Chapter 2: Party in Italy

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"You sure you're gonna be okay, bro? You don't really seem like the party type to me..."

"I-I'll be okay," Molossia replied. He wasn't dressed in his usual style. His glasses were tucked away in his front pocket beside his phone and his hair was brushed down. He wanted to uphold a good appearance in front of America, at least until he finally got to the house.

"Alright. I'll be chilling around town if ya need me. Just hit me up, got that?"

Molossia nodded with a hum, showing America he understood. The blond smiled at this and continued to drive. Another few minutes passed by before they finally pulled up to Italy and Romano's house. Molossia's eyes grew wide.

Just from outside in the car, he could still hear the music blaring from the speakers and the bright light that reached the dark ground outside. Molossia looked back at America, waving him a goodbye before opening the door and leaving to walk inside. The brunette strolled up to the front door and gave a knock on it.

Not a moment later, the door opened to reveal a smiling Italy with some pasta sauce stuck on the corner of his lips.

"Ah! Ciao Molossia!" he greeted his brother's friend. "You made it just on time! Sebby and that other tiny country are upstairs in his room. We'd let you join us but..."

Suddenly, Romano popped out from behind Italy and scowled. "This party isn't for kids like yourself. We're lenient with the drinks, but there are...other things that you shouldn't be seeing. So go upstairs, ya got that?"

Molossia looked back over his shoulder to see America had long drove off, and he sighed out in relief. He turned back to Italy and Romano and scowled back.

"Right. Whatever. Where's Seb's room anyway?"

"Second floor, third door to your right!" Italy chirped. "Have fun!"

"But not too much fun, ya hear!?"

Molossia rolled his eyes at the pair before pushing past them and walking up the stairs. He was currently fixing his appearance so his hair was spiked upright like it usually was during meetings and he wore his glasses to hide his face. He'd only dress casually at home when no one was around or when America came to visit him.

The brunette nation knocked on the door harshly before Hutt had opened it up.

"Ah. About time ya made it," the Australian micronation grinned. "We've been waitin' for you."

"Whatever," he scoffed. "Just let me in, will ya?"

Hutt narrowed his eyes to glare at Molossia before stepping aside to let him in. The country was immediately greeted by the smiling Italian sitting on the floor with a glass of wine and plate of some kind of Italian cuisine sitting near him.

"Ah! Ciao, Molossia!" he greeted. "I would come to greet you properly, but Lovi told me not to move around too much since we just got the carpet installed... He doesn't want me to ruin it with the wine, you see."

Molossia glanced down, his brows perking up in surprise. He was right. This was a new carpet. It wasn't the same color as it was the last time he was visiting the Italian brothers.

Molossia was one of Seborga's consistent guests that'd visit him out of a whim rather than for diplomatic reasons. Italy and Romano were glad to have the teen around as he was a distraction for their lonesome brother. So every time he came to visit, Molossia made sure to take a silent note on a detail in the house.

"Yeah. I can see that. Wasn't it beige the last time I came by?"

Seborga nodded. "Si. I didn't think beige really suited me, but it was cheap so I got it anyway. But Lovi insisted on getting something for me since he was in a good mood thanks to the party, so he replaced that ugly carpet with this one!"

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