced and took her phone when I handed it to her. "You, uh, didn't read all the texts right?" Her voice croaked. I shook my head and said quietly, "Just the part about your parents adopting my siblings." I stood up from the ground and walked towards the stairs. She watched me, speechless. "Why weren't you going to tell me your parents wanted to adopt the kids?" She looked down at the ground now and shook her head. I turned to hide a tear, quickly wiping it away. "I.. think you should go. Your parents seemed impatient to see you," I told her and she slipped her bag onto her shoulder.

At the door, she turned to me with watery eyes, "I'm sorry Maya. But my mom isn't able to have kids anymore. She's been trying for a long time and she really wants to adopt those kids. They mean a lot to her. They mean a lot to us." I glanced at the ground, then to her. "If they meant so much, why didn't you go with them to meet the kids? You barely even know them." She stayed silent and creaked open the door. "I'm sorry, Maya." And with that the door was closed and she was gone. I couldn't keep this inside. I had to tell my parents before it was too late and the Matthews took my brothers and sister.


yeet i finally updated this is good and fresh

btw the video up top isn't really meant to be rilaya, but i mean if you ship it, fantastic, if you don't, fantastic. i personally do ship it but in this book there won't be much rilaya because i like to keep a lucaya and riarkle base, but who knows maybe another project could be crafted... a new book maybe a plot twist? idk we'll find out, but for now this video is only meant for this chapter as a friendship edit

thanks for reading skinnies ill try to update more

All of the Tears I Shed For Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें