Chapter Six

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"She wasn't the best student I had, but she was my favorite. I understood what she was going through. When her and Riley started drifting apart, it broke my heart to see the best of friends choose their own happiness over each other's," -Corey Matthews

(Riley's POV)
I laid there still for hours on end. I didn't know how to feel, at first there was anger boiling up inside me. Then I understood how it felt to be left in the shadows. But I still couldn't help being furious at both Lucas and Maya! Why did Maya tell Lucas first and not me, why can't she trust me anymore?! Why did Lucas not push her away and say he was taken?! I was confused on so many things and had to give myself time to wrap my brain around what was happening. For a while I wasn't even aware that Maya was in my room, when I finally realized she was still there I wanted to scream at her tell her that she didn't have the right to be feeling those things! But then I heard her crying, I remembered her depression and decided not to but I won't be able to hold down these feelings of anger forever. "Riley are you back to normal?" I heard her voice ask. I slightly nodded. She sighed with relief. She tucked me in and told me her mom would be worried. She left and I was alone in the dark, just me and my thoughts.
(Maya's POV)
"Hey Riles" I said. "Hi Maya" Riley said without even looking at me. Riley has bags under her eyes and she looked tired I could tell she was mad but she was doing a pretty good job of not showing it. After a minute of silence I finally decided to say something, "Alright, so I'll see you in art sixth period?" I said.
"I guess you will." She said still without looking at me.

I felt like the whole day I was being guilt tripped. I knew it was the wrong thing to do. I knew I shouldn't have trusted Lucas. I may loose Riley forever because of it. Riley and I have been together through it all. I had to find a way to show her that I'm sorry. So that she could forgive me. I'd rather be with my best friend over Ranger Rick if I had the choice. But I gave the choice up. I exempt myself. I treated Riley so badly. How could she stand to live with me? I know it was wrong of me to feel what I felt about Lucas, but I know that I wouldn't have been able to feel anything without Riley teaching me. She showed me happiness. She taught me what it was like to have a family, since mine was breaking. She brought me up when I felt down. I became depressed when she wasn't there to keep me sane. I can't live in this heck for the rest of my life. The thing I had to do to be happy was to get my Riles back.

"Class, today we are going to take a short quiz on the relationship of lines," The teacher explained. She looked around the room and asked, "First, what do you all know about lines?" I raised my hand and she pointed to me. "Lines are the point in space that directs your eyes to the center point," I answered. "Yes, and what do you know about parallel lines?" She asked. I hesitated. This seemed more like math than art. I threw a shot in the dark, "The lines directing up?" She shook her head and pointed back to Riley who had her hand high in the air. "Parallel lines are lines that cannot be crossed and they cannot be bent in any other direction than their original direction." She stated with confidence. Miss Kossal nodded and began again, "Yes. Now who can tell me what a perpendicular lines are?" Someone in the back was called on. They answered correctly, "Perpendicular lines are lines that cross at a 90° angle." She acknowledged him and continued, "Correct. In reality, most relationships are like perpendicular likes. Both people are headed in different directions. They disagree on plenty of things, and can't see the other's side of life. Relationships that work out are like parallel lines. They are headed in the same place, they know the other's goals and they want to help them achieve them." I glanced back at Riley, who was staring at me.  The bell rang shortly after Miss Kossal was finished. I stood and Riley hurried to me. "Maya, did you her Miss Kossal? She's right! We were like perpendicular lines when we should be like parallel lines!" She took my hands. I smiled, "Yeah I know." She looked skeptical, but curious. "But you got the answer wrong," She cautiously said. I nodded and admitted, "Yeah. I did that on purpose. She taught me that lesson before, and I asked her to teach it today. I know that I am not worthy of your approval, and that I'm very selfish to ask for forgiveness, but please. Please, Riley. You are the only source of true happiness in my life." She stared at me, "Peaches, you are not selfish or unworthy to have a little light. I'm the selfish one. I was only thinking of myself and my happiness. I was so busy thinking of my future fantasy than spending time with you and sharing my giddiness. I'm so sorry, Maya. I know you love Lucas. I'm okay with that. I just don't want to be in a triangle again. I mean, I don't want to be selfish and I don't want you to feel bad either. I just don't know what to do!" I thought back to a few days ago. Farkle.....Who she needed was Farkle. Hanging out with Farkle would help her remember how much she loved him. "Riles, I think I know how to fix this, but you're going to have to trust me. I know my ideas are crazy and risky, but this one could, can, and would work if you let me do it. I won't do it if you don't want me to," I assured her. She hesitated, but nodded. "I trust you," She vowed. I threw up my hand,
Our rings touched and I knew that I had my Riles back and she was here to stay. She pulled me into a hug and wouldn't let me go.

  The bell rang again, and we released. We panicked and ran out of the class room.

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