I Miss You

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Nina's POV

   My whole family is here tonight working the crowd there are thousands here to see The Crue. It makes it easy for us to feed. A bunch of rag tag teens blending in with the hoard. We nip and sip and move on without anyone noticing. I push my way through the crowd. I want to be closer. I stop a short distance from the stage . I can pick his scent out from the masses. I moan and push closer. I feel our bond so strong it pulls me even closer to the stage. I'm so near. I realize he senses me when he turns my way. I disappear back into the mass of swaying bodies. I watch him from a dark corner as he scans the audience. 

Nikki's POV

Feeling a familiar sensation race through my body. I turn quickly only to see nothing but the normal crowd. The ring that Nina gave me years ago I'd learned pretty quickly acted as a warning system. I can sense when vampires are near. That didn't feel like a stranger though that felt like Nina.  Maybe I'm just being fanciful because I've missed her. Vince blocks my view of the audience and gives a what the fuck look. I've been so distracted by looking for Nina I missed my cue. I jump in at the next cord. I continue to look as I play. Then I see William glaring red eyed at me. I guess he hasn't forgiven me for snatching his girl from him temporally.  I smirk at him. He shows his teeth threating me then disappears into the crowd. If he's here there is a good chance so is Nina. I'm disappointed I don't see her.

 Nina's POV

 After the show I play the stalker. I loose William and follow Nikki like a shadow to his hotel. I know I shouldn't go. I should be with my family. But I just can't resist seeing him again. He's not alone when he enters the hall close to his room a women joins him. It's not his wife. It's the woman that took Tommy's place at the drums. She's all over him like a cheap suit. I can feel the blood burn behind my eyes. I'm so pissed I almost lose control and forget to blur their minds so they don't see me. Nikki pulls away and looks around confused.

 "What's wrong Nikki?" she pants.

"I don't know I thought, I thought I saw someone." he whispers. She tries to gain his attention by caressing his bulge.

"Come on Nikki." she moans.

He grasps her hand.

"Samantha, I can't tonight." He sighs

"Why not you've been teasing me all day." She groans.

"I just can't." he answers gruffly. He turns without another word and leaves her standing alone in the hall. 

I watch her stare at the door for a moment then stomp off miffed. I follow her to her room. She's lucky my sire taught me better or Motley Crue would need a new drummer for the rest of the tour.

I find myself on the roof. It's a good place to think. Nikki's room is on the top floor. I could jump to the balcony if I wanted to, but I don't.  Did what happened between us mean nothing. Was I just another female to play with while he was on tour. I left because I thought he should be and wanted to be with his human wife. Not bound to a little vampire girl who would never grow up.  Nikki speaking with someone pulls me from my thoughts. It's Donna her mind is always so loud. She's pregnant and came to surprise him with the news. She doesn't seem to know about the other woman yet. I hear her step out on the balcony. She's alone. No I guess she's not. I just caught the scent of another vampire. He has been down wind. He's hunting her. He wouldn't dare here would he. I finally see him as he climbs head first towards her.  I recognize him. It's spider so called because of the way he hunts. He has to know I'm watching. I imagine he has no fear of a street rat like me. I might not be able to kill him, but I sure can mess up his day. If she wasn't pregnant I might just let him have her. I sigh no I wouldn't Nikki would hurt and the stupid cops would think he did something to her. Making up my mind quick I launch myself at him pulling him up by his feet.

"You little rat. I almost had her." Spider hisses, his eyes are glazed. I think he's mental.

"Don't you think she's a little high profile for prey." I hiss back.

"That's what makes her more interesting." he grins and giggles.

"Yeah and it will bring the ancients down on any Vampire in the area. So take your spider act elsewhere." I growl

"I'm going to leave your guts splattered all over this roof top. You useless excuse for a vampire." he threatens.

We begin to circle. I study him close. I've heard of him. This is our first meeting. He's not an old one. He hasn't gained that aura about him yet, but he's still way older than me. He hasn't used any mental stuff yet. He suddenly rushes me I dodge leaving him to smash into a metal vent with a crash. I laugh and taunt him.

"To slow old man."

Nikki's POV

Hearing the crash I rush to my wife who is cowering on the balcony. All my annoyance at her surprise visit disappearing.

"What is it Nikki?" she whimpers.

"Maybe It's just an animal that got stuck on the roof." I answer.

"That's one damn big animal." she exclaims.

I take her to the safety of my room. I have an Idea of what's on the roof a very dangerous kind of creature.

Nina's POV

 He comes at me again. He seems to be all brute. I barely dodge him this time. I give him a boot to the ass sending him sprawling on the ground. He jumps to his feet. He finally tries to push into àmy mind. My father taught me to well for that crap. I slam my mind shut. He winces like he hit a brick wall. I know if he catches me I'm mince meat. He's stronger physically. Maybe I can lead him away from Donna and Nikki. It scares me that he has no fear or respect for Cicero's scent. Because of the stone Cicero helped me make his vampire scent lingers on Nikki as long as he wears the ring. It doesn't seem to matter to this known rouge though. From what I'm glimpsing in his mind he's willing to go right through Nikki to get to Donna if he has to. What a crazy fucker. I eye him thinking on giving him a smack then running for it. He makes a move. I go to evade. It's a trick. He turns and grabs me. I kick and claw at him. It does no good. He crushes me to him. Fear finally invades my mind. I get a clear look into his mind. He sinks his teeth into my flesh to him I'm just another meal. I hold my mind shut I don't want Nikki to try to save me. I know it will be lights out soon. How will he dispose of me? Will he leave me in the sun or use fire?  Just when I think I'm done for I hear them my family they are coming to my rescue. I'm dropped unceremoniously as the spider flees the pissed off red eyed children. I laugh in my dizziness I guess he forgot the children run in packs.

Nikki's POV

It's gone quiet. I slowly open the doors to the balcony. I look around everything is still. 

"Nikki." I hear my name whispered to my left making me jump. It's William hanging onto to the side of the building. His eyes are a bright blue. "You and your wife are safe now thanks to Nina at great risk to her life and to the rest of my family." He says Then he lets go. I watch him land on his feet then take off.

Donna has gone to sleep. I stand on balcony feeling miserable. I've been cheating on my pregnant wife. My only excuse is I had felt lonely. What's worse I'm not thinking of either Donna or Samantha. I'm thinking of Nina and how much I miss her.

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