Morning After

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Nikki's POV

Waking slowly I open my eyes Nina and Courtney lay beside me. Courtney is still sleeping deeply. Nina looks up at me sleepily dawn is approaching. Need to place my little one somewhere safe to sleep she seems a little weak. She has waited to long it's to close to sunrise. She should have already sought shelter. I pull her with me into a sitting position. She nuzzles my chest and yawns. I grab her dress from the foot of the bed and pull it over her head.  Gathering her into my arms I lift her easily.

"Come sweet baby. I have the perfect place for you to sleep away the day." I whisper to her as I carry her to the oak chest at the foot of my bed. Opening the lid I lay her among the soft blankets inside. I lean down and give her a gentle kiss.

"Good day Nikki." She coos.

"Sleep well baby." I whisper.

She closes her eyes. I watch as her breathing slows and stops. I close the lid and quietly go back to bed. Sliding into bed I cuddle Courtney gently hoping I didn't just fuck up with her.

I've been dozing off and on through the morning I feel Courtney finally stir. I'm not sure what to expect. She groans as she stretches. I smirk sometimes a night with Miss Nina can be rough. I'm kinda use to giving what I get. I wasn't very gentle either. I kiss a slowly fading bite mark.

"You will be completely healed soon." I whisper.

"That wasn't supposed to happen right." She blushes.

"No." I cringe at my part of last night. Still worried I've screwed up. "She didn't plan it. She was unprepared for all our minds to link and she lost control of the situation."

So did I having them both so close to me. Watching them together and having Nina's blood in me. There is always a moment of arousal when we renew our ties. I've been holding back from Nina so long last night I lost it.

"I don't blame either you or Nina. I'm a big girl. I was overwhelmed too." She says softly her hand sliding down my chest. "I mean wow. You and Nina were so hot and I'm not into girls. Let's just call it uncontrollable vampire lust and leave it at that"

"I'm good with that." I sigh in relief.

Her eyes become dilated and a darker shade of blue.

"Where is Nina anyway?" She asks.

"I put her to bed in the chest at the foot of my bed." I answer as her hand slips under the blanket to stroke my dick.

"Does she hear things?" She asks then kisses my neck.

"No." I moan. "She's dead to the world."

"That works." She giggles and crawls on for a ride.

Nina's POV

Waking I peek out first to check out my surroundings Nikki is waiting. So I have a little fun. I raise out of the chest my arms crossed over my breasts like a movie vampire. He chuckles at my theatrics. He smiles but keeps his distance and I don't approach him. My hunger is extremely strong and barely under control when I wake. we don't take chances and he's making sure I take my hunger far away from his children. He points to his open window. I don't resist his command. I leap and land, immediately I take to a run. I clear the privacy fence easily. Once I reach the inner city I begin to hunt. I listen for twisted minds. Humans with the urge to kill. I've fed every night since I was turned and I seem never to run out of food. Humans think we are the monsters at least when I kill it's for sustenance not for just the pure pleasure of it.

I read and scent the humans as I walk among them. Finally I find what I'm hunting for. He follows me without much provocation. I lead him into a dead end ally. We do the usual dance. He thinks he has me caught, but it's me who has caught him. I feed quickly satisfying my deep hunger. I lick my lips of his blood. It's then that I realize I'm not alone. I glance over a homeless family watches terrified. I sigh and reach for their minds. Sleep now It was only a bad dream. I compel. I slit my wrist and smear some of my blood on the wall above them. That should hold off any fledglings and older ones will have respect for a mark. Yes unlike me some vampires feed on the homeless. There always seems to be more to replace the ones who vanish mysteriously. I pick up my trash and head out to dispose of it. I don't head back right away to the coven house. I want to see Nikki. Brian has let yesterday slide under the circumstances. I have to return this morning though. I leap the fence and rush to the back glass door. I mentally ask to be let in. Nikki comes to the door grinning. I hug him once I'm inside. I sense the kids are asleep. Courtney sits on the couch where Nikki leads me. I'm happy they are still happy. Humans can be so jealous sometimes. The only times vampires show jealousy is after a formal commitment has been made. It's not uncommon to have multiple lovers especially when we are young. When a Vampire says I do it's an eternity to think about. I'm not even over a hundred yet. I'm so not ready for that. Even William who was over two hundred cringed at the thought.

I sit on Nikki's lap and nuzzle his neck. I sink my teeth in for a snack. He always tastes so good. I keep my mind guarded as I taste Courtney. Then allow them to drink from me. I gleaned from their minds that last night was a one time thing. I pout but I except my human companions decision. I hold a tight mental control on everyone as we share blood and strengthen our ties.

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