Chapter 13: Now What?

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And here we enter the slowburning hell that is Act 2 of this story. Ah, I just love the smell of depression in the morning.



Molossia continued to chase Seborga down the winding halls of the hotel, apologizing as he pushed past people to get to the Italian. However, it seemed the youngest Vargas brother inherited his elder siblings' power of having infinite stamina when running away. Even the fit brunette couldn't keep up.

Eventually, the other micronation turned a corner and Molossia could hear banging and shouting.

"Amico! Open up, please!" the Italian pleaded.

Molossia couldn't hear who Seborga was talking to, but as soon as he, too, turned he saw him slip away into the room before the door shut behind him. Panting and out of breath, he approached it slowly.

He knocked on the door. "Seb! Please, come out! Look, can't we just talk this through...again?"

No response came. Though, Molossia could hear whispering inside the room. Well, they sounded like whispers. It could have just been the fact that they were far away from the door. Again, he knocked.

"Seborga! Please, just... Just come out!" he shouted. "Come on, dude. This is startin' to get ridiculous!"

As he aimed to knock a third time, though this time more violently as Americans naturally do when they've been knocking for nearly an eternity, the door finally opened. However, it wasn't Seborga who opened it.

Standing in the doorframe was Wy, her big bushy brows quirked up as her eyes went wide.

"Molossia? What's going on here?" she asked.

"Well, ya see-"

"Sis! Close that door this instant!" the two heard Hutt yell from inside.

Wy turned back into the room, but the door blocked Molossia's vision of the other Australian micronation.

"But Hutt-"

"I said now, Wy. Close it."

Wy opened her mouth to protest, but quickly snapped it shut again. She turned back to Molossia if only to give him a pitiful look. Then, she closed the door.

"Sorry, Molossia," she said. "Goodnight..."

"Wait just a darn minute!"

Just as the door prepared to close, Molossia stuck his foot into the frame and his hand on the door. He knit his brows together with a scowl as he tried to step into the room.

"Let me talk to him!" he pleaded. "Please, I just gotta-"

But, before Molossia could think of anything else, Hutt had suddenly pushed Wy behind him and Molossia out of the hotel room. He now stood in the doorway, and by the looks of things he was absolutely pissed.

With his jaw clenched he growled at Molossia, "He doesn't want to speak to you right now. Come back later or somethin'."

The brunette shook his head, stepping closer. "No way, dude. Look, I know he's emotional right now but if ya just let me talk to him-"

"I ain't lettin' ya do jack, bucko." Hutt pushed him back again. "Just... Just go to your room, Molossia. He doesn't want to see you."


"For God's sake, Molossia, stop thinking about yourself just this once!" the blond groaned. "He's clearly upset and doesn't want to speak! Just go already!"

With that, Hutt slammed the door in the other nation's face and locked it behind him. Now Molossia stood alone in the quiet hall, other patrons staring at him.

It all came crashing down on him slowly. First, his lips began to tremble. Then, his eyes began to sting as hot tears slowly poured down his face. His entire face turned red as he quietly cried. Taking off his sunglasses he attempted to wipe the tears away, but they just kept coming.

Lastly, he silently left to go back to his hotel room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Molossia sat in his room all day upon his return to the United States. The meeting went about as expected: the countries fought and bickered while the micronations joined in every once in a while to either fight as well or stop the arguing.

Molossia sat by America the entire time, slouching in his chair and just looking miserable. He would occasionally glance across the room where Seborga sat next to his brothers. While one of the older in the trio bickered with everyone else, the other comforted their brother. Then they would give a short glare to the brunette before focusing on the task at hand again.

In short: it was terrible.

The entire flight home America asked if everything was patched up between them. Of course, the brunette couldn't lie to his former boss. But he couldn't let him know about that last part just yet. So he kept some of the story to himself, explaining only that something else came up but he didn't really want to talk about it. Thankfully, the blond left it at that.

Now he was here in his room, in the dark, with Chase staring at him from the doorway that offered little light from the hall. The white dog-like creature borfed at his master before jogging up to him and jumping onto the bed.

"Bork! Bork!" the dog chirped.

Molossia only sighed. "Not now, Chase," he said. "Daddy's sad."

"Bork! Bork, bork!"

"I don't wanna talk about it..."

"Bork bork!"

The brunette rolled his eyes. "Look. Seborga and I just had a little... A little fight, and he just won't talk to me now."

The dog tilted his head to the side, letting out a soft whimper. This only made Molossia feel worse. Chase loved spending time with Seborga the most whenever the countries came over, whether it was just as a personal visit or for a meeting. Seborga—more often than not—did a whole lot of the former.

Knowing the brunette wouldn't come over anymore saddened Molossia, though now it was at an unexplainable level. He brushed it off for now. He'd figure all this out later.

"I know, buddy," he sighed. Picking himself off the bed, Molossia moved closer to Chase. He picked up his pet and placed him on his lap.

Petting him gently, holding him close to his chest, the American stared out the window of his bedroom.

"I don't know what to do, Chase," he confessed. "I... I really must've fucked up again, haven't I? But I don't get it! How? And... Why would he make such a big deal out of it? I don't really see him like I?"

"Bork! Bork!"

Another sigh escaped him. "Yeah. You're right. I... I've gotta figure this out on my own. No Canada. No America. and Seborga."

Molossia looked down at Chase, the dog smiling again as he wagged his tail. The brunette couldn't help but smile. He gave the fluffy friend another pat on the head.

"You're a good boy, Chase," he said. "Come on. It's about time for some grub, huh?"

"Bork! Bork!"

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