Disapproval 2008

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Nikki's POV

"Ah Nina what's the matter?" I smirk at my late night visitor.

"I don't like her." She pouts.

"You don't know Katherine." I argue. "And you didn't have to put her to sleep.

"She stinks like trouble." She glares at me. "And yes I did she was in my way." I choke back a laugh.

"Now you are just being childish." I say softly. "You will leave her alone.

"Is that a command Mr Sixx? She asks grumbling.

"Yes it is Miss Nina." I answer. She's absolutely cute when she's fussed up. I pull her close.

"You have your vampire lover someone to share your life with." I say trying to reason with her. "I want someone too." She looks so sad.

"William understands my need for you. Would she understand your need for me?" Nina asks. She has me there. I stroke her hair and kiss her lips they are so sweet. I don't think she realizes the times when she has shown up how I had needed her.

"No she wouldn't." I sigh.

"Nikki I actually came to tell you we are moving to another city. We start to get noticed if we stay to long in one place." She says quietly.

"Where to baby?" I ask feeling sad.

"To Portland for awhile then Seattle. After that I'm not sure." She answers and hugs me tight if you need me I will still come to you just think of me.

She catches me off guard. She nuzzles into my neck and bites. I moan and crush her to me. After a few moments She pushes away and bites her wrist to open a vein for me. I take her wrist and drink. She cuddles into my lap and closes her eyes. I let go of her wrist the wound has healed.

"Do you want more my angel? She asks sweetly.

"Yes I do." I groan and nuzzle her neck. She scratches deep for me and lets me continue. I run my hands down her body caressing her gently. She moans softly. I know I need to stop. She makes it so hard. I gently pull away. "Nina I can't go any further."

"I understand love." She whispers. "But I still don't like her." She kisses me once more and gets off my lap. She heads for the window before she jumps. She giggles.

"She won't wake till the sun comes up." She says then she disappears out the window.

I look at Kat asleep on the couch and sigh. I don't even try to wake her. Once Nina has done her thing only she can undo it. I cover her up and go to bed.

Nina's POV

I leave Nikki's home in a huff. I wanted a proper goodbye. Then I run into the Amazon. Maybe I am jealous, but humans don't like to share. They are such hypocrites they cheat and lie to each other all the time. Why can't they just be honest about their desires. I mean yeah vampires get jealous, but secrets are hard to keep when our minds are open to each other. I growl as I take off to find Will and Angel. We are traveling in twos and threes hoping to attract less attention. I find them waiting for me near a closed gas station.

"How did it go?" Angel asks suggestively. She gets a glimpse into my mind and groans in sympathy. William pulls me close.

"I'm always here for you baby." He whispers in my ear.

"I know." I Whisper back and nuzzle him.

We take off in a run that no human could see, if someone was watching it would seem like we were there then we were just gone.

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