"Please let me explain."

Those are the first words I hear when Michael steps through the front door. He blurts them before I can even form a word.  I say nothing, instead raising my eyebrow while I wait. My arms are crossed over my chest and I can feel that my face is red with anger.

"Over dinner. Tonight. Please?" He asks when I don't answer. I sigh and hesitate for a second.

"Fine." I agree. "What time?"

"6:30?" He suggests.


He steps forward and tries kissing my forehead, but I move away. I don't want him touching me right now.

"Whatever, Luke. I'm going to take a nap," he tells me.

At about five, I get out of a steaming shower. I take extra time drying and styling my hair. I have an hour and a half to be ready, so I do have to hurry a little bit. I took a long nap on the couch, so I'm energized and ready for tonight. A small anxious knot is forming in my stomach, but I do my best to push it away for now.

I head to our shared bedroom and pull a soft robe over my bare body. Then, I sit in front of my vanity to do my makeup.

It doesn't take long to decide that I'm going all out and doing a full face. This date may end badly, with our relationship ruined. If we end things tonight, I want him to know that he fucked up bad. That's horrible, but I want to look my best so that I'm not the only one being hurt if we break up.

"Hey, babe," Michael says as he comes into the room. I glance at him and then finish setting out all the products I'm about to be using.


"You still mad?" He wonders. I huff.

"Until I get a valid explanation, yes," I state. He nods, grabs a green button up shirt, and leaves.

I start my makeup, taking enough time to make sure it's perfect. A subtle nude smokey eye with red lipstick, some blush and highlight, soft eyebrows and killer lashes with a small wing. Even I'm confident with my face by the time my makeup is done. After all, I'm pretty cute to begin with.

Once I've coated my face in setting spray, I go to my closet to flick through my new clothes. I bought a couple of new dresses, so I just have to choose between them.

I end up picking a rose gold one that stops about four inches above my knee. It's cute and girly, with the bottom resembling a skater skirt. I pair it with some black, glittery heels to complete the look.

Michael's jaw, no exaggeration, drops when I walk into the kitchen where he's sitting.

"God damn, Luke. You look gorgeous," he tells me.

"Thanks." I grab my phone and wallet. "I know."

"Ready?" He asks, grabbing his things. I nod and we leave.

It's a close to silent ride on the way to the restaurant. He tries playing some of my favorite bands to thaw me out, but I'm still feeling bitter with him when we pull up the the Olive Garden.

The ride gives me more time to think. My nerves are back. I have no idea which direction this will go, because I'm quite tired of dealing with no explanation from him for things like last night. But I don't want to lose him. He means everything to me. Besides Calum, and now Pepperoni, Michael is all I have. I don't want to lose him, so I'm terrified for this "date".

I almost feel guilty for holding a grudge. Still, he has yet to apologize or say a word about where he was all night when he was supposed to be working. My mind assumes the worst, but my heart hopes for the best. I'm torn between forgiveness and anger.

We walk in and a young waiter greets us with a bright smile that doesn't match my mood. Still, I try to return it.

"Two, please," Michael says. The guy leads us to a small booth and we sit.

"My name is Roger. I'll be your waiter tonight. What can I get you to drink?" He asks, whipping out a tiny note pad and a pen.

I order a Pepsi and Michael orders some drink with a small amount of alcohol. I frown in disapproval, but don't say anything as the waited jots down the drinks and walks away to get them.

"So, how are you feeling?" Michael questions. I shrug, not answering as I open my menu.

"Luke, I know you're going to get the same thing as every time you come." He groans and glances over his own menu. "Stop ignoring me."

He's right, of course, but I don't want to admit it.

"I'm not," I say. "Just don't know what to say. Besides, maybe I want something different for a change."

He looks through his own menu and makes a decision before Roger is back with our drinks. He sets them down and pulls out his little notebook again.

"Are you guys ready to order?" He questions.

I, as usual, get the chicken broccoli alfredo. Michael orders spaghetti.

Roger leaves again, but returns with a basket of breadsticks and a huge bowl of salad in just a few minutes.

"Thank you so much," I tell him with a smile. He grins back.

"Of course!"

After that, Michael and I are alone to wait for our dinner. He looks at me, and I gaze back with my eyebrows up.

"Can I explain now?" He wonders.

I nod. "Yeah."

He takes a deep breath. Just as he starts launching into his words, though, his phone rings. I scoff and roll my eyes; he never used to leave his phone on during our dates.

"I'm sorry, love. I have to take this," he tells me. He accepts the call and stand up, almost jogging out of the busy restaurant.

Devil's Backbone (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now