A Night In Our Lives

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Nina's POV

I have fed for the night and had a few snacks on the way home. The babies are asleep for the night. So I sit in front of a canvas the painting is near finished. The only one still awake is Nikki. He comes into the room and sits quietly watching me paint.

"Is the boy someone you know." He asks curious.

"Yes he is a boy I knew." I answer sadly.

"Who was he?" He asks.

I haven't spoken of Benji in years. I smile at my memories.

"His name was Benjamin, but we called him Benji. He was turned when he was five." I continue to paint.

"I thought that was against the rules being so young." He says and smirks.

"It is but my family didn't make him they found him and hid him. He was Emily's foundling. He was already eight when I was turned and nine when I join their family." I smile.

"I thought you were always with them." He comments.

"No Cicero kept me with him and his wife for a year. He was forced by the council to send me where they thought I belonged. He sent me to Will's family. They have a higher survival rate." I huff.

"So what happened to Benjamin?" He asks getting back to the original conversation.

"He matured in the only way one of us children can In his mind. It was ok for awhile. He was sweet and fun to play with. We'd bring him toys and soda laced with blood. We all tried to keep him happy and out of trouble. It didn't take him long to realize he wasn't going to be a man or even a teen like the rest of us though." I say softly. "I took over taking him to hunt as he matured. The boys thought he slowed them down and Em is very gentle. She could not handle how vicious he was becoming. He used to feed off the dying. Once I took over we hunted the murderers to take his frustration out on. Cicero found us out on a hunt. I explained to him how Emily had found him. He gathered my family told us we were responsible for keeping him out of trouble."

"What happened after that?" Nikki encourages me to continue.

"When he reached his teens Cicero said his brain was telling him he should be going through puberty. He had fallen in love with Emily. We sometimes have favorites we like to be with and at that time she was with Jack. He'd pick fights with Jack constantly. None of us could or would ever hurt him. He could do very little on his own. He couldn't hunt nor could he make love to Emily. At first it was rage then it was deep depression. One morning he refused to take shelter. We could have forced him to live. Will said it was his choice and that he had suffered enough." I feel the tears on my face. "Today is his mortal birthday."

"I think Will was right." Nikki whispers and pulls me into a hug.

"I know but I miss him." I Whisper back.

Dorian cries and dispels the sadness. I hurry before he wakes Courtney and Ruby.

Nikki's POV

I follow Nina as she cares for our son. She changes him and gives him a bottle of Courtney's milk laced with Nina's and my blood. One of Courtney's friends came over to see the baby we had adopted. She caught me feeding Dorian. I had to tell her it was just Iron drops added to the milk. That he was anemic.

My mind drifts back to Benjamin. It's such a hard life for them. The adult vampires don't make it easy on them either. I think of Tom.

"Nina how old is Tom?" I ask.

"He's over 100. Him and his brother Jack were made at the same time." She offers up.

"I mean how old when he was turned?" I clarify.

"Oh he was eleven." She grins.

"That's really young." I Say softly. "What's the cut off age in vampire law?"

"Usually twelve unless they can prove they have the ability to survive." She smirks and blushes. "Tom has a very can do attitude."

"What's the blush about?" I grin.

"Well one of the things required by the high council is that a childe has to be capable of sexual intercourse. They believe it's necessary for mental stability." She giggles.

"And how did Tom prove this?" I ask wondering how this works.

"Normally when there is doubt someone can speak for tbe childe. Not good enough for Tom he proved it by talking one of the Council women into bed." She giggles as she puts the baby back to bed. I barely make it out of the nursery before I start laughing. I knew I liked Tom.

"Have you been with Tom?" I tease her.

She blushes.

"Yes husband I've been with all my family at one time or another." She smirks at her come back. I watch her face get serious.
"I still don't know how I fit in here."

I take her to the couch to hold her.

"I'm not sure either Nina." I whisper and cuddle her. I'm confused by all of this myself. Both Nina and I have someone else we love. How are we supposed to fit together? I have always pushed her aside when I found a new love and I love Courtney. I really had no Idea Nina felt so much for me and now Courtney until we linked minds the day we wed. I now feel jealousy when she is with her family. It's a new emotion. They truly love one another. Everything they do is for each other. Nina is bonded with them and will come to their rescue if needed or just a cuddle. No matter their age they are children. They feed, play and have sex with a carefree mindset. Courtney is having none of it. She refuses to share and I wouldn't want to share her. So I can't deny Nina her family even if it makes me pissed when I get hit mentally with her fucking around. Cicero told me one of the reasons for the strict rules for the children is because some are naturally promiscuous and they don't want unwanted hybrid babies. I tighten my embrace. Nina coos softly to me. God what have I gotten myself into.

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