The Destroyer

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Nina's POV

I curl up in Nikki's lap. His vampire given strength is a comfort. All the children have gathered around him even some from other families. They are frightened. The High Council is here. Cicero has brought food aka several local criminals as an offering. He's hoping to keep our guest happy and off the streets of LA. I have no idea which of the first ones have awakened. I can feel his power it radiates from him and I don't recognize the signature. I shiver. It's never good when even the ancients are afraid. He's close now.

"Stand!" Imhotep commands. When he comes through the door everyone to one knee head bowed. Give him no reason to think we want to fight."

Imhotep turns to the door just as it explodes off its hinges. We fall to our knees and bow our heads.

I carefully examine him while keeping my head low. He stands tall salt water dripping from his body. He is emaciated and barely covered by the remains of a leather uniform. None of this hides his strength. He looks us over a scowl on his face his eyes red. He's not guarding his thoughts I know him now Set the Destroyer. I whimper in fear.

"Imhotep my brother's favorite son." he speaks English with a heavy accent.

"Uncle Set my father's least favorite brother." Imhotep greets him calmly.

"Was it your Idea to dump me in the deepest trench in the ocean to be found." he hisses in anger.

"Why yes Uncle I even dumped you there myself." Imhotep answers gleefully.

The room goes silent waiting for Sets response. He glares at his nephew then roars with laughter.

"You always did have balls of steel." he smirks sarcastically. "Rise you slackers! I'm in need of food, alcohol, women, and a bath Now!" Several of the children race to do his bidding. "This is a pitiful offering." he grumps over the eight mortals before him." It's a start." He's on them before they even know what hit them. He drinks them dry one by one in quick succession. "Hmm I will need more." He approaches us. The children can't help their fear they try to hide behind Nikki. I cling to his side. "Are you Master and keeper of the Children?"

"Yes I am." Nikki answers calmly claiming the title.

"Good send several out to bring me food." he sighs. "I'm so hungry I think I could drink this whole city."

Nikki sends several out to hunt.

"Anything else my lord." Nikki asks with a touch of sarcasm.

"You are one of Imhotep's I can smell his stink." he sneers. "Hmm what do we have here? " He picks me up and sniffs me." I thought I had wipe your mortal lineage out Imhotep."

"I guess you missed a few. Put her down" Imhotep growls.

"Oh and of your vampire line too." He sniffs me again. "She has fed from you. You love this one." His hand slips around my neck and tightens. I claw at his hand but it does me no good. I'm still mentally stronger I hold Nikki back If a fight breaks out there would be nothing but death. One is better then many. I wait.

"Please Uncle stop." Imhotep begs. "The wars are over. Have mercy.

"You had no mercy for mine." Set spits out.

"I did Set examine the child your rage is blinding you to another scent.

"You spared my last living descendant." His grip loosens and shifts to cradle me in his arms.

"I don't kill mortal children. She grew up and married one of my mortal sons." Imhotep answers. "You have many now."

He squeezes me gently.

Nikki's POV

Nina had been holding me mentally. Finally she releases her hold as Set places her back on her feet. She rushes into my arms and buries her head against my chest. I hold her and stroke her hair.

"You can release your mortals from your catacombs. I will not harm them. My blood on that." He offers his wrist to Imhotep. He drinks from Set and allows him to do the same. "Now I wish to be bathed. Don't all you women volunteer at once." he laughs at their fear. Erin and Bria come slowly forward both of the High council and take Set the god to his bath. I think this would be a good time to get my family out of here. Set stops turns and locks eyes with me.

"Stay." he commands then continues out of the room. So I stay and take a seat. Ruby is brought to me. She is asleep. I place her in a cradle that has been left nearby for her. The other babies are placed back in the playpen. Other hybrid children play among the adults. The Vampire children serve. Nina brings me a drink. Seeing my expression she giggles.

"It's Strawberry lemonade laced with AB positive. Tara makes it for the hybrid little ones. If you tried to drink normal stuff you'd puke.

"Just Wonderful." I groan.

"Oh just try it." she smiles. "It's from Maria one of our best bleeders.

"Nina I'm not really a vampire am I?" I ask.

"No just a very good imitation. It's a trick Imhotep used to protect mortals during the vampire wars. It usually lasts for 24 hours. Stay out of the sun you will sunburn. Stay away from human food and you'll be fine. Oh don't get yourself killed." She shrugs.

I take a drink and wait to see what Set wants. I watch Nina organize The Children keeping them on task. Dahlia has taken over as hostess and is keeping peace with so many factions here. Some people have gotten around to fixing the door they move so mechanically. I realize I'm seeing my first thralls the chains around their neck confirming it.

"They were gifts from a prison not worth your pity." Cicero whispers to me. "They were among the very violent. Now they serve a purpose."

"How are you so sure?" I ask.

"It's was in their minds for any vampire to see." he answers quietly.

Set makes his grand appearance dressed to the nines black on black. Gold hoops in his ears a gold ankh hanging from a chain around his neck. We stand and bow our heads nothing resumes until he sits. Imhotep, Cicero and Enki join us. Set glances at Nina she has Dorian with her she is feeding him her blood.

"Bring me the baby." he commands and Nina brings him our son. She stands before him holding our son protectively. He takes him easily. He looks him over then nuzzles him. "Some other time you will have to explain this miracle to me. Right now I just want to spend time with Nina. Go give the child to his father and come back to me."

"Yes Father." She answers and obediently does as he says.

Her eyes are slightly glazed as she hands me Dorian. She returns to him and crawls unto his lap. All he wanted was Nina. I'm pissed I want to fight, but my common scents rules out. Keeping my eyes down to hide my anger I place my son with his sleeping sister. Turning back to face Set I try to stay in control of my jealousy.

He pulls her close and exposes his neck.

"Drink my daughter." he urges. She sinks her teeth into his skin. He sighs. Placing her wrist to his mouth he bites. He caresses her through her dress.

"Set Nina is wed. You may have familiar rights to her blood as a progenitor but her body is only for her husband." Imhotep states. He lets go of Nina's wrist she lays listless in his lap.

"Children allowed to marry how times have changed. How unfortunate for me." he chuckles and looks at me. "By the look on your face you must be her husband. How wise of you to remain in control. You know I could make her mine and there would be nothing you could do."

"No!" I growl and leap the table. Imhotep and Enki grab me midair. I struggle in their grip.

"You are willing to fight for her. You are worthy of a daughter of the God Set." He announces it to the room. "Go sweet Nina and calm your husband." he lets her go and she rushes to me. I hold her tight. She presses her lips against mine. I moan wanting all of her not just her lips.

My Vampire Babyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें