Chapter 24: Happier

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Seborga clung to Molossia on the walk back. The meeting seemed to have ended early as everyone else was already packing their things. Several heads turned when the teens walked in. Some were curious. Others were proud.

"What the crapola is this?"

And then there was Romano.

The micronations exchanged a glance with one another before sighing in unison. Molossia stood firmly as the Italian stormed over, Veneziano trailing behind him. Seborga stayed close to make sure nothing spiraled out of control.

"What are you doing near our baby brother?" the eldest brother hissed at the brunette. While Romano was significantly shorter than Molossia, he was still insanely intimidating.

"I um... Well, you see, about that, uh..."

Seborga frowned. "Fratello, he's my fidanzato now."

The room fell silent. Now everyone's eyes were on the small group. The other nations still watched in curiosity while Germany, Spain, and America sat worried. Veneziano continued to stand close and looked at Romano with concern. Molossia stood in fear, Seborga confidently, and Romano just stared, baffled.

His eyes were as wide as dinner plates, his jaw slacked, and his stance completely off-guard. All waited to see what he would say or do next. Most worried he'd explode, and the drama would go on. Others wondered if he'd be understanding and let them be. It was just a matter of patience.

The quiet lasted only a short moment. To everyone's surprise, Romano simply sighed. He stared between the teens, his arms crossed over his chest, and his eyes narrowed with their hairy neighbors knit together.

"There's nothing that's going to stop you, is there?" he asked.

Seborga shook his head. "I... I know you're upset with me, fratello, but... But I, I swear, he's good! It was just a misunderstanding! That's all!"

"I don't give a shit either way."

The Italian looked firmly at Molossia, who jumped as his head snapped towards him. "You promise to take care of him? Because if you do anything to hurt him, I'm not afraid to sick the mafia on you and America."

"Hey! I've got nothin' to do with this!" the blond shouted.

"America!" Canada scolded.

Mexico sighed. "Dios mio... Cállate la boca, idiot. This isn't about you..."

"All of you shut your traps!" Romano shouted at the trio. He sighed again, turning back to his brother and Molossia. "Do you swear you'll be good to him, or not?"

The brunette nodded. "I'd do anything for your brother. Uh... Mr. Romano."

The Italian smirked. "Call me Lovino. You'll probably be my cognato soon anyway, so might as well."

Molossia's eyes widened. "Whoa, seriously?" he exclaimed.

"Si. Just don't go calling me that all the time! Got that?"

Seborga and Molossia looked at one another, both smiling wide. They let out a shriek of joy before jumping into one another's arms. The Italian wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend, small tear droplets falling from his eyes. Molossia held him just as tightly, burying his face into the crook of his neck.

Everyone cheered in excitement. Germany smiled warmly—something quite rare for the German if Veneziano wasn't the cause of it—while Spain celebrated with the other countries. America, Canada, and Mexico all cheered their younger brother figure on with hollers and shouts. Mostly America did, anyway.

Veneziano looked at Romano with a smile, pulling his brother into a tight hug. Romano was caught off-guard by the embrace and stared at his little brother curiously.

"I'm proud of you, fratello," he whispered. "I'm glad you let them be happy."

Romano scoffed. "I had no other choice," he replied. "Either I let them be, or he'd run off to America like you did with that potato bastard."

"Still. I know it isn't easy... I'm glad you did the right thing."

Romano rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Since the meeting was over, everyone eventually started their return home. Everyone, except for the Vargas and North America families.

The siblings waited, though some very impatiently, as the young lovers embraced one another for the last time in who knows how long. It was mostly Molossia who didn't want to let go.

"When will I see you again?" the American asked.

"We can always visit one another, and you forget: the next meeting for us is in a few weeks!" Seborga chirped. "I'm sure you'll be fine."

"But... But I..."

The Italian silenced him with a tender kiss, to which Molossia happily accepted. Romano gagged as Veneziano giggled at the couple.

"Okay, I know this is romantic and stuff, but we gotta go, dudes," America called out. "Morro, our flight's leavin' in, like, a couple minutes."

Molossia turned to them. "Sorry! Be there in a minute!"

"Dude! We have a minute to go!"

"Alfred, leave them alone," Canada sighed.

"I'll meet you gringos on the plane," Mexico said, grabbing his things and walking into the airport. "Adios."

The brunette rolled his eyes at them before turning back to Seborga. "See you later, then?"

He nodded. "Si. See you soon."

The couple shared another short kiss. They broke apart, and Molossia raced off to join America and Canada towards their plane. Romano frowned.

"Can we go now?" he asked.

Seborga turned and smile. "Si. Let's go home."


The youngest Italian laughed. Now they were free to go back to Italy. The Vargas brothers walked from the airport to the train. From there, they'd travel home.

During their rides back to their respective countries, Seborga and Molossia could think of only one thing as they watched the clouds and land pass by: each other.

Looks like they got their happy end after all.


I know this one seems super short compared to the others, and I'm sorry about that. I've got a week left in the city, and it's busy. I've been waiting for days for my cat's ashes, tomorrow I have to pick up something from my friends and then head to my therapist with my mom, there's something else I gotta do on Wednesday that I forgot (???), and I still have to call my old job so they can return my working papers to me so I can get another one. So yeah, I hate life right now.

Anyway, there's only one last chapter left guys! For now, have some translations:

Crapola - crap
Fratello - brother (Italian)
Fidanzato - boyfriend/intended/fiance (Italian)
Dios mio - my god (Spanish)
Callate la boca - shut your mouth (Spanish)
Cognato - brother-in-law (Italian)

Well, that's all for now. See you guys in the finale!

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