We pull in to the bowling alley parking lot about twenty minutes after five. The sky is starting to darken a bit, and soon it will be differing shades of pink and orange.

We find the couple waiting by the front door, Calum's hand rested on his growing baby bump.

"Took you long enough," he jokes.

"Sorry," I chuckle. "I took longer than usual getting ready."

We head inside and Calum walks next to me.

"Do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow? I need some time out of the house," he suggests.

"Sure," I nod. "What time?"

"Noon? My appointment is the day after tomorrow, so I want to get to bed early and stuff."

"Sounds great," I agree.

We get assigned a lane and change into our bowling shoes. I've only been bowling once before, and I couldn't have been older than seven. Michael has to teach me how to roll the ball, and it takes several turns before I knock down more than two pins.

Michael is better than I expected, and I watch with a slight glare on my face as he gets a strike or spare almost every time. Ashton is quite good, too, though he's seven points behind Michael. And, even pregnant, Calum is kicking my ass.

I end up last at the end of the first game, so I demand a rematch.

"You're just jealous, darling," Michael teases as I pout. We set up another game and I watch Michael play his first turn, taking note of every move he makes. He knocks down every single pin and takes a seat across from me at the little table we've claimed.

"How are you so good at this?" I question. He giggles.

"Tons of practice. Ashton and I bowl sometimes between work projects," he explains.

"Has he ever beat you?" I ask.

Michael holds up two fingers. "Just twice."

I chuckle and stand up to play my turn. I have to use a lighter ball than everyone else, which is fine with me because it's light purple. Still, Calum teases me about it as I try to copy the movements I saw Michael make earlier.

My second game isn't much better than my first. I beat my score by ten pins, but still come in last place. As Michael and Ashton are talking about where to meet up for food, I mumble complaints.

"Come on, Luke. You didn't do too bad for your first time," Calum says. I shrug. He's right, I suppose.

"Yeah," I agree. "You only beat me by three."

He laughs. "I still beat you, though."

We finish switching our shoes and return the balls and bowling shoes.

"We'll meet you over there," Michael tells Ashton as we climb into his car.

"Where are we going?" I wonder. Michael starts the car and looks at me.

"That little Mexican restaurant down the street. The one with purple lights you pointed out when we were driving here."

I nod and look outside. The sky is black now, so I can just imagine how pretty the lights that adorn the outside of the building we passed will look.

We drive to the restaurant and go inside. It isn't long before the four of us are seated in a cushioned booth. A nice waitress takes our drink orders and walks away to get them. I know what I want as soon as I glance at the menu.

"We've got to have more double dates," Calum states. "I had a lot of fun."

"Me too," I agree.

Ashton and Michael giggle.

"We knew you guys would. We should plan something else soon," Michael suggests.

"It's your guys' turn to pick," Ash tells Michael and me. We look at each other and I promise to get back to them on that sometime. I'm not the best decision maker.

When the waitress, who introduces herself as Eleanor, comes back, she passes out our drinks and whips out a little yellow notepad.

"Are you guys ready to order?" She wonders.

Ashton orders chicken enchiladas, Calum orders some dish I've never heard of, I order a chicken quesadilla, and Michael orders beef enchiladas. She scribbles our orders and heads off with a smile.

Michael and I don't get home until after one that night. I've got to be up at about eight to make breakfast and get ready for shopping with Calum. So, I head straight to the shower and make it as fast as possible. Once I'm out, I pull on some underwear and collapse in bed. I'm asleep before Michael gets out of the shower.

My alarm wakes me at eight the next morning. Michael is awake, and he looks over at me as I sit up. I lean over and kiss him, but he grabs my hips and pulls me onto him. I'm turned on at once, so I deepen the kiss.

"We'll have to be quick," I warn. He nods and I start to grind on him.


I keep breakfast simple, making cheese omelets. I'm running about an hour late due to Michael's shenanigans this morning. Apparently, he doesn't know what quick means.

After I eat, I take a short shower and dress in dark blue skinny jeans and a loose yellow t shirt. I keep my makeup to a minimum: concealer, mascara, a tiny bit of blush, and lip gloss. It's almost noon when I'm ready, and Calum will be on his way soon. I make sure that I have everything in my small purse and put on some strappy brown sandals.

When Calum shows up, Michael is on the couch smoking a cigarette. Nevertheless, I peck his lips before skipping outside. I get into my best friend's car, and he drives off towards the mall. The mall is about twenty minutes away, so it isn't too bad.

"I'm so excited, Luke. I get to find out tomorrow what I'm having!" Calum exclaims. I grin.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you, and I'm still betting that it's a boy," I state.

"Thank you! And so am I."

"Is Ashton still saying it's a girl?"

He nods as he turns onto an empty street. "Yep."

I chuckle.

While I am happy for them, I can't help but feel jealous. I'd give anything to have what they have. I know it isn't their fault I haven't had luck getting pregnant, and I have no reason to feel so envious.

Which is why I just stay happy for them and smile for Calum every time he mentions it.

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