Chapter 8: Plan B

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Molossia paced back and forth in his house, hands gripping at strands of his hair. His dog sat with a smile on its face beside America on the sofa, who was sipping some Coca Cola at the moment as he watched the brunette with his eyes.

"How can I even get close enough to get him to understand if his brothers are always at my throat?" he exclaimed. "At this rate, Seb'll never forgive me!"

America rolled his eyes. "They're pretty traditional, Morro. They're not just gonna let you near their baby bro like that after what happened."

"But can't they see that I'm trying to make up for it?" he groaned. "What if next time Veneziano or Romano shows up instead of him? What if they never let him into another meeting? What if-"

"Dude, that's enough."

Molossia looked over at America, the blond's eyes stern as he leaned forward. The Coca Cola was forgotten on the floor as the latter stood up and strolled over to the brunette.

"What's done is done, dude. You can't change that, and ya can't change their minds," he said.

The micronation didn't feel that helped at all, and opened his mouth to retort. However, his former boss lifted a hand to stop him.

"I ain't done yet. You can't change their minds, but maybe you can change his."

Molossia was dumbfounded for a minute. His eyes scanned America's face, wondering if the older country had lost his marbles.

"But that's what I was doing the entire time!" he shouted. "They wouldn't let me near him! And when I tried talkin' to him, he just... He pushed me away!"

"Well, what did you expect? Ya left him after having sex, dude! How else was he supposed to react?" America sighed. "Look, the next meeting for us is not that far ahead and it's up at Mattie's place. I can get him to ask for the others to show up with their parent countries, including you and Seborga. But this is might be your last chance to fix this, so don't screw it up. Got that?"

"Mr. America, with all due respect, how the heck am I supposed to get close enough-"



America crossed his arms over his chest. He pushed his glasses up, smirking at the brunette with a beaming confidence about him.

"Hotel rooms are predetermined before the meetings by the host. I'll ask Mattie to partner you up with Seborga, so he'll have to be around you! And that's not all: Italy and his bro are already scheduled to be on the other side of town in a little Italian area. Which means they can't interfere!"

Molossia was unsure of how to react. There were a lot of things wrong with this plan. The Italian brothers could just force Seborga to sleep with them on the other side of town, or they could barge into their room and take him away. A million thoughts raced in the teen's head, but none of them were as strong as one hopeful thought: this was his chance to get Seborga to be his friend again.

With a nod he replied, "I'll do it. I just... I gotta talk to him somehow. If this is the only way then fine. Just... Please, help me Mr. America."

The American country nodded back. "I will, dude. Don't worry about it. I'm the hero after all! Can't just leave two lovebirds like this!"

A rush of heat flooded Molossia's face, turning his lightly tanned cheeks pink. "Tha-That's not- W-We aren't..."

"It's alright, man!" America laughed. "Your secret's safe with me! I'll leave it to you to tell him. Well, gotta talk to Mattie then. See ya later!"

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