The Usual Buffet and Dessert

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Nina's POV

I work the crowd as usual little drinks here and there a little mental blurring and no one is the wiser. It's not really hard a mesmerizing look and they yield. I nuzzle in and sneak a salty snack. A lick of my tongue to heal the wounds and I off to the next Slurpee. Hot damn I love rock concerts everyone is too busy watching the bands to care about little old me. I catch the eyes of a young lanky teenage boy. I smile and move him into the shadows. Backing him up against the wall I gently jump up and wrap my arms and legs around him. Pressing my lips against his warm ones I begin a sweet make out session he's not about to forget. He moans as I sink my teeth into his neck and savor his taste. I listen to his heart making sure I don't take too much. He's healthy though he can stand to lose a couple pints. I feel his hands slide to my ass he pulls me hard against his cock. I let go of his neck giving it a lick.
"Sorry boy I'd break you?" I giggle. I slide back to the floor ready to take my leave. He grabs my hand in attempt to pull me back. I kiss him softly leaving him dazed. "Sorry baby I'd break ya, but Thanks for the donation." I giggle. All he will remember is making out with some random girl.

I move back through the crowd the main attraction Motley Crue is taking the stage. Without much difficulty I'm up front just where I want to be. You know it never seems fail there is always one guy you put a uniform on and he becomes an instant dick. The crowd pushes me to close to one of the security. He gives me a hard shove and a glare. Of course I glare back, but my eyes have turned red.
"Touch me again and you'll be my late night snack." I growl. He pulls back quickly and blinks. Of course I'm already peaches and cream again. Leaving him thinking he was seeing things, but he didn't fuck with me anymore.

The concert is almost over when I get a whiff of something I like. There is a blonde standing off by herself. Ooo her blood smells sweet with a slight bouquet of bitch.
"Dessert." I smirk. I keep track of her through the rest of the night. No more eats need to save room for dessert. I shouldn't really, I've been such a glutton. But she smells to damn good to pass up. Once the lights go down, I precede to stock my prey. She is heading for backstage, and I follow close behind. She ducks into to one of the empty dressing rooms. She is making this to easy. I come in behind she locks eyes with me, and I have her. I lead her to a chair and make myself comfy on her lap. Tipping her head, I nuzzle her neck preparing for a nip.
"Nina no!" I look up to see Nikki glaring. "That's my Wife Donna."
"Just a little?" I ask holding up two fingers close together to make a point.
"No." He states as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"Fine." I pout getting off her lap. "It wasn't like I was gonna kill her." I flounce out of the room.

Nikki's POV

"Who was that?" Donna asks her face still dazed.
"Umm Mick's niece." I say quickly making something up.
"What's with the attitude?" She asks.
"Doesn't like to be told no." I smirk.
"How long is she here to see Mick?"
"Till we drop her in LA." I shrug.
"I feel sorry for Mick." She laughs
"What's up?" I pull her to her feet and help steady her.
"I was hoping to ride along with you. I've missed you." She says.
"Ok but it's gonna be a tight fit. Mick's bus broke down so we're sharing." I comment. Actually we just decided it would be easier to keep an eye on our little guest if we were all in the same place.
"I guess I can handle that." She answers. Well fuck this is going to be fun. How do we explain our little guest's peculiar habits? I pull my wife into a hug. How am I supposed to protect her from Nina? If I even think about hurting that little monster it causes me emotional pain like I'm thinking of killing one of my own kids. I guess that's the reason for ingesting the blood. It truly is a bargain with a devil.

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