Chapter 6: More Than an Apology

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"You did what!?"

Veneziano cringed at the sudden anger from his little brother's voice. It was clear this upset him. However, it was not the Italian's doing but that of their oldest sibling.

"Sebastian, I had nothing to do with it! You know how Romano gets sometimes..."

"The whole point of me not saying anything was so he didn't find out," the youngest hissed. "What was fratello thinking!?"

"Oi! I was trying to help!" Romano yelled, hearing every word Seborga was saying. "I'm trying to protect you!"

"I'm not a bambino anymore! Nor am I a girl, so I don't need your protection!"

"But you are still our baby brother," Veneziano said softly, hoping he could reason with the angry Italian on the phone. "Nonno would have done the same thing Romano did if not worse."

Seborga went silent at this. He wanted to say he didn't know their grandfather like his brothers did, so such a statement had no relevance. But they still raised him with the old saying: La famigliaètutto. Family is everything. His brothers gave him that motto, not their grandpa, so he held his tongue.

The Italian let out a heavy sigh. "Fine then. Just... Please, don't interfere more than we already have."

"Why does it matter?" Romano shouted into the phone. His voice was clearer now, and Seborga knew he stole it from Veneziano.

"Because they are happy, and Morro's happiness is my happiness."

"Bullshit! I-"

"Romano, that's enough!" Veneziano shouted, snatching the phone away from his older brother. He walked some ways away from the still seething Italian and whispered into the speaker. "We have to go now, Seb. Mi dispiace. See you when we get home. Ciao."

"Ciao," he sighed again. Then with a beep, the call ended and Seborga was left alone in silence once more.

Seborga glanced over at the closed window, the sun shining through the glass stained by the violet curtains that blocked it out. He wished to be in the dark that morning and stood that way for hours. Only now did he have a sudden desire for the sunlight.

He ignored it though and sat on his bed just like he did the morning before. Eventually, he fell backward onto the bed and rolled into a bundle of blankets to cover himself. He laid on his side as he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep.

It wasn't like his mind would let him do anything else.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Molossia couldn't remember the last time he felt this nervous. Sure he felt anxious during horror movies or when the big kiss scene was about to happen and he didn't know whether it'd go on or be interrupted, but this was a whole other emotion in his stomach now. America was scaring him enough as it is what with his terrifying tone, but now he was talking to Molossia like an older child would to a younger one who did something they weren't supposed to.

Nonetheless, he swallowed the nervous feeling down and answered. "Su-Sure thing. Uh... What do you wanna talk to me about? Is it a new movie or-"

"Molossia, this is serious," America scolded. Yet another thing that wasn't common for him to do. "You did something that I... Damn it, dude, what the hell?"

"What are you talking about?" he asked. "I didn't... I..."

"Molossia. Answer me this: did you..." A silence fell. "Did you have sex with Italy's little brother?"

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