I watch my window as the rain drops rush down it. Storms freak me out, especially when they have thunder and lightning. As soon as I saw a flash of thunder light the dark sky, I forced myself to focus on the rain instead. Observing the water dripping down the glass is somehow calming.

I hear some low thunder and tense up a little. After taking a quick glance at me, Michael turns on some music and increases the volume. It drowns out the thunder, and I'm grateful.

"Anything in particular you want to hear?" Michael asks me.

"Good Charlotte," I answer. We have just a few minutes until we get to the theater, so we can only do one song. But that's fine.

He switches the music to my favorite band and I start singing the words to myself. Michael mumbles along.

We arrive right before the song ends.

"Can we finish the song first?" I question. Michael chuckles and nods.

"Of course."

I smile and sing the last few words. As the music dies out, I grab my things.

We jog inside to avoid getting soaked. We still get wet, but not so much that it won't dry soon. We step into line and look at the movie options.

"What do you wanna watch, honey?" Michael asks me. I take another minute looking at the titles and movie posters before deciding.

"That one," I say, gesturing towards a movie poster. It has a barely-visible man with a couple of weapons, and there's blood and gore everywhere. It's a horror movie, which causes Michael to give me a weird look.

"Are you sure?" He checks. I nod.

"Yes. I do like scary movies, you know," I laugh. He nods.

"I know. I just didn't expect it."

Our turn at the counter comes. Michael gets the tickets, a large popcorn, and two cups.

"Do you want candy?" He asks me. I shake my head, and he gets some cherry licorice.

After filling our drinks, we go into the right theater. It's pretty empty, so we get good seats right in the back. I toss some popcorn into my mouth as the previews start.

"I love you, Luke," Michael says.

"I love you, too. Is everything okay?" I wonder.

He nods. "I just wanted to remind you."


I look back at the screen and pretend to focus on the previews. Instead, I focus on the popcorn.

When the opening scene starts, Michael reaches his hand out to me. I accept it, lacing our fingers together. He lifts our hands and kisses the back of my palm. I smile, then we focus on the screen again.

It takes forever for any action to start. We're at least twenty-five minutes in before the movie really grabs my attention. Before much longer, the first person dies.

A small jump scare happens and Michael pulls me closer to him. The armrest digs into my side, but I meet him halfway over it and we snuggle up the best we can. His arm wraps around me.

When he opens his licorice, I take a couple pieces. Keeping my eyes on the suspenseful movie, I nibble at the candy.

When the movie is a bit more than halfway through, I pull my legs into my seat. It makes me feel less freaked out. I rest my chin on my knees, wrapping my arms around my legs.

"Are you okay, Luke?" Michael whispers.

"Yeah." I chuckle. "Just creeped out."

He laughs and gets quiet again.

A few moments later, there's a massive jump scare where the main character checked somewhere for the culprit, but an infuriated cat was the only thing in there. The cat hissed and jumped towards the woman.

"Fuck!" I exclaim out of surprise. Michael starts laughing at me, but I wasn't the only one in the theater that reacted that way. Just a few rows up, a lady screamed and is now mumbling about it.

"Shut up," I mutter to Michael.

He keeps laughing at me.

Everyone dies in the movie. Even the murderer, who lit himself on fire in the end because he didn't want to live anymore. The credits start playing and people start standing up. Michael's one of them, and he reaches his hand out to me.


"Hell no." I shake my head. "I'm not going anywhere until the lights are on."

He sighs and giggles. A short moment later, the lights gradually turn bright again. Satisfied, I grab my empty cup and the empty popcorn bowl. We walk past a garbage can, and I throw the items away.

"Calum found out what he was having, right?" Michael asks me. I nod.

"Yeah, he did. I don't know yet because I haven't talked to him, and he said he wants to tell me in person," I respond. "But we should be seeing him soon."

The lights in the lobby make my eyes hurt at first.

"I'm happy for them," Michael states.

"Yeah. Me, too."

"Still think it's a boy?" He wonders, taking my hand. I nod.

"Yes," I say.

Michael smiles and throws his garbage away.

"I don't."

We're about fifteen feet away from the door when I get a look out the window. I can't hear that weather because of everyone in the lobby and the quiet music that's playing, but I can see the rain still pouring down every time some lightning strikes.

"Oh, fuck," I groan. Michael frowns.

"Here, honey. Take this," Michael starts pulling off his jacket.

"I don't want to take your jacket from you," I object. "Then you're going to get cold."

He raises an eyebrow. Michael doesn't get cold often.

"I won't get cold. I'm in long sleeves, anyway. Take the jacket."

I nod and accept the article. I pull it on and Michael smiles.

"I'll be right back," he tells me. I nod and watch him walk up to the counter. He has a short conversation with the boy that's working before heading back over to me. The music that's playing switches to one of my favorite Ed Sheeran songs, and I grab Michael's hand.

"We have to stay to listen to this," I state. Michael nods, kissing my forehead.

"That's the plan."

Devil's Backbone (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now