The Baby Is Late

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Author's note graphic vampire rough sex ahead...

She is missing she wasn't at the concert. She hasn't come to the hotel. I pace the hotel room in agitation. The rain is coming down in a deluge you can't see the street through the window. They won't let us leave the hotel it's to dangerous in the storm. Mick went down to lobby to bitch to management. This was his niece missing. I just know something is wrong. My gut wrenches it feels like I've abandoned one of my children out in this mess. I'm about ready to say fuck it and go out on foot when the door opens. It's Nina she's muddy and bloody from head to toe. Her usually flawless skin is covered in bruises and bite marks. I'm confused why isn't she healing. She's so weak she collapses in my arms. I pull her into the bathroom. Stripping us both I step into the shower I hold her as I wash her hair. Then I wash her body carefully trying not to cause her anymore pain. I kiss the top of her head.

"Nina why haven't you healed?" I ask worried.

"Vampire bites and scratches" She groans. "I need to feed."

"Why would other vampires attack you?" I ask As I shut off the water and wrap a towel around her. I take her and lay her on the bed.

"They were rogue, a large gang of fledgling children." She weeps. "All maybe a week or so old."

"Calm baby we need to get you fed." I say not sure how I'm going to do that.

"Wait Nikki. They are coming." She whispers. All I'm wearing is a towel and I'm now facing two vampires. One of them I recognize as Cicero the other one is a small female. I just sit and hold Nina. They come forward and examine her.

"My poor Nina" The female coos.

"Dahlia, mamma." Nina whispers. weakly. I watch as the woman cuts her wrist and allows Nina to feed. I see the relief in Nina's face as her wounds heal and her pain eases.

"We've witnessed." Cicero states formally.

"What will happen to the children?" Nina asks.

"You know the laws Nina." Cicero answers her. "They will either come under the rule of the council and learn or they will die."

"I understand father." Nina sighs. They back away. I literally blink and they are gone.

I hear girls giggling out in the hall. I smile at Nina.

"Are still hungry little monster?" I grin.

"Yes." She grins mischievously. I open the door there are three blondes hanging around.

"Come on in girls." I smile at them beckoning them in. They come in giggling. I guide them to the bed where Nina sits. She has them under control in moments. I sit close and watch. She pulls the first to her teasing with kisses and gentle touches before she sinks her teeth in.

"Careful Nina they have to walk out of here." I remind her gently.

Nina moves onto the second. The girl moans and rubs against her. Nina makes eye contact with me as she feeds and the girl moans "Nikki" I chuckle my little monster is having way to much fun. She lets go and pulls the third girl to her. She nuzzles and bites. I'm getting aroused and I've decided I'm a sick sick man. She finally kisses each one.

"Now go away." Nina says sweetly and without a word they all obediently get up and leave.

The door barely closes and she's in my lap. I cuddle her so relieved to have her here and back to her old self. She encircles her arms around me and kisses my lips. Then she nuzzles and sinks her teeth into my neck. The euphoria hits I pull her close and maneuver her onto her back. This is the first time we've ever been naked like this. Her skin is like silk to the touch. My cock is against her bare thigh. I rub against her. I moan. I want her. She releases my neck and kisses me softly. That's not enough I deepen the kiss slipping my tongue passed her sweet lips. The feel of her teeth is a thrill sending a tingle down my spine. She nips my lip as she pulls away. I watch as she rakes one of her nails across her throat. I lick and then I suck her wound. She moans and her leg wind around my waist. I take that as an invitation and with a sigh I push deep. She hisses I looked down at her her eyes are red her expression one of sweet confusion.

"I don't want to hurt you." She whimpers. I take her hands and push them above her head until she's gripping the headboard. Smirking I kiss those intoxicating lips and begin to thrust. If I was gonna go out this would be one hell of way to go. She grips the headboard with one hand and scratches her neck with the other I except the offering as I continue to thrust. She keeps it flowing until I can't think anymore. I just know I feel so strong. I growl and bite drawing blood on my own the animal is free. I feel her arms go around me as she pushes against me with each thrust. We growl and bite as we move together. Her nails leaving trails down my back. I feel her arms leave me as she bows underneath me. I hear the headboard crack as I cum driving hard and deep inside of her. We lay limp for awhile before I finally roll to her side. I glance at the reflection of myself in a nearby mirror.

"It's ok you have so much of my blood in your system you will heal fast." She whispers as she gently kisses my shoulder. But that's not what has me freaked, my eyes are lit a bright unnatural green.

"Oh you mean the eyes." She giggles. "That will last till I fall into my death sleep."

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