I look up at my fiance. At first, I think I've lost it. I'm crazy, that's the only answer.

Then I see his green eyes just barely open, and I see his fingers move just a little. He takes in a breath and then sighs.

"Michael?" I ask.

It's quiet for one second.


I hit the button that calls a nurse and walk over to the side of his bed.

"God, Michael. I love you," I blurt.

"I love you, too."

I smile and study him. Now that he's awake, it's obvious he's in pain. His features are scrunched up a little and his breathing is getting shallow.

"What happened?" He asks me.

"You got shot in the chest."

It's blunt, I know, but there are more important things to say. We have all the time in the world to talk about what happened. For now, I want to say the most important things.

"Ouch. Am I dying?"

I have no idea how to answer that question. I can't lie, but I don't want to be totally honest with him. Sighing, I place a hand over his. His skin is freezing, but I don't move my hand.

"Probably not. You're strong, Michael. You'll make it through this."

He smiles.

"Of course I will, babe. I told you that I'd be fine and I will," he says.

I frown. "Michael, I love you so much."

I want to say it as much as I can. I'm so happy he's alive and awake. That makes me almost certain he'll be okay. If he was going to die, he wouldn't have woken up.

"I love you too, honey. Just give me some time to heal and everything will be fine. Are you still going to marry me?" He questions.

I nod. "Of course I'm still going to marry you. In just under a year. A few months after our baby is born."

He smiles again.

"I can't wait to meet our baby, Luke. Our little Alexander."

I chuckle. "Or Ariel."

He nods, though I can tell it hurts.

"Or Ariel. Either way, I'm sure we'll end up with at least one of each. I can't wait to have a family with you," he says.

I kiss him softly. "Agreed."

The nurse comes in and Michael looks at her.

"Oh! You're awake," she smiles.

I stepped aside while she takes his vitals and stuff. When she's done, I get a few more minutes with my fiance before everyone gets back from getting food. Once they're back, they crowd him.

"Oh, no," Calum sighs. I step forward and watch as Michael's eyes shut again.

His heart monitor is still beeping.

"We got you some food," Ashton says. He hands me a bag and a chocolate milkshake. I eat as much as I can force down, for my baby's sake. Personally, I'm not that hungry and the food seems flavorless. My mind is everywhere but on my burger and fries. I finish most of it, though, and it helps to settle my stomach quite a bit.

I'm there for a day and a half. Over that time, the others come and go. His condition keeps getting worse, but I try to stay optimistic. He woke up. We had a conversation. That has to mean something.

Ashton, Calum, and Ella bring me food several times. Each time, I have to force down enough to satisfy my baby. I only feel hunger once in that day and a half. I keep drinking water, and only leave Michael's side to use the attached bathroom.

Morning sickness hits the morning after I arrive, and it's worse than usual. It comes the following morning, too. The nurse thinks it's worse because of the stress I'm feeling. Even with the stress, though, there's still plenty of hope that he'll pull through.

Until noon on the third day. His heart rate slows a considerable amount. Enough to trigger some sort of and alarm that three nurses respond to. They come rushing in and start doing what they can to help him.

After several minutes, his pulse is back to a decent rate and the nurses leave.

This happens three more times. The last time is in the evening. Ashton, Calum, and Ethan are standing in the room with me when it happens.

That time, the nurses work on him longer. I stand in a corner behind them, watching as they try to help him. His heart beat slows more, though. I listen close, waiting for it to speed back up.

It doesn't speed back up. Instead, it drops and drops until it's just a continuous, monotone beep.

Devil's Backbone (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now