The Starry Eyed Time Traveler

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« •  NAME • »

Chaotic Neutral

His unique Yandere traits would be, heavily manipulative, clingy and very aggressive towards other people. The only exception being when he's condescending to 'rivals', knowing they can't beat him. He also runs extensive background checks on everybody in his Senpai's life, and skillfully chooses who to snipe out. Although, Chava rarely does it himself, he'll use whit and psychological tactics to make them get rid of themselves or make someone else get rid of them.

His unique Senpai traits would be literally not giving a flying duck about the Yandere's obsessive or controlling behavior. He'll probably find the Yandere interesting, and dangerous, so he'll stick around. But, trust me, nobody can tell Chava what to do. Some days, he'll be affectionate towards the Yandere, and the next day he'll be completely cold. There's no telling.

« • NICKS • »

« • GENDER • »

« • AGE RANGE • »
Honestly who knows? Chava certainly doesn't. His body can shift when he time travels, sometimes he'll be a kid, an old man, and anywhere in between.


« • SPECIES • »
Time Traveler / Dimension Hopper

« • MAGIC • »
He can jump through dimensions, and he can jump through time. Ironically, he's really bad with directions, geography, and time management.


« • OUTFIT • »^ ^ ^

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« • OUTFIT • »
^ ^ ^

+ Curious
+ Free spirit
+ Helpful
+ Intelligent

= Unpredictable / Eccentric
= Prone to emotional outbursts
= Childish
= Holds lot'sa grudges

– Obsessive
– Patronizing
– Blunt / Bold
– Over-thinker

From what Chava could remember, before he had his time traveling ability, he lived on a farm with his Father, Mother, Grandma and five siblings. A little brother and sister, and two older sisters and one older brother... It was peaceful, and Chava loved sitting in the grass and just watching the stars... Wanting to be more than himself, see the universe. Well, he got that wish granted, for the cost of never seeing his family again. A cost that didn't seem to great at the time, Chava took the offer being the naive trusting little boy he was. And he saw the stars a million times over. Now, Chava wishes he had spent more time being a child. Appreciating the calm life he had. But, he doesn't dwell on that. The past is the past to him, and while he can change it, it's complicated and he'd rather not mess with his own...

« • QUOTES • »

"This is shaping up to be the most interesting of phenomenons! And I have seen a bunch of things!"

"How'd I know? Gut feeling."

"I told you!"

"Y-You think I'm amazing?!" // More gushing

"I don't take sides, I do what I want to."

« • OTHER • »

•» Chava, due to everything he's seen and does, gets gut feelings that are spot on when bad things happen. He can basically predict the future, the cost is that he can't tell anybody properly— because he gets super nauseous. The worse a scenario is, the more he's disabled from effecting it, even being shut up by having him empty his guts.

•» Chava is pretty much never seen without a hoodie on, if he dresses up for you well you're clearly special, probably his Senpai.

•» Once Chava gets an idea, nobody can stop him from playing it out from start to finish. His general attitude and personality can shift drastically based on what that idea is. His disregard for human life and curiosity for outcomes is a dangerous matchup.

• • • • • •

Now, clearly, Chava didn't intend on falling head over heels. Oh no no no— you were a mistake, a horrible horrible mistake. Well, the best mistake he ever made honestly. Originally, he only came into the timeline curious about some pizza place he hadn't seen in any other timeline. When investigating that pizza place –eating their pizza–, he saw you there. For a moment, he stared and noted you were rather attractive— scratch that, crazy attractive. His one track mind kept him from approaching you, but he kept seeing you around the timeline. At the most random of places as well. Curiosity peaked, and still very attracted, Chava began to follow you around, subconsciously stalking you. He even found out where you attend college, deciding he'd attend as well, Chava did some stuff and got himself in. It was the first lecture of the day, History, mandatory or taken by free will, who knows why you were here. But you were here, and there was a lot of students also here, including Chava, who was seated near the back. You recognized him from the random times you've bumped into him, never talked to him before though, what do you do?

So, you've kind of known Chava for about four months now. It's more so that he barely talks to you than anything else, doesn't find you interesting or something, annoyingly enough. You may have tried to get his attention, or maybe you didn't, either way nothing got his attention. Even on the day you met him, you barely got his attention. Of course, maybe it was more understandable then. You were walking past a store when it suddenly set ablaze, it didn't explode properly, but fire came out of absolutely nowhere. He broke a window, climbed out calmly with his hoodie on fire, and looked at it with a scowl. Like he was just... Plain disappointed that had happened. Not upset, or afraid, worried, nothing. Once he realized the hoodie was on fire, he just took it off, looked around, spotted you, and tossed it to you, throwing up some finger guns as he backed away and walked off. Charming, right? Either way, you were starting to get very fed up over his attention being so divided, and you knew you needed to find a way to get his attention. You?


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