[•S O U L M A T E S . . . ?•]

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" You'll be mine now, forever after~ "
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| ONE |
Soulmates are an interesting concept. People having black markings over them, is even more interesting to explore. There was once, back in first grade, where you all would show your black markings. It's the first place your Soulmate would ever touch you, it's exciting to little kids. Yours is on your cheek, and hip. Whatever you felt about these black markings, you certainly weren't expecting what was to happen when you met your soulmate. For when you met them, they didn't touch you, you didn't notice. But two months into your friendship, and they finally do, at a dance. Wether it be a school dance or not, you two had "agreed" to go as friends. But a slow song came on when you two went to go dance. And then they touched those black markings, and those black markings explode with millions of colors. It's like a rainbow exploded on your skin now, instead of looking like you just got pen ink on your skin by accident. How do you react?

| TWO |
Curiouser and curiouser people grew over the years, over these red strings tied around their fingers. Nobody else could see each other's, only the wearers. You can't quite remember at this point if you ever went to go find your soulmate, but fate had so many other plans for you. For you two never found each other. Not until that fateful day of Winter, where you saw a red string tied around someone else in your town's square. The person was on their lonesome, but noticed you quite instantly, because of that flashy, neon, red. You two lock eyes, and you?

What happens when someone's soulmate dies before the pair of them meet? Some say that the dead soulmate makes sure the living one doesn't die, until they've lived a full life. And some say that the living soulmate dies soon after, and the two are born time and time again until they finally meet. But you don't believe either story. Not anymore. Because your soulmate died a month ago, and today, you woke up with someone else's name on your wrist. It isn't their's, it isn't anybody that you know's name either. You decided to go on with your day, not like you can teleport to your new soulmate. You prepared yourself for your old soulmates funeral, but you certainly weren't expecting to meet your new soulmate there. They must've attended the actual funeral, but at the moment they're barely talking with someone, seeming very distracted. Yet you hear them introduce themselves. And the name they speak, claiming it's their own, is the name that's now written on your wrist. You?

| FOUR |
Make it up or Vice Versa!

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