Chapter 21: Let Us Help You, Bro

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First off, I wanna thank everyone for 1.4K reads! That's amazing, like holy shit!

Thank you all for your love and support to this story. We're almost to the endpoint of the story too which is twice as awesome. (I won't tell you guys how many chapters are left though lol).

Also, sorry if half of this chapter sucks or has a lot of errors in it??? I was high when I made the first half and waiting to leave to catch the bus so I can go to the doctor so yeah. Hope ya'll enjoy!


Canada knocked on the door gently, first twice and then thrice. No response came after either knock. Sighing, he reached up a third time before a voice stopped him.

"Dude, he's not gonna answer."

The northern nation turned abruptly on his heel to glare at the other blond. "Al! What the hell, man?" he whispered to him.

America rolled his eyes. "Just go in. He's... Well, you'll see soon enough for yourself."

Canada rolled his own and grabbed the doorknob. This time, more loudly, he announced, "Mo. I'm coming in, buddy."

Again, no answer. This made the Canadian more concerned. Taking America's advice, he turned the knob and pushed the door open. He could see his shadow in the small patch of light that was in the room. He peered his head in and looked around.

It was really dark in there. But he could still see the Nevadan laying on the bed. He took a small step forward.

"Molossia?" he asked. "You alright, pal?"

No response yet again. This made the older nation frown. "Morro. I need an answer from you."

"...Go away," was all the brunette muttered.

"At least he said something," Canada thought to himself. "Sorry, bud, but-"

"Morro, dude, we just wanna help."

"America!" Canada scolded his brother, sharply turning to glare at him. The blond, when done with the other nation, turned back to Molossia and gave a small but gentle smile. "As much of an ass as he is, America's right. We want to help you, Mo, but we can't if you won't let us."

"There's nothing you can do," the teen replied. "So just...leave me alone."

The older countries went silent. They gave each other a small glance, both biting their lip anxiously, and returned their gaze to the body on the bed. America was the first to take a step.

"Look, Morro, Mattie said Seborga might have something to do with this and we..." America thought over his next words carefully. "We want to know what happened between you guys. You two have been through a lot in the span of under a year and..."

The blond, unsure of what to say next, turned to his brother for help. Canada nodded in reply. Stepping forward next to his look-alike, he took over.

"It's not healthy what you're doing. Shutting everyone out... Keeping yourself locked up in this place... We can't help but worry," he explained. "We won't make you answer something if you really don't want us to know but... Morro, let us help you."

"Yeah, bro. Let us help!"

Molossia did not move from the bed, but the gears were turning in his mind. They were right in a sense. He knew it wasn't good to be literally kept in the dark like this, even if it kept himself from sobbing again. But what else could he do? The damage was done, and there was no way he could redeem himself now.

Still, it didn't hurt to at least talk his feelings through, right?

Sighing, Molossia slowly sat up in his bed. He kept his back to them, however, as he spoke.

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