Chapter 16: Mr. Canda

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Canada let out a heavy, but delightful, sigh as he took a seat on his sofa. He glanced over at Kumajiro with a smile.

"Are you ready for the game, Kumajiha?" he asked the bear.

The little polar bear looked back at him, tilting his head to the side. "Who are you?" he asked.

Again, Canada sighed. This time it was more out of disappointment than anything else.


The blond then turned back to the television, offering another smile as he turned it on and tuned it to sports channel. Just then, however, the door suddenly slammed open.

"Mr. Canada!" shouted a disgruntled Molossia, causing the poor Canadian nation to fly from the couch.

"Molossia!" he exclaimed, frowning at the brunette. "No need to slam my door you know. Knocking is a thing."

"At this rate, he'll be just like Al. God, I hope not," the blond sighed to himself.

Molossia, flustered by his sudden actions, frowned as he closed the door softly. "Sorry, Mr. Canada. But I need to talk to you. It's an emergency!"

The other rolled his eyes. "Couldn't you go to Al about this-"

"No!" he interjected. "Mr. America cannot know about this. I just... I thought you'd be better since you're, ya know, more...sentimental and all."

"Eh? What's that supposed to mean?"

This time, Molossia was the one to roll his eyes. "Nevermind that! Can ya help me?"

For a moment, the Canadian was silent. On one hand, he saw Molossia like family and he wanted to help. On the other, he had no idea what kind of scheme the teen was up to. It took a moment for him to consider before he sighed, giving in.

"Alright. What do ya need help with?" he asked.

A smile formed on Molossia's face, and he dashed over to the couch. He plopped down on it, Canada following, before he spoke out.

"So ya see, you've probably heard about how-"

"About how you and Seborga slept together, and he got mad at you," he finished for the other country. "Ya. Al wouldn't shut up about how screwed he was with Romano going around saying he'll kill him..."

Molossia laughed nervously at that. "Yeah. That... Well, the thing is, we made amends like I planned. But then we got stuck in the room and then we started talking about Mr. America, then he got upset about how I keep choosing him over Seb, but I really really like America and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. You like my brother?" he asked. "But... Aren't you and Seborga a thing?"

The brunette was thrown off by that statement, his head snapping at Canada as his cheeks turned bright red.

"N-No! Since when did you think we were ever together?" he replied.

"Maybe the fact that you two had sex...?"

"It was an accident!" he exclaimed. "I... Okay, don't tell America, but I got a little drunk and Seborga let me stay at his place, and then one thing led to another and..."

The brunette swallowed before he finished the sentence, leaving the end hanging by a thread as he refused to mention the ordeal again. It was far too embarrassing to talk about.

"Anyway, point is, he's upset with me again and... I don't know what to do," he admitted. "Hutt won't tell me where he is. I don't think I can even make an attempt with his brothers, and Seb is nowhere to be seen!"

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