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Ruben and her passed in the door.

But she didn't feel anything. 

She couldn't see anything. 

It was all just black. Nothingness. It all felt too familiar. She didn't know if time passed, where she was, what was going on. But suddenly, she got senses. She sensed a breeze in her legs. She started to feel things. She felt cold and like she was freezing. 

She remembered she had eyes. She tried to open them. She couldn't see much, nor could she control much either. She noticed something moving in front of her. When she noticed it was getting closer, she noticed she was falling. Falling from the sky. 

Her eyes snapped open as she regained full consciousness. Mia Amyot. She was a person. A dead person. With legs and arms. And she was falling from the sky into the ground. She was a demon, nothing would happen, but she still got panicked as the hard ground grew nearer and nearer.

She tried to make herself fall in the most comfortable way, but she noticed someone next to her. Ruben. He caught her in his arms. She got confused. Everyone around her was falling down fast.

"I'll heal faster. And it'll hurt less." He told her as they fell.

She hoped she would survive. This was... Earth. What if they're humans? What if all of them falling will just die now?

Her thought process was interrupted by the crash. It hurt a lot, she could imagine how it was for Ruben. She rolled out of his arms from the crash, feeling a crack in her arm. She felt this thousands of times, knowing it was broken. She sighed in annoyance from the all too well known pain, trying not to cry again from it. 

She looked at Ruben, very hesitantly though. She was scared to see how his body would look like now. His bleeding head was already getting healed up though as he stood up from annoyance. He offered her his hand, which she took, seeing there's no reason she shouldn't. She noticed her hand was a bit bruised. 

She stared at it. She shook from anger once again, getting furious as she remembered why she did it. She started to pant heavily and growled loudly.

"I will kill that fucking bitch!" She yelled out loudly, turning around and looking through the crowd.

So many people. It was so loud and the air was so cold. It made it hard to breathe and it made her lungs oddly sting. She didn't care though. She looked around more, trying to look for specific green hair. She thought it was impossible to find her in such a crowd, but nothing was stopping her now.

She scanned the room until she saw that specific shade of green. A very angry sneer passed her lips as her entire body started shaking. She ran as fast as she could. She will pay for fucking him over.

"Amyot, stop being a stupid fucking bitch today, you'll get lost in the crowd!" Ruben held her hand down in worry. 

"Fuck off!" She screamed out, ripping her hand away from him violently, not in the mood for this now.

She ran off, not giving him a second look. All she cared for now was relieving her stress. She felt herself breathing heavier and heavier, her breath shorter and shorter. She felt like she was going to suffocate. It was so cold, she could feel herself getting slowed down, her movement rigid and her mind racing.

She saw her in an alleyway, on the floor. She could only stare at Unako for a while. She didn't know why, she felt like she was looking at her prey. Her thoughts were unorganized, she didn't even comprehend what she was thinking.

"M-Mia, is the air here weird to you? I c-can barely... breathe..." Unako said, her voice getting muffled slowly.

Mia stepped slowly towards her, looking directly at her eyes. She didn't blink. As she stepped closer, she could feel her smile grow. When she sat down next to her, she could hear herself giggling. Her hands around Unako's neck made her feel even more giddy, hysterical almost.

"M-Mia..." Unako choked out as she was getting gripped under her squeeze.

Mia couldn't breathe, but she continued to laugh. She pressed deeper and deeper. She couldn't get away with this. She touched him. That was unacceptable. She tried so hard to keep him away from the rebellion, but she just had to put her slimy little fingers in this.

"Th...Think a-a-about Al-Alex..." Unako said barely, she was as pale as a sheet.

"Think about Alex." Mia repeated, letting go of her throat, but she was still on top of her.

Unako tried to squirm away, but Mia pressed her own hands on Unako's. She came close to her face and said in a giddy voice.

"Think about Alex!" She laughed, slapping Unako. 

"THINK ABOUT FUCKING ALEX!" She hit even harder.

She wasn't thinking about him to let him go in this world. She could feel the chaos around her. People screaming. People getting killed. Blood. Panic. Terror. It was fulfilling, but not to him. She wanted to protect him from herself, from this future. But she just had to push her nose. Who was going to protect him now? Nobody did a proper job, nobody. 

She kept hitting and hitting. Nothing was enough. Even if the blood got splattered on her face, she continued mindlessly. She continued even though she didn't even feel any pleasure from it. Violently she stopped and stared at her wide not moving eyes. 

"Think about Alex." Mia stated absent mindedly. 

She let go of Unako, noticing she wasn't moving anyway. She kicked her motionless body one last time, repeating that sentence that got stuck in her head.

"Think about... Alex..." She looked at her own hands, seeing the blood soaked on them.

She tried to remember who Alex even was. Or who she even killed. Or who she was. She stopped looking at her hands and looked in front of herself. So much chaos. Humans getting killed by those similar like her. As she saw that scene, her mind went completely blank. 

And there was nothing left. Just utter chaos as she joined in on the mindless fun of attacking everything in plain sight. 

The girl who was once called Mia was now completely gone. 

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