I wake late the next morning. The room is warm, and the sun is shining to light up the place even through the curtains. My eyes open and I can tell that it's about noon. My phone confirms my theory- it's 12:03. I look next to me to see that Michael's spot is bare- the blankets are pulled back and the sheets are rumpled from where he was laying. I roll my eyes and lay back down.

I hear noises downstairs and, for a minute, I'm a little scared. Then my nose registers the scent of waffles and sausage. I stretch before getting out of bed, pulling on some decent clothes, and hopping down the stairs.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Michael greets me when he sees me in the kitchen. I sit at the counter and smile.

"Good morning."

"Breakfast is almost done. How'd you sleep?" He asks me.

"Pretty good," I reply.

I watch as he finishes cooking. When it's done, he slides a plate over to me and sits next to me. I take a small bite while he starts to talk.

"So, Luke, I've been thinking about something for a few days now," he starts. I swallow my bite and raise my eyebrows.

"What would that be?" I wonder, a hint of caution spilling into my voice.

"Well, I know how often I have to leave. And, while I'm gone, you're almost always here by yourself," he answers.

Now I'm confused. He's been doing that since right after we got together. Why is this topic just now coming up? And where is he going with this?

"Yeah? So?" I question. He chuckles as I take another bite.

"And I know that you've wanted to get a pet for a long time," he continues. I beam and nod in confirmation.

We've talked about wanting a dog multiple times, but have never actually gotten one. It's been three and a half years since we moved in together, but have never had a serious conversation about adopting a puppy.

"How about we get one?" Michael suggests. I feel my face light up and my lips pull back in a smile.

"Wait, for real?" I question. He nods.

"Yes! When?"

He thinks for a second.

"Sometime this week. In a couple of days, perhaps. We'll have to shop for the supplies," he tells me.

I finish eating fast and hug him.

"We can adopt the dog from the shelter, right?" I check.

Not only is shelter adoption cheaper, but we'll be rescuing an animal who could otherwise stand no chance.

He lights a cigarette and kisses my forehead.

"Of course, honey. There's one about thirty minutes from here."

I grin and tighten my arms around him. He pulls me into his lap and I snuggle against him. He pulls his cigarette away so that the smoke isn't going straight into my face.

"Are you ready for our date tonight?" He asks me. I nod in excitement.

My phone tells me that it's nearing one in the afternoon. I have about five hours until we're leaving. I keep snuggling into Michael's chest as he finishes his cigarette.

"Michael?" I ask, playing with my fingers.

"Yes, love?"

I chew on my bottom lip softly. We've had this conversation a few times, but now I want to get more serious about it.

"Do you think we'll ever have a baby?" I question.

"Of course we will!" he exclaims as he rubs the lit part of the cigarette in the ashtray, releasing a final puff of smoke as he puts it out.

"I don't know. We've had five negative tests," I mutter. "Calum and Ashton were successful on one of their very first tries."

He lifts my face so that I'm looking at him. "Baby, it'll happen. We'll start trying harder. But please don't compare our attempts to theirs."

Our best friends have been together for just a year and are engaged, but they weren't even trying when they got pregnant. I've been close with Calum since we were little kids, and he never really wanted a baby until he was already about to have one. Now they're just a few days shy of finding out the gender while Michael and I still aren't having any luck after three years of trying.

A few hours later, I'm dressed in a short maroon dress and black flats. My hair and makeup are done, and we're on our way to the restaurant.

"What age do you think is too young to get married?" Michael asks me. I consider the question for a second. I'm twenty one, and Michael is twenty three. I don't think we're too young, though I know my parents would disagree. My father and I were never close, especially after the divorce. My mother and I, however, are a different story. I haven't spoken to her in a couple of weeks, but she's always been one of my best friends in the world. I love her dearly.

"Maybe, eighteen? Just out of high school is too young. Anything younger than twenty," I respond. "Why?"

"Just wondering." He turns onto the freeway. "Ashton and I were discussing it because people are saying they're too young."

I frown. "Their wedding is ten months away. People might want to get used to it."

It was supposed to be just a couple of months from today, but they rescheduled once Calum got pregnant. He wants six months to lose the baby weight, and he's about to be five months along.

"I know. Do you think a few years of being together is enough time before proposing?" He wonders. I nod.

"Of course. But they were only together for a year. Which is still fine," I remind him. He chuckles.

"Oh, yeah. It seems like so much longer considering how much Ashton talks about it."

I giggle.

He pulls into the restaurant and I hop out, excited. We go inside and get seated at once.


When we get home, Michael asks about a double date with Calum and Ashton.

"They want to go bowling on Saturday. I know it's already Thursday and you like having plans in advance, so I said I didn't know," he explains as he removes his shirt. I catch myself staring at his body as he talks.

"That sounds good," I say. "Let's do it."

He nods and unzips his pants. I can't take my eyes from him, and he catches on after a minute. As he raises an eyebrow at me, I feel myself blush.

"You know, I said we'd start trying harder for a baby," he reminds me.

I nod. "Yeah?"

"So let's start trying harder."

I nod in agreement as he presses his lips against mine in a heated kiss.

Devil's Backbone (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now