Marriage/Divorce Sucks 2006

253 11 0

Author's note we're doing the Time Warp...

I lay awake in bed. Today was fucked, but it was just one of many spent fighting over money. After nine years of marriage that's what it has come to how much money. I give up turn back on the light and grab a cigarette. I light up and take a drag. Seeing the curtain move in the corner of my eye I turn to get a better look. I see a pair of pretty dark brown eyes peeking around the curtain. It's my sweet little Nina. I've seen her off and on through the last several years. She comes and goes as she pleases. Sometimes she comes when I'm feeling like shit like tonight. She giggles and jumps on the bed. I smile it's good to see her. I have been behaving since the last time we fucked no more that while I was married. I stroke her soft black hair. Trying to be faithful didn't save my marriage.

"Nina what mischief have you been up to." I say softly.

"Oh you know the usual. Playing at the beach, going to concerts, killing." She smirks.

I put out my cigarette so I can give her the proper attention she deserves. Tonight I'm a free man and I don't waste time we can talk later. I pull her sun dress over her head. Maneuvering her onto her back I kiss her roughly. She responds in kind sinking her teeth into my neck. I groan but the pain eases fast replaced by the euphoria I'm use to. I reach between us and pinch her nipples. She moans as she releases my neck. Raking her nails across her neck she opens several wounds I lick and suck them quickly before they close. Spreading her legs I thrust hard penetrating deep. She hisses her eyes red with lust. Scratching she opens another wound on her shoulder and I drink. The strength I feel is intense and she presses me to use it as we move together in our rough dance. Thrusting harder I bite down and break her skin. She rakes her nails down my back as she begins to bow. She is cumming I feel her body shaking and her insides squeezing my cock. Growling my climax I fall on top of her. We lay together like that for awhile.

I roll taking her with me so She's on top and I stroke her hair. She nuzzles my chest.

"I could make her disappear for you." She giggles.

"Nina no." I reprimand. Not that it hadn't crossed my mind a few times. But I would do nothing that would hurt my daughter.

"Ah Nikki you're no fun." She pouts.

I laugh and cuddle my little monster close. She's going to be a year older in a few more months thirty four I believe, but her body is still that of a fifteen year old child. As I age I have to remind myself that her body doesn't show her true age. I gently tip her head so I can see her eyes that is the only place you can see the woman she is. I pull her close to hold her. Closing my eyes I smile after our rough play. I think I can sleep.

I wake alone it's still dark outside. Getting out of bed I groan I'm not completely healed yet. I take a quick shower. I look at myself in the mirror as I do the hair. I watch as my eyes return to normal. Nina is asleep for the day. Thanks My little Monster I really needed last night. I smirk at the mirror. Gotta meet with James later today. I got  lyrics stuck in my head maybe he can help me flesh them out. I hum as I leave my room.

Because when I got a taste of you
I found something I can sink my teeth into
It's an ache that never heals
It's the deepest cut you feel
It's the thing in you that feeds
The animal in me - Motley Crue

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