Somethings Are Not Tolerated

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Nikki's POV

Imhotep smiles at one of the youngsters.

"This little one is how we well find them." He gently pulls the boy forward. "He has a nose to rival a rougaru."

"It nice to meet you Mr Sixx. I am Tom." He greets me with a slight bow. "May I enter your home?"

I open the door for him. He rushes in and sniffs Nina playful making her giggle. He kisses her on the lips and whispers in her ear before he comes back to Imhotep.

"I'm ready." His tone now serious.

"I would like to come." I say low.

"I suppose a father or a lover has a right to justice." Imhotep smirks. The Motherfucker knows how confused my emotions are for Nina. He loves to poke fun. If he was mortal I would punch him in the face.
"I guess I should as these young ones say juice you up." He cuts and offers me his wrist. "I only do this because I like you and I want you less destructible."

I drink. The rush is extreme. The strength I feel. Imhotep just chuckles.

"Remember Sixx you can still die. Not that I would mind being your sire. I have a feeling you have other plans for your life." He glances at Courtney. "Stay close to Daniel." He points to a blonde lanky teen. He picks me up with a scary ease.
"Tom show us the way." He commands and we are off in a dizzying speed. Through the streets and allies of LA they run taking me for the ride. We stop finally at an abandoned building. Most of the Windows are broken out. It reeks of garbage and decay. Imhotep puts me on my feet. I take my place near Daniel. We hear voices from inside.

"You fucked up Zane. We could of had her all nice and chained up" someone male speaks.

"Yeah dip shit. We could be drinking and fucking a new pussy. This ones getting really dry." Another laughs.

"Not my fault she was uptight and practically married to her gang." He defends himself. "I don't buy into all that bonding shit."

I can feel her family's anger grow. Imhotep is holding us back.

"There are only nine." He whispers. "And they are all gathered in the central room. They have no look outs." He sends the children to circle the building. He keeps me and Daniel close. We enter the building slowly and silently. I can now see the bastards though an open door. I make eye contact with Jack and Tom through the other entrance.  We wait for Imhotep's signal. We hear his war cry in our minds and we surge forward some vampires crashing through the walls. They panic at our sudden appearance. There is no escape. I rush the one I want. My rage has overwhelmed me. I don't care if he is vampire and I just a human. I had seen the poor creature they had drained and raped repeatedly. They had planned to do that to my Nina. I snag Zane by his hair and drag him to me. He tries to fight. It feels like nothing to the blood and fury burning inside me. Placing my hands on his head. I wrench it violently and hear a satisfying snap. I drop him and watch him twitch. Looking around me I realize it's over. We stand over mangled bodies. Imhotep slaps me on the back making me wince.

"You would make a magnificent vampire." He grins. "They are not quite dead but we will handle that back at the coven house."

"How?" I ask coldly.

"They will burn. It will be most painful. I assure you." He says and grins.

Others arrive to take out the trash and we turn our attention to their victim. The boy I know as Ian slowly approaches the poor chained creature. Even in her weakened state she hisses at him.

"I won't hurt you." He tries to soothe as he moves closer. We watch as he carefully offers his wrist to the dry looking being. She latches on and sucks hungrily. Ian forces her to let loose and others of his family feed the starving vampire. They have excepted her as one of them. She is starting to look more alive as they unchain her. Imhotep suddenly steps in front of me. He catches the girl in his arms and holds her tightly.

"No Cynthia he is not food." He tells her sternly. He turns to the children.
"Take your new loved one out to feed. She is still starving."
He carefully lets her loose. They take her hands. Without a sound they disappear out the door and into the night.

"I need to take you home." Imhotep states. He picks me up before I know it I'm home. He doesn't leave right away. He just stands and smiles.

"Would you like to come in?" I ask with a grin.

"Thought you would never ask." He chuckles. I open the door for him and he finds a seat at my kitchen table. I look around the house is quiet.

"They sleep." He answers my unspoken question.

"Even Nina?" I ask.

"Yes she's had a rough night she dozes human like next to your mate." He answers.

So I sit across from him and wait for the reason he wishes to talk.

"Nina normally would not have fallen for such a trap. But she is lonely for a mate of her own. She also sees you and Courtney growing closer and fears soon there will be no place to call home here." He sighs.

"We love her. There will always be a place for her here." I insist.

"You and Courtney know this. Nina I don't think you will be able to convince." 

"I don't know what to do other then show her I care." I say softly.

"It would be enough if William was still here. I had really hoped one of her family would fill that void in her life. Then this happens to her. Nikki I'm telling you this because she's burning out becoming weary of her existence. I want to prepare you and your mate for her loss."

"You think she is planning to walk into the sun." I ask pissed and saddened.

"No but she will go to ground sometime soon. For you and Courtney she might as well be dead. She could sleep for decades or even centuries. The fact she is sleeping at night is not a good sign" He says sadly. I must go now. I have to be present at the miscreants punishment. What they've done is absolutely not tolerated."

He's gone in a blink of an eye leaving me feeling bereaved. I shake it off she's not gone yet. I head to my bedroom and find Courtney and Nina asleep. It's strange to see her breath in her sleep. I set my alarm so I will wake to put Nina to bed and crawl in beside them. I close my eyes hoping for sleep myself.

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