An Errand

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"Go do this. Go do that." I groan. I'm hating on my punishment. Tonight I've been sent to Evergreen cemetery. Something has been stalking and attacking after sunset visitors.
"What are humans doing out here in the dark anyway?" I grouch. I move deeper into the cemetery quietly while sniffing the air. All the victims say it has red eyes. There are other kinds of monsters out there. They normally don't hang in the city though. This is probably some animal that some stupid fledgling tried to munch on. They bit them the animal bit back it died woke as a vampire. Now we have a problem. We have an animal who is confused and very hungry. I move carefully waiting and hoping I don't scare it off.

"Nina." I hear a voice from the entrance. He approaches me with a smile.

"Nikki you shouldn't be here." I whisper. "You might get hurt."

"Why what's you hunting?" He smirks.

"Not really sure. That's why I was sent." I whisper again.

"What do think it is?" He asks.

"Probably an animal turned vampire." I answer.

"That's possible?" He cocks his head.

"If it lives and bleeds Nikki it can be turned." I shiver. "Once in New York City we children were sent down into the sewers to handle a vampire rat infestation."

"Oh nasty." He says looking around at the ground.

"They couldn't send their valuable thralls down during the day to kill them while they slept. No they send us at night. It took some of us weeks to finally heal." I huff.

"I know what thrall means but what is a vampires thrall?" Nikki asks curious.

"Quiet Nikki." I hiss. I smell it. It smells you. Let's get you back to your car." I stay close to him. "I'm not keen on using you as bate." We only make it few steps when it comes out of the darkness and leaps for Nikki. I catch it easily in my arms. It's a toddler and I am heart sick. I'm thinking a little over a year old. He's skinny, dirty and his eyes are red with hunger. I cuddle him to me. He nuzzles into my breast bites and suckles. I was sent out to kill but I can't. Nikki puts his arm around me and guides me to his car. There is no conversation as he drives me to the coven house. The little guy plays with my hair as we pull in to park. I get out and slowly walk to the entrance and inside. Nikki follows behind. I find Cicero, Dahlia, and Imhotep sitting having a lively conversation. There are others around relaxing and talking casually. Everything goes silent when they see the child I'm carrying. He coos softly my heart cries. Cicero is the first to come forward. He takes him gently from my arms. I let go reluctantly. I know what has to happen. I bow my head in sorrow. Nikki pulls me close. Cicero sits with the baby on his lap and baby talks with him.

Nikki POV

Everyone is quiet. I guess they all know what has to be done. There are some of their laws that are strictly kept. This is one of them. A vampire this young is never left alive. They don't relish the task. The kindest method is to wait for him to fall into his death sleep. One of the humans are going to have to do it. Without anyone asking a young Burnett that was one of the vampires human wives steps forward and volunteers. All the adult vampires come forward slowly. They all take turns playing with the little guy. A Young half vampire boy brings him a little toy car to play with. The women love on him and coo to him. He is sent nothing but loving thoughts and images. There will be no sadness on the last night of his life. Nina struggles with her emotions but she is managing.

I go into the next room to make a phone call to Courtney. That I'm over nighting with the band. She didn't like it. She did except it. I don't want to leave Nina like this. Walking out I bump into someone I never thought I'd see again.

"Razzle." I cry and hug him. He wraps his arms around me and gives me a squeeze. "How?" I ask.

"A vampire chick." He grins. "She collected me. If you look around dude. There's famous dead all around you."

"I'm just so happy to see you." I'm trying not to cry.

"Come on Nikki. I need to pay my respect to the little dude. My wife Tara is the one who offered to take him outside. She's so gentle. She'll make sure He's completely under first." He whispers as we go back out to the main room.

"I'll go with her. If that's permitted." I offer. I'm still in a little shock from seeing Razzle. It's great to see him again.

"I'd appreciate that." He says looking at my expression. "Happy thoughts for the little guy." He smiles and wanders over to his wife.

I start to look around at the vampires. Well hell there are some of the 27 club here. I spend the rest of the night hanging with some famous undead.

Morning comes creeping in and the vampires and a few humans slowly slink off to find their rest for the day. Tara and I are left with the drowsy little toddler. She holds him close. He yawns sweetly holding his new toy car in his hand. With sunrise he goes limp. We sit and stroke his hair for awhile just to make sure he is out completely. I take the little guy from her. He's so light in my arms. I follow her outside. We walk under a shadowed path to a large flat stone. The manicles hinting at it's use for the vampires form of capital punishment. She takes the baby and lays him on the stone. We wait as the sun clears the sheltering trees. The sun hits the boy and he catches quickly. He is ash in a matter minutes. I watch as she carefully gathers his ashes into a urn she had brought with her.

"Tonight the vampires will return him to his grave where he belongs." She tells me tears in her eyes. I pull her in for a hug. Razzle has found himself a sweet women.

My Vampire BabyWhere stories live. Discover now