My Sweet Nina March 2014

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Nina's POV

Tomorrow Nikki and Courtney will marry. I'm over the moon happy for them. Courtney tried to keep me involved as much as possible. It will be beautiful. Nikki will be so handsome and sexy in his suit. Courtney will be so beautiful in her dress. I had visited them both tonight. I kissed them and wished them well. They promised to show me the photos. They will be gone on their honeymoon before I wake. I'm going to miss them. I've had so many happy moments with them and his children. I smile then it slips away. Nikki's children are so, so grown up now. The first tears slide down my cheeks. They all change. Everything changes but me. I take off in a mad dash. I run to the beach to the ocean. Collapsing into the water. I begin to scratch and claw at my skin. I've come to detest my child body. It never changes. I rip at myself. Blood drips into the water and colors it red. Standing I wade into the water and dive deep. It's easier to shield my mind in the oceans depth. I've hid my weariness from them for so long. The pain that lingers in my heart. My meaningless existence. Just an endless cycle of killing and death. The things that once brought me joy no longer entice me. Even the taste of blood is bland. It's getting harder and harder to wake myself each night. Occasionally it takes Nikki's persistence that I wake and feed. My family is the same when I'm with them. I've been tempted to find somewhere else to sleep but then they would worry. I sigh. I sink to the bottom and lay there till I'm numb. I feel so weak and tired it would be so easy to lie here forever and sleep. I wonder if the sun could reach this deep. I feel unconsciousness slipping over me. Feeling arms grasp me I open my eyes enough to see my father Cicero. He swims us both to the surface. I'm limp against him when we reach the beach. The sun is coming up as he runs for the safety of the coven house. My father takes me into catacombs and into his place of rest. Our hearts and lungs slow and stop. We are dead for the night."

Cicero's POV

I wake my daughter in my arms. She breaths and I hear her heart but she does not wake.

"Nina my sweet baby wake." I whisper in her ear. She continues to sleep and to dream. I try to console myself that she is not dead. She only sleeps. Imhotep comes to my side as I cradle my child in my arms.

"She only rests my friend. We will see her smile again." He says gently. "Come let's prepare her for her time in the ground."

The women come to help. Her hair and body are washed. She is dressed in a white gown. Her hair is brushed till it shines. When she is ready we carry her to the lower crypts where the sleepers lie. It hadn't been hard to convince the coven to let her rest here. She has become a favorite to many of the coven members. The lid of her sarcophagus will be left off for two weeks in hopes she wakes. After that it will be closed to protect her body. I as her Sire will take the first nights watch.

Nikki's POV

It's night when we return to LA. Tahiti had been beautiful. We had so much fun together. It was nice to be alone for awhile. But as we got off the plane I really thought I'd feel Nina's presence. I'm disappointed when I don't. Maybe she is just waiting for us to get home. She had become more respectful of our alone time after I proposed. We have made it home Nina is still nowhere to be found. I go out the back door. I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn to look. It's Tom he has tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong Tom?" I ask my heart in my throat. She can't be dead. She said I'd feel it. My wife joins me outside as I wait for my answer.

"Nina went to ground after you left Mr Sixx." He cries rubbing his eyes. I'm floored I hear Courtney start to cry. I put my arm around her.

"Can we see her?" I ask trying not to cry.

"Yes Imhotep and Cicero thought you would want to. They haven't closed her coffin yet." He answers tearfully and then he's gone.

We walk to my car and take the drive to the coven house. We are immediately let in and greeted by Cicero.

"Come with me." He says softly and leads the way down a long stairway deep below the house. He leads us into a room with several large stone sarcophagi. He stops in front of one that's open. I look inside. Nina lays so still but if you look close you can see the slightest rise and fall of her chest.
Courtney begins to cry again.

"Why won't she wake up?" Courtney cries.

"Sometimes vampires just loose the will." He answers.

I reach down and stroke her hair.

"Please come back to us Nina." I whisper. She doesn't stir. I've been having to wake her lately or she would try to sleep her night away. I'd been trying to hide from the reality of this. Now I feel like a part me is missing. I turn and hug Courtney. I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't here sharing my grief. I remember what Imhotep had said. She could sleep for decades even centuries. She could be completely lost to me. There is an ache in my heart so deep. I can feel it breaking. I reach for her one more time and stroke her cheek before I rush from the tomb dragging poor Courtney with me. I hear grinding stone as Cicero seals her in.

My Vampire BabyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin