Chapter 7: Don't

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A few weeks passed, as expected, and Molossia sat back awkwardly while everyone else in the room conversed with one another. No one noticed the quiet brunette. No one except for Hutt.

The blond micronation strolled over to the other teen and stood beside him, his brows furrowed together in aggressive curiosity.

"Oi. What's got you so bothered, eh Molossia?"

"Shut up dude," the brunette muttered, arms crossed over his chest as his gaze drifted away. He couldn't help but stare at the door. He was waiting for Seborga to come through those doors any day now so he could apologize.

Hutt huffed. "Alright. Look, Sealand's the one who wanted me to check up on you," he lied. "Just tell me what's going on so the poor kid can rest easy."

Molossia rolled his eyes in response. "It's too personal, alright? Just... Just some issues with Sebby. Can ya fuck off now?"

"Oh. Seborga, huh? Did something happen after I left or-"

"No!" Molossia shouted, pushing himself out of his seat. He was glaring at Hutt now from behind his glasses and his fists were clutched tightly. "I mean- No. Nothing happened. Can you go now?"

For a moment, Hutt was silent. He looked up at Molossia with an unimpressed expression on his face. He decided to humor the stubborn country and sighed.

"Alright. Whenever you're ready to come clean, I'll be with my sister and Ladonia. Got it?"

Molossia hummed, sitting back down and relaxing again. His eyes remained glued on the door waiting for the moment they'd open to reveal the peppy Italian. However, it didn't happen for a long while. The meeting had to begin though, with or without Seborga, and Molossia was forced to accept it.

"Alright! Roll call time!" Sealand announced. "Wy?"

"Here," Wy said, unimpressed. 

"Great! Hutt?"



"I'm right here," the boy said as he rolled his eyes.

"Awesome! Obviously, I'm here. Kugel?"

Kugel hummed beside Sealand, their eyes focused on the plate in front of them. They made some kind of art project using the food Sweden had given them earlier that afternoon. Sealand only nodded his head.

"Cool I guess...? Uh, Molossia?"

Molossia sighed, eyes still stuck on the door. "Here..."

Sealand grinned. "Great! Lastly, Seborga!"

Everyone turned their heads around, looking for the cheerful Italian only to come up empty-handed. The teen was nowhere in sight.

"Maybe he's late?" Wy suggested. "You know how his brothers are. Always waking up late..."

"She's got a point," Ladonia agreed.

"Just wait a bit longer," Molossia pleaded desperately. "He'll show up."

Sealand frowned at this. "Molossia, we waited for him for, like, an hour. We have to start the meeting!"

The brunette opened his mouth to argue, but the look on Hutt's face told him not to even bother. The kid was right. They had to go on. Molossia groaned before slumping in his chair.

"Fine," he grumbled. "Let's get this over with then..."

Sealand nodded once more. "Great! This meeting's agenda is-"

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