Chapter 20: Let Me Help You, Fratello

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The Italian was the first to react when his brother dashed away. Veneziano managed to sneak away from the scene and followed Seborga up to the bathroom. The older brother pressed his ear against the door to listen closely, but heard nothing.

With a pout, he knocked softly. "Sebastian?" he asked. "Is everything alright?"

No response came. Veneziano took a step back and stared at the door for a moment. Pressing his lips together, he knocked again. This time, more firmly.

"Sebastian. Open the door," he told him. "I know something's wrong. Let me in."

"No," the younger finally replied.

Veneziano sighed in relief to himself. At least the kid was alive. He moved closer to the door.

"Sebastian, please, just talk to me," he pleaded. "I'm your fratello. I'm supposed to be there for you. What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Feli."

"But I-"

"Just go back to Lovi and the others. I'll be fine here."

Veneziano was unsure. He didn't know what to do. For the longest time, it was just him and Romano. He always had the role of the little brother, and Romano was supposed to look out for him. Even if the guy was a little...extreme in his methods, Veneziano couldn't lie. He was still a good big brother when it counted.

Seborga came to be when they were already grown adults. Veneziano didn't know how to handle this new responsibility. Thankfully, the boy showed no signs of trouble when he was younger. The Italian thought it'd be easy sailing with him, and he'd rarely ever have to play any serious part in being an older sibling.

He guessed he shouldn't have taken those days for granted.

But the Italian wasn't willing to give up. He pressed his back against the door and sighed. "Seb, please, just speak to me. What is this about? Is it your boyfriend? Did something happen between you?"

Behind the door, Seborga cringed. He felt vomit rise in his throat at the word. Boyfriend. Hutt was his boyfriend. He didn't forget that fact, but it still didn't sit right with him. He didn't want Hutt. He didn't know what he really wanted, but this? It was wrong. Just so very wrong.

But how could he tell his brothers? They seemed so happy when he told them. They were glad he was over Molossia, even if he really wasn't. How could he tell Veneziano that he didn't want to be with Hutt? How could he tell him that he still loved Molossia?

"No, Feli," Seborga muttered. "I just... I can't talk about it."

"Perchè no?" the other brother asked.

Seborga bit his lip. He leaned his head against the door, his eyes shut tight. "I just can't. I... I'm scared."

This made Veneziano frown. "Scared of what, fratellino? You know Lovi and I could never be mad at you..." The Italian wanted to know what was bothering his brother. Then, a horrible thought came to him.

"Sebastian. Hutt doesn't... He doesn't hurt you, right?"

"No!" the younger shouted instantly. "No, no! Hutt would never do that. He... He's too nice."

"Then what's the problem? Is it something else that's bothering you?"

Again, Seborga went silent. A few seconds of quiet passed before Veneziano sighed on the other side of the door.

"Seb, all I want is your honesty," he told him. "I promise, even if it's bad, it'll stay just between us. Okay?"

"...Just between us?"

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